If you guys think the Coronavirus crippling the entertainment industry will make them reconsider pandering to cultural...

If you guys think the Coronavirus crippling the entertainment industry will make them reconsider pandering to cultural warriors and feminists, think again.

Once this crisis is over, it's back to business and Captain Marvel 2 will make more than the first one.

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i don't see why anyone would think that anyway, hollywood clearly doesn't care about money, they've been making subversive shit since its birth.

Even if they lose money and fans/general audience?

Yes, but opposition from the population to this type of politics will be at an all time high. No one will care about niggers and trannies when the economy's in the toilet, no one has jobs and there's threats of reinfection/seasonal outbreaks/whatever other shit might happen. Look at Italy, nationalism is on the rise over there right now.

Wishful thinking.

Go away.

culture warrior applies to both woke and incel culture warriors, not just sjws


How big does the pile have to get before your realize the jews don't care how much they destroy? They already have their shekels.

>Once this crisis is over, it's back to business and Captain Marvel 2 will make more than the first one.

People wanna be entertained so probably the first movies who will be out after the crisis will have viewers no matter what but longterm i dont see how they can keep up the propaganda game anymore.

Yes? Star Wars? Do you think that money was the number one priority for the new movies? For the big suits maybe, the rest was clearly more focused in the propaganda.

>think a massive pandemic and economic depression will stop me complaining about women and black people in movies made for literal children? WELL THINK AGAIN

Yas Forums is clueless that much of Hollywood is relocating to Israel, the virus accelerated the shift. This is Gal Gadot's real role, an Israeli ambassador as super hero

>oh no, we will lose the guys who pirate movies if we do this!

Yeah, right. I'm sure they are not gonna promote the "the real victims of corona: minorities." next to "No, not the chinese. White people are the ones to blame for the pandemic.".

Of course. I just hope there's at least a period of time people have zero patience for celebrity/journo faggotry.

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>wearing a mask when you are on your laptop

>Even if they lose money and fans/general audience?

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Disney will be bought by Tencent and toss out captain marvel for more RDJ and Tony Stark Jr movies.

Does he mean it or is that just corporate speak?
>We will take a small hit, but the long term will pay off. Trust me.

in what way do incels have hollywood support?

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This. Funny how people think that these people are in it for the money, they blame capitalism and greed, but no one ever points out that they're not promoting products, they are promoting ideologies. But I guess it's more "woke" to criticize capitalism than your own fucked up ideas.

It's easier to keep chugging along than to admit you were wrong. It's a sign of weakness.

>but opposition from the population to this type of politics will be at an all time high

Get out of your bubble.

Is anyone else sort of hyped for the next few years? Liberalism is going trough its paranoia phase, where they are radicalizing because they know that their traditional institutions are losing power over the average man. Cracks are already appearing. What will replace it?

>Unironically posting Breitbart articles where you intentionally crop their logo out

He's not entirely wrong. People can't get away with the "but nobody is SJW anymore, you're just being paranoid" argument, if everything follows the woke ideology. That's when people start asking questions. As far as normies go, they will eat up anything so there's that.

>if it was reported by a right wing site, it never happened
i wish i was as deluded as you


>What will replace it?
1 man to 1 government mandated gf


they get funded by multi billionaire globalists and cultural Marxists like George Soros,
you have to remember, the cultural war isn`t supposed to be profitable, it is only there to weaken western countries form within, turning men into weak faggots or mentally unstable trannies and making white people go extinct by destroying the nuclear family and traditional feminine women who love their husbands and their children.
This is to allow a small minority of elites to rule over us like kings over slaves.
thanks to feminism and globalism white people are already getting less kids to replace a dying population, combine this with uncontrolled mass immigration white people will soon be a minority in every country on this planet

Breitbart isn't a trustworthy news source, especially if you want the reporting to not be horrible skewed by politics.

and that is a good thing!

