The older I get the more I relate or even look up to Tywin, despite being a fictional character...

The older I get the more I relate or even look up to Tywin, despite being a fictional character. Why are there so few characters like him?

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he understood the mechanics of life

He was a shit dad but otherwise based

tfw i want to watch got again but i can't because i still think about the events after season 4 and i can't enjoy the first ones despite all their qualities

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He had a shit dad and he had shit sons. Only good child of his was Cersei, to some degree. Since she actually would do anything for her children.

This is the case with many mothers though, they do all they can for their children. Daenerys, Caitlyn Stark, Cersei and Queen of Thorns were all the biggest players simply because they cared about their kids. Moral of the story? Hope for a daughter. They are the best at winning at life.

Stannis was always a shit character

He was a great dad tho, his kids are the most influential people on the planet

>Son kills the king, changing Westeros forever
>Daughter marries a king and effectively rules the continent for all of her marriage+However many years until her death
>son is hand to basically 3 different regimes.

Take a look at Stark who is looked at as a good father

>starts a war because muh honor basically killing his firstborn and wife
>firstborn is a retard that marries for love instead of duty and more or less ends a 5000 year lineage
>Jon is the whiniest cunt ever, he’d have died in mutiny if he wasn’t special
>Sansa thinks she’s a princess for half the story, is the reason there’s a war to begin with
>Daughter is undisciplined and fucks off to some order of murderers where she would die without plot armor
>son 2 is autistic and gets off on watching his sisters get fucked
>son 3 is basically a brat with ADD

He demonstrates how only mature white men are capable of ruling anything competently.

smart villains like him are typically written as the final baddie. The harsh story of GOT allows a ruthless bastard like him to move the plot.

>few characters like him?
Delusional and useless morons?

Smart villains are mostly just motivated by power or money. Not family. Pic related is your typical smart villain.

Tywin is that strict father character that has somehow been lost to the modern world.

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he was a faggot. best thing he did was the red wedding, which was a pussy move

>The older I get the more I relate or even look up to Tywin

me too user did you know people address me as "Tywin" irl?

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Go fuck yourself showfag. Stannis is the one true king

>effectively rules the continent for all of her marriage

Absolute bullshit.

ironic post, considering cercei brought the house to ruin. if he'd strangled her in her crib westeros might've been saved the entire war

as with most problems, women are the source

He had no claim to the throne and was a sadistic religious fanatic

>he is the Lightbringer
>Lightbringer = Lucifer
>Stannis is quite literally depicted as the anti-christ
>burns people alive
as opposed to
>Jon is a simple name like Jesus was back in the day
>Humble man that serves his lord
>dies and gets reborn(although not confirmed in the books)
>Leads by example

Stannis and Tywin were the only two atheists in Westeros. This is why I hate the show so much now, they fucking butchered so much of the story. They ruined Jamie, they ruined the Greyjoy story, they ruined Stannis and they ruined Barristan.

It’s mentioned several times per episode / chapter that all Robert does is drink and whore and eat.

>Ned go discipline your kid
>make him kill the wolf
>ok kill the wolf

He’s a cuck, basically doing whatever she tells him to. He even wantsd to make Jaime hand of the king (and made him warden of the east) just because she said so

Tyrion and Jamie brought their house to ruin. Not Cersei.
>Tyrion literally killed Tywin
>Jamie refuses to be anything other than a bodyguard
>Both of them get in trouble that that forces Tywin to bail them out

>that has somehow been lost to the modern world.
Because we're not liable to die from plague or other strife, and nobility means little in the western world.
He wasn't just strict, he was also abusive, unable to recognize Tyrion's talents or the blatantly obvious incest between Cerseri and Jamie. He was ended by his own hubris and inability to be a real father.

Literally nobody else had a better claim.

is everything alright at home?

He defers to her on court matters. On important matters he makes his own decisions. The Warden is a powerless position, and he didn't make Jaime hand.

>does nothing
>nobody cares about him
>kills his own kid for no reason
>killed by a dyke in no name forest

Here walks Stannis, the King of Nottingburger.

all because of shit cercei did

>on important matters
Like what

And meanwhile in actual canon Stannis is the only qualified military commander with victories under his belt left alive and is so far away from his still alive daughter he could never burn her.


It makes sense in the books why Tywin hates Tyrion, simply because the Mad King supposedly raped Tywin's wife and in the book Tyrion has a few distinct Targaryen features.

Also, he has no need for Tyrion. He wants Jamie, his firstborn to take charge.

Dany's faggot brother, then Dany after he got his head melted. she had the most legitimate claim. baratheons and all successors were illegitimate.

