How the FUCK do you get into Warhammer...

How the FUCK do you get into Warhammer? I've been watching videos on the shit for like 6 hours and have no fucking idea what's going on. I just wanted some info seeing as it's getting a TV show soon.

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Just go on 1d4chan nigger chink kike goatfucker

go to /tg/ and find a download for all the old 3rd edition rulebooks and codexes. read all the fluff.

>green iz best all u need to knowz dat iz


Go to Lexicanum, that's an easy place to start submerging

What're you confused about, user?

Dont bother SJW are already slowly invading it. It will be ruined soon

>but red wunz go fasta git

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play dawn of war 40k. thats how i got into it. then read some books (fantasy and 40k). then played more games, total war, vermintide, mordheim. love warhammer but would be hard to make a tv series or movie that really "captures" the lore, they would have to be vague and just show you some kind of scenario, something like the astartes videos being made

Bad time to get in

Hobby is pozzed for all eternity

why do people keep bringing this up? those stupid children's books with the nigger rogue trader on the cover that no one read?

For me, it is the Dark Angels and the Word Bearers.

Play Dawn of War: Dark Crusade

Just play Dark Crusade

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Watch this and the next episode of it and you'll understand rather than wasting hours of your fucking live reading through pointless shit.

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> anything but RIP AND TEAR Black Templars

It's been seeping in. More SJW talking points from characters in books, those children's books are just another display of it. Imperium of man is becoming less evil and more good. And as they become less evil, they're going to be portrayed as more sympathetic. That means being more SJW, because that's what "sympathetic" means to the left.

>those stupid children's books with the nigger rogue trader on the cover that no one read?

Why do people always make excuses? This shit has been going on for over a decade ruining everything

>muh fascist fantasy
Have sex.

>why do people keep bringing this up?
Because it's true and you would know that if you had been in the hobby for more than 5 years.

Have gender.

what are you trying to say exactly? imperium is clearly communist anyway. IG is basically 1:1 red army.

The Imperium was never evil, just ruthlessly pragmatic

Ive had it. Not hard when you dont mutilate yourself like you did

lol nigger Horus Rising was published in two thousand and fucking six and the remembrancers in that are a bunch of SJW faggots, if you want to be so vague as anything slightly not MUH EMPEROR is SJW you're really reaching

See? And that's just one example. People like this unironically call you a fascist for playing an imperial faction. On reddit, you get banned if you even just mention archwarhammer because he made fun of a trans-40k sub. Yes. There's a trans 40k sub. And I assure you these "people" don't even play the game. They own like 5 models and think they're "in the hobby". It's disgusting.

>bombperium was never evil

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if your local Games Workshop still encourages people to play on the premises mosey on down and take in the spectacle of a child having a game against some extremely serious man your dad's age. it's just plain odd but worth your time

40 facts about 40k. the videos do lore dives on specific elements, but it gives you a feel for the vibe of the setting.

the short version of the setting.
>emperor of mankind shows up with superhuman powers
>unites mankind and leads it on galactic conquest
>creates 20 clones/sons called the primarchs, which promptly get lost/stolen/scattered and grow up on seperate planets.
>finds them and they become his top generals, all unique and powerful
>half of em flip traitor due to influence of a malign extra-dimensional force called "chaos"
>massive galactic civil war called the "horus heresy" tons of people including main characters die, planets destroyed, etc, this is 30k
>leader of the traitors killed, emperor basically dead, subsists on lifesupport powered by souls
>fastforward 10k years to 40k, war still rages on between the imperium and traitors as alien races encroach from all directions
>orks hyper fast breeding warrior culture that lives to fight and powers its machines through collective subconcious psychic power
>eldar race split in half between a philosophy of abstinence or appeasment to keep the god of excess from eating their souls, basically good and evil elves in space
>tau are genetically engineered science project young race that competes through technological advancement at a rapid pace
>tyranids are intergalactic locusts based of ALIEN
>necrons are ancient egyptian robot guys who escaped the control of their star gods eons ago. sleep for millions of years

I didn't even read the HH. HH should have always stayed a time of legends shrouded in mystery. But you're right, the start of the HH series is a good indicator for the downfall of 40k. Good lord, was that 14 years ago?! Time flies by.

For video content just watch the "Asartes" videos 1-5 on youtube, don't bother with anything else it's all terrible
a fanmade video short is superior to everything the actual IP owners are putting out

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I think it's a safe bet they never expected it to last this long.


whatever happened to ecchi sniper, don't think ive seen him in years

now you've reminded me about recent necron fluff. man, they sure raped those guys, didn't they

Mordheim is the only game worth playing.
But yeah, the Warhammer dream is over and unfortunately there is nothing quite like it to substitute.

who? GW? i dont know, who can say. the one thing that bothers me is how the newer writers and players dont treat it as parody, which it was always intended to be. early warhammer was quite humorous. the imperium is a satire of fascist empires, not an endorsement of them

this but choose 4th edition. 3rd edition is retarded pastel colors tier

>t. fascists

I guess when all the meaning in your life is derived from pop culture, you start to forget that it isn't real.