Breitbart is more factual then CNN yet one get`s considered trustworthy by billion dollar companies like facebook and twitter yet the other get`s censored

kys pedo

>Breitbart is more factual

Yeah, sure. Just like Fox News is more "factual"

Based ESL user

I think in the future we will not see less woke products we will just see less products period because while companies will not change their woke agenda they will just not be able to afford it, so they will make less woke products instead of more non woke stuff

true, you will find less cases of Fox or Breitbart reporting false stories then CNN.
You will in fact find several cases of CNN flat out lying however

Except he just posted a pic of a headline that was pretty much what the dude said, so what you sperging on about? And every MSM outlet does what you describe, so I don't get why breitbart should be singled out for it. Normally people just don't give a shit when someone posts breitbart headlines, or huffpost headlines. For you to get pissy at it suggests that you're not from around here. Typical MSM news outlet tactic goes like this
>take quotes out of context
>report factual information with opinionated spin so that they can use the "but it's factual, look!" argument if you call them fake news
>selective reporting
>lie by omission
>over report certain topics to skew public opinion
>under report other topics that might otherwise change public opinion if they knew about it
the news media is pure scum, user. breitbart or not.

Capeshit is dead after this. It’s a genre that relies on exponential hype that currently has two literal who movies on the horizon after a year long drought, and since they’re not filming any more they won’t be able to bulk that up any time soon. If they want to change that they’ll have to release a rushed mess to try alleviating the drought, which will damage the brand further.
Combine this with the current year politics kneecapping their casting ability (which was always half the secret to their success) and you’ve got a recipe for disaster

>it's automatically untrue by merit of being from a source i don't like
>inb4 Yas Forums is a hivemind

>Muh dkeks

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Can you fucks stop making up words

They don't do woke products because of financial interests, it's literally to push an agenda and shape the minds of young people. Why do people keep defending them as "corporation tries to get in touch with young people" thing? Yeah sure, they might not care about the values they are pushing, but it's not about them, it's about the people who come across their products. They want to push the idea that their values are the norm, even if it's at a loss to their pockets.

>Even if they lose money and fans/general audience?

The money is in the young people who are the future and they don't sperg every time there's a transgender, gay or black character on a TV show or movie. To them it's normal. That is why companies are adjusting to what the most consuming demographic wants. That's why Nike chose Colin Kaepernick to headline their ads and made a ton of money on it despite racist boomers burning their nikes.

The issue production companies are facing is not that they're losing money by going "woke" that isn't the reason. The issue is that they think shit will sell just because they claim it's "woke." People want representation, but just because you put a trans woman in the cast doesn't mean it will sell just on the basis of that. That is not how anything works anymore. It's the same thing as a movie doesn't sell simply because you put Ryan Gosling in the leading role. Or if you just put enough stars in a movie it will sell on their name alone, which it doesn't. Hollywood is still bogged down by old studio executives thinking old rules apply, when it doesn't in a world where you can choose from dozens of entertainment venues what to consume.

it's the word that was used before "alt-right"

Someone who fights in the culture war is a culture warrior you dopes you over sensitive virginal faggots

Nice redditor mindset you have there retard

I guess were all SJWs then and you first and foremost the biggest warrior faggot of them all.

>biased news coverage is based so long as i agree with it
the culture warrior in action

>Once this crisis is over
Ok comrade but this crisis has only just begun.

Yeah you're really brave for saying breitbart is biased. Pick a better fruit to punch.

If the particular story they report on is factual then whats the problem
>right wing news is always wrong especially when I don't agree with it
Oh I see.

I’m just getting tired of being lectured and politics whether left wing or right wing in entertainment. Why is everyone so damned angry all the time?

This recession is going to make people realize that our economy and health care is more important than hurt feelings.

not sjws but equally as pearl clutchy. both groups of no life culture warriors who spend to much time on the internet and believe the culture war is anything but millenials and zoomers screaming online.

The recession is going to start making some people wonder why the fuck we should be letting people with genetic immune disorders breed freely when the results destroy our way of life.
I had this conversation with my left wing, labour voting pro NHS mother many times over the course of the pandemic, she's on the fence which speaks volumes to me.

Think so? I still see old acquaintances falling for easily disproven bs. Like I'll see something on here or a headline that I laugh at because its disproven within a paragraph or two of it's own article, and they are posting it on facebook and acting outraged. I know that's anecdotal but i keep thinking that surely this giant lie will show them but it never does.

news from biased sources can never be trusted, left or right. now call me a centrist you cultist. Its what youre all programmed to do

Ok bud I've heard this song and dance from concern trolls like you countless times. Nobody thinks you're genuine. Go fuck yourself you projecting culture warrior.

Only because there's some inertia, the project that were goign on before corona chan happened are still in the the pipeline but Disney and Hollywood in general are going bankrupt. The days of throwing money at feminist trash are over. They will be counting every shekel and avoiding controversy.

>said CNN is more trustworthy than Fox News or Breitbart
>purports to be a neutral actor
Who do you think you're fooling?