Ezra Miller is canceled Ezra Miller fags on suicide squad


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We don't need another thread, die

He’s not cancelled though you greasy brown Twittertard, the original tweets and accounts were contradicted and *weirdly* scrubbed.

Insanely based
Love this faggot

He’s gay, he’s allowed to do that

You bloody basterd

He was angry that the dudes she was with didn’t let him suck their cocks so he took it out on her

You first homo.

Watched the full video

He did nothing wrong

God I hate trannies and fags

Don't worry, they hate you too.

Literally did nothing wrong, but he's still a faggot and I hate his nasal sounding faggot voice

How do you cancel someone that's never been liked by anyone?

Oh I know, they hate all normal people who are not mentally ill



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>half jewish
>non-binary genderfluid queer

he’ll be fine, they’ll have him back up and running in time for the end of the flu

If it's not that serious why are his fags so insecure about this? Why Ezra's tranny discord fags keeps coming on Yas Forums and burn those threads that expose what kinda fag he is?
>n-no plz don't cancel our god and savoir our non binary kike plz
Fucking insecure non binary faggots.
This was trening everywhere and he got cancelled except in Yas Forums his threads keeps getting deleted
Literally no other celeb had this kind of cover up before on Yas Forums

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You stupid incel you don't understand the whimsical nature of the non-binary heebish fag.
Choke-slamming random shiksas is a time honored tradition among homo-kikes
Any criticism is anti-semitic and homophobic.

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Die hollywood kike shill. Your misdeeds won't be tolerated.

What does this schizo word salad even mean, unironically

You know at any time he could stop acting this way, but he keeps going further into this retardation.

This is great. I'm so tired of seeing this ugly faggot posted everywhere. Let his career burn to the ground

This is why the Nazis gassed jews

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Sorry kike. We all saw the video. He attacked that woman in anger. Grabbing someone by the throat and throwing then to the ground is not play fighting.

Based and this

What the fuck were they doing at a bar in April? Isn’t everything closed right now?

>woah bruh bruh bruh
nigger genocide when?

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Based Ezra violently removing the pussy from the pedestal. You faggots need to watch and learn instead of slurping down Yas Forumscel koolaid all day. Women are obsolete. Ezra is showing us exactly that. All they're good for is sucking your dick and Ezra can do that ten times better and not be a picky little shit about it with a chip on his shoulder. I bet he'd suck off every single neckbeard ITT without batting an eyelid just because he's that much of a whore. Now I don't know about you but that's pretty fucking based if you ask me. The best part is that when the clickbait journos, feminazis and assorted SJW start whinging about a man choke slamming a women, he's just going to go full troll mode and say he's actually not a man, but a non-binary individual, so the rules don't and shouldn't apply to him. And you can't deny that isn't based.

Post entire video
Not just 14 seconds

>clearly holding back and being gentle
bunch of fucking pussies

Faggots and Jews are mentally ill

he craves the attention, plus it distracts people from how bad his acting is

Who are worse parents, Jews or niggers

So Momoa heebed his ass? Does that make him anti-semitic?

>Amber Heard is cancelled for abusing Johnny Depp
>Ezra Miller is cancelled for attacking a fan
>Gal Gadot is cancelled for singing a shitty song
>Henry Cavil is cancelled for dating an 18 year old and balding
The absolute state of DCEU

>>Henry Cavil is cancelled for dating an 18 year old and balding
things that never happened maybe the balding

sup henry

I don't understand the controversy. can someone explain like I'm a retard?
>they're both smiling and laughing the whole time
>he pushes her to the ground by her neck
>still smiling
>guy filming points the camera away and starts saying bruh bruh bruh while doing nothing and it cuts
whats the issue?

>posts everything that's wrong
>"wuts wrong?"

Autistic kike

hey henry wanna play cs1.6?

>my brother and the bartender
How does it take multiple men to restrain this guy

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Not now, downloading the Warzone patch, this is taking fucking forever.


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Because the person who posted the video said he went off the handle by "choke slamming" the chick and spitting on people after the video cut.

There are many points of intersectionality at play here making it a debatable hot topic.
On one hand, myself as an incel would be happy to laud a man for removing a roast.
On the other hand, it’s a Jew and a faggot.

another kike gets BTFO

>"I've always liked girls"

He said in the most faggoty and effeminate way possible


How’s Joss gonna fix this one?

How can people want bfs who abuse steroids or even are just jacked. The risk of being stuck with a baldy after a few years is far too great. Stick to soys

It was self defense since she struck first
Ezra did nothing wrong

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Holy shit based.

Why do people keep trying to sell to me that this twink is effeminate? He looks like a gay man.

Ask me how I know you're a skinny manlet...

Everyone’s already forgotten this, no one cares anymore

Based. Old Yas Forums would've loved him but now Yas Forums is full of sensitive plebitors and twattertards.

>cancelling people
What is it about gathering over social networks that makes people completely schizo