Read Dan Abnett.

It's really simple. Read a Warhammer book.

don't listen to these faggots. wikis are not a good place to start at. get a 40K rulebook PDF and read up on the lore in a concise manner. only then you can turn to the wikis if you're curious about a specific bit of fluff

What did they change? I’ve been out of the Warhammer sphere for a while

Those are based tho

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this is unironically probably the best way to get into it.
I can guarantee you no one here started off by reading rulebooks lmao.

What did they do to them?

>which get lost/stolen/scattered
their mother thought the emp was crazy because he wanted to advance the evolution of mankind and make all of mankind as powerful as himself by inventing ways to create the homo superior artificially through gene modification and cybernetic implants
>powers its machines through collective subconscious psychic powers
the old ones implanted schematics into their genetic memory which is why their shit works without anyone knowing why
>tau are genetically engineered science project
tau are a collective of brainwashed races who are controlled through unknown but wildly speculated means by the tau first caste aka the "ethereals"

I've read Inquisitor and Space Marine (and the other 2 books in the series as well, but those are not that great), played Dawn of War 1 and the Necron expansion and that was quite enough to become familiar with the world.

You listen to Bolt Thrower

You buy a box of space marines and paint them

They turned them into cringy MCU-tier quipmachines, divided into royal houses who are all busy fighting each other in family feuds while exchanging witty banter.

no longer mindless slaves to c'tan, instead they now have personality (basically retained more of their soul the higher rank they are) and overthrew/destroyed the c'tan and now just conjure shadows of them onto the battlefield to wreck shit. pariahs are also MIA, basically written out of the story. flayed ones now have a disease of madness thats transmissible to other necrons. named heroes with individual backstories.

basically they gave them more personality and lore at the cost of what made them menacing. no longer a villain, now more of a grey area, they even work with other races including the imperium at times

Don't listen to this retard Use a wiki, just type whatever interest you for a start and don't hesitate to open as many tabs as you want, that's the best way to read.

werent the ethereals a science project created by eldrad to use the tau as a weapon against chaos since they dont really show up in the warp and cant easily be corrupted by it since they basically have no souls?

What if the Emperor had a text-to-speech device?

skipping through this video gives a decent gist of how they are now

the new models are sweet though, so i'd say fair trade lol

>no longer a villain, now more of a grey area, they even work with other races including the imperium at times
I'm so sick of this shit, man. You fail a roll and explode into a portal into the warp. Every human is terrified of all xenos influence, and rightly so. Anyone who consorts with the alien should be exterminated on the spot, with zero hesitation, no matter how reasonable their arguments sound. But high-ranking officials, admech, and even inquisitors cooperate with xenos more and more in spite of it. You even have dudes popped out of the warp in the middle of a chaos excursion and everybody's just cool with handing command over to them.

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>talking necrons
You fucking wot m8

Lol no. I bet you don't even know how the franchise started out. It was basically a comedy at first.

If you can't see satire in an empire that governs entirely by sacrificing its own people while claiming its for their own good with zero evidence, then I have news for you buddy.

Not everything needs to be on the nose clown tier fanfic.

>>>/reddit/ is that way.

Play the games and get some audio books.

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>the one thing that bothers me is how the newer writers and players dont treat it as parody, which it was always intended to be.

This happens with a lot of material, see Judge Dredd
I want to say that it's because the fanbase gets older and they want more coherent themes
Maybe it's because you can only write so much off of parody, so eventually you have to establish some kind of logic in your universe

it's speculated by some scholars in the fluff but has never been confirmed that the ethereals were created by the eldar, i personally don't think this is the case i think it's more of a perpetuals kind of thing as the first ethereal is described as having the same kinds of powers over people as emps does (like how he could command a thousand people to kneel before him by simply saying "kneel" whether or not they actually wanted to)
their warp presence is weak however but not non-existent, they don't feel emotions as strongly as other races so their souls don't attract demons as strongly as the eldar or humans in the warp
the gods of chaos feed off of emotions because they were born from them
which is what is believed to be the reason why they survived having chaos warp storms surround their homeworld unscathed, their belief in the greater good created a benevolent warp entity that shielded them from chaos influence

Nah, it's just a new generation drawn in by the fanart. Over time the satarical origins of the franchise are just forgotten. Now edgyness has justified perma grimdark and a lot of younger/newer fans don't know any better.

Where does this guy fit in and who or what is he?

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When you're getting into 40k just keep in mind that the Blood Angels are objectively the best chapter.


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