>He had a shit dad and he had shit sons. Only good child of his was Cersei, to some degree. Since she actually would do anything for her children.
But everything else she did, at least according to her TV incarnation, was because it made her feel good, not because it served a grander scheme. That's what continuously came back to bite her in the ass.

>>firstborn is a retard that marries for love instead of duty and more or less ends a 5000 year lineage
>secondborn son becomes king instead

Who did Bran hire as the master of rape?

westeros is so shit I don't think it even matters who the monarch is tbqh

>take charge
king's guard can't hold lands or titles


Didn't read them.
>He wants Jamie
Wasn't useful for much besides fighting.

Aegon had no claim to any of the seven kingdoms either but he didnt give a fuck when he steamrolled them. The only claim that matters is how much blood you've spilled to keep your ass on the throne. Robert spilled enough to make it his.

well his first appointment was some autistic Yas Forums incel whose name was probably "pate" but the dude couldn't perform. astonishing I know

all of those are wrong
jamie simply executed the king, it was robert and ned who changed westeros by defeating the targs
cersei didnt rule shit while robert was alive, jon arryn was the actual ruler
dwarf man got memed to death by jews

So? Just remove him from the King's guard. His grandson can easily do it. It is just that Jamie does not want to.

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Military and state matters, for example. Cersei wanted Robert to massacre the Iron Islands after the Greyjoy rebellion. He allowed Balon to live in return for his fealty.

Cersei's thoughts below:
>Robert should have scoured the isles after Balon Greyjoy rose against him ... He smashed their fleet, burned their towns and broke their castles, but when he had them on their knees, he let them up again. He should have made another island of their skulls.

Biggest mistake he did was not remarrying after his first wife died and having a bunch more kids. So he had to gamble everything on Jamie not being a retard, even though it was obvious that he was.

Makes you appreciate how hard it would be to maintain a royal house through the ages, though. Any generation can pass the torch to a retard who fucks the house over permanently.

He didn't. He abdicated to become gay emperor of Essos.

call me crazy, but i think the point was no one had a true claim to rule. commies btfo

Because d&d did everything they could to butcher his character

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Right of conquest, faggot. Robert went to war with the king and won. That makes him the legitimate successor. If you don’t think Robert was a legitimate successor then literally none of the Targ dynasty was legitimate either.

they're sworn for life or until relieved of duty (like big dick ser barristan)

Alan Moore got (probably still gets) this sort of shit from his more autistic readers and viewers. You've really got to wonder if it's the same for Massa Jawge and even Charles Dance.

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>Stannis knows that claiming the crown is going to end with him dying
>Does it anyway because its his duty, because it's his daughter's right to be queen after his death and everyone else after the throne was a fucking psychopath or a traitorous little homo pussy

>The only claim that matters is how much blood you've spilled to keep your ass on the throne.
Any realm that develops a philosophy like this inevitably collapses in on itself. The point of things like seemingly arbitrary rules of succession is exactly to keep that from happening.

Starks are rulers of Westeros and secured the north as an independent kingdom tho, pretty successful wouldn't you say? Howd the lannisters end up?

>looking up to anyone
>looking up to a fictional character

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jamie killed the king, not robert. to become a king, you must kill a king.

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Marrying someone else brings in other ties and obligations from other families. His wife was his cousin and from the same house.

they never kept that from happening tho, if anything all the royal inbreeding legitimated far too many people to claim the throne

Which is why Robert used his great grandmother's Targ blood as a smokescreen. even though he wanted all the dragonspawn dead. Rules of succession are a polite fiction that hides the fact a King's security is only as good as the bodycount behind him

You can argue the Targs are illegitimate they conquered Westeros for no good reason. Robert had a very good reason and the Lords who sworn to him and lets not forget it was Jaime who killed the Mad King not Robert.

Roose was a real father and that got him killed too. So does it really matter.

Jaime served under Robert’s side of the war. Jaime wins means Robert wins by proxy.

Absolutely based cousinfucker.

jaime served under cersei's cunt

then why didn't the boar become king after slaying Robert?

Technically the boar was just a proxy tool used by Lancel to kill Robert. So..
Lancel is king? Fuck Robert would have been real pissed if that was how it worked.

>and he had shit sons

because he was a shit dad

No he never Jaime was defending the king upto the point that the king went completely mad.

Boo fucking hoo hoo. My son can't read and the other is so small he ripped my wife apart. Boo hoo

Tyrion wasn't a treacherous, murdering psycho. Tywin pushed him over the edge, Ramsay was born that way.