Which one is the best character?

Which one is the best character?

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How did she age so badly... She used to be top tier qt

Dany, because she was the only one that brought feminism to it's logical conclusion.


Kelly C



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danaerys is the best character but worst actress. her arc was pretty good apart from missing a chunk in the final season

I dunno why they decided to take away the mystery of yennefer's past but she has a surprisingly nice body

rey is barely a character

oh gods, kek

>danaerys is the best character but worst actress.
Doesnt even make sense, if the character is good the actor has credit too

Thanks the A on his forehead stands for... ASS-2-ASS!

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damn, Emilia Clarke was so cute...

I don't understand how these three are related

she's not some top actress but she's leagues above the other 2


the one that went psycho and ended up the villain of course.

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the character existed before she was even an actress

Cutest psycho

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she's still a very pretty woman but holy shit

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This is the Television and Film board, we are purely and obviously discussing the show, don’t try to play smart

The show character is barely related to the book one and I seriously hope you're not implying D&D wrote her well

I prefer the brunette hair

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nice b8

she did nothing different from other leaders, but jews did their best to paint her as some insane murderer

Ray isn't even a character. Dany has the most interesting arc on paper, but the execution is abhorrent, too much time went into bullshit filler and very little into her actual development. Yen is probably the most charismatic of the bunch, her actress is also the least bad. I guess my vote goes to Yen.

For me, its Anya

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Tie between Dany and Yen, if only we had more than half a episode of Mad Dany

Why are mixed poos so cute

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>Yen is probably the most charismatic of the bunch
excuse me?

I'm torn between Emilia and Anya

Dany should have arrived in Westeros around season 5

Yennefer>Daenerys>Marry Sue

Daenerys >= Yennefer > Rey

Yen for me. She has the most agency and is the most complex.
Rey is far below both of them. She's a tool for female empowerment much more than she is a character. Her motivations are barely there and she's more generic than white-bread Luke Skywalker without having any of his charm, or the benefit of being plugged into a 1:1 recreation of the heroes journey.
Dany is fine, but not particularly interesting. Competent writers would easily have figured out that the key to her was playing with a girl born into chaos and borderline-slavery being given immense power that made true the narrative about her heritage she learned growing up. We get some good stuff, but nowhere near enough.

Just realized Yennefer’s arc is a bit similar to Dany’s

practicing ruling in meereen made sense, pity nothing happened for seasons and everything was solved without any explanation, now dany is good ruler and thats it

They spent so much time in useless plots with her

Cute recognises cute

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>kills more innocent people than any of the other villains did combined
>not a villain

Literal fanfic?

Name one of the innocent kids, give me a name

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The Mary Sue one.

Not talking about Rey

Emiliachads are Anyabros

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Post the /got/ vs /ecg/ one

Anyabros are Emiliachads

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Oh hoh hey, no further hosslord

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Judging by the books, the only viable solution she has in the Meereen situation is the complete extermination of the slaver class and the redistribution of their wealth among the freedmen. Also the extermination of the sick at her city gates. Extermination of all the other masters in slaver cities. And a massive show of force to the Dothraki which probably involves killing all the other Khals. I think that's the purpose of Meereen. With that sort of trajectory, it's easy to see how the burning of King's Landing comes about. She spent one awful, dull, and drawn out book desperately trying peace. It didn't do shit. When all you have is a hammer, everything starts looking like a nail. D&D missed the mark by skipping over her endless concessions, the blundered handling of the plague, her meek responses to blatant disrespect, etc. so they never really built her up to the point where war crimes would be her expected reaction. Their idea of setting that up is having her talk shit here and there.

Stop. This is just sad.

literal hollow shells

When a humble show
Was graced by signing on
Anya of Lower Penn
Along came this song

From when the Badger mocked
Our raven haired maiden
Her army of spergs
Oh her hooves, well did they grade them.

Smug and playfully,
She coyly decreed
“You’d be Hufflepuff”
And she smiled with her teeth

While the Badger’s roared
Enraged by more than a half
Oh so cried the Badger
“Are you having a laugh?"

Toss a (you) to your waifu
O' Anya the cutie
O' Anya the cutie, oh
Toss a (you) to your waifu
The peak of humanity

At the edge of the board
Fight the seething storm
That’ll sage and report you
And brings you to mourn

She stole every scene
From the cute to the obscene
Topped out all the ratings
And won all her fame

Toss a (you) to your waifu
O' Anya the cutie
O' Anya the cutie, oh
Toss a (you) to your waifu
The peak of humanity

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damn, i tend to forget just how pretty Danaeris was


both the upper and the lower part look equally retarded tbqh.

It's unfair really

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Typical modern "characters",


Just like your mom


All 3 characters were written in the last 10 years.

ASOIAF and Witcher are 25+ years old

The show characters have nothing to do with the books.


Daisy Ridley is by far the best actress out of them, but unfortunately she plays the shittiest character