Is Cowboy Bebop overrated?

Is Cowboy Bebop overrated?

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Ur mom is overrated.


ur mum is not though, shes everything I expected her to be.

No anime is good so probably.

A little bit.

It's good but it can be a little boring and has tonality problems from being anime.

>The Real Folk Blues

It's a stupid-ass show.

>has tonality problems from being anime.
Based retard

yeah. I couldn't get into it and every single review of it is just some annoying manchild talking about how they stayed up late as a child to watch it.

No, but the movie is. It's a shame because the animation is so good.


Bebop is every bit as kino as any other show Yas Forums regards as among the best. Including the Sopranos, etc

it's fun
don't know why people get so worked up over it


It's kino. But much like say, Final Fantasy 7 and Zelda OoT it has been praised for over 20 years and people are tired of talking about it, thus the contrarian opinions.

It is literally the only non-faggot anime.

Even Berserk is faggy, why do I listen to you guys

Isn’t there a Futa in CB

I heard the main guy gets fucked by a black guy of course its faggy

I agree that its fun, but its also mind-bogglingly overrated. The english dub Panty & Stocking W Garterbelt is fun too, but if we held that anime to the same critical height as many regard Bebop, we'd have to conclude that it is as meaningful and well-constructed and influential as something like TTGL or Evangelion, when, in truth, its really fucking not. Its not even the best anime in the "cowboys in outer space" genre

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He’s raped as a boy and kills Tyrone shortly after

Lmao no, It deserves its reputation. Trigun in comparison is far cringier.

>something like TTGL
Way to expose yourself as a brainlet.

I've just started watching this, up to episode 6 so far and it's OK, I'm not seeing why it's so hyped yet though but I heard it gets better.

Okay zoomer. Why is it cringier? Because it actually has something of substance to say, and chinese childrens cartoons arent allowed to do that?
Okay incel. Did you get at all triggered when that other user mentioned how gay Berserk really is, btw?

Yes. It's fine, but at the end of the day it's just a mostly competent imitation of western action movies. In the 90s there was stuff like Ghost in the Shell, Evangelion, and Berserk, all of which are better.

absolutely no. not all episodes are on the same level, but when it's good, it's some of the best shit ever put on tv

How does one watch the old Berserk anime? The manga is great but I’ve heard the nushit on Netflix is garbage

It's the best anime ever made so no not really

>finish the series
>this thread right after
Stop creeping on me user

You completely missed my point
Who cares if it's overrated or underrated. It's fun

Absolutely top mum game there.

if you look into the overall themes of not getting caught up in the future of your past it's genuinely kino, but that's not made explicit until the final episode. until then it's hit or miss episode by episode but the action and music both are fantastic

I was thinking this, today. There's too many scenes that are filled out with nothing happening in them. And I don't get why this is the gateway anime for Americans. Something like Riding Bean which is based on every 70's/80's American car chase and gun movie would be a better choice.

Here's your Spike bro

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Menahem Golan is a cocksucker.

I saw the first couple episodes, didn't really enjoy it that much. Does it get better?

The 5th episode is one of the best of the entire show

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the most honest answer ITT

I'm with this user. Movie was pointless and the series went through its themes already.
They should have fleshed out the past of Spike and Vicious more instead.


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Watch Golden Boy dub if you want some kino anime fun.

It's one of the best animu. But it's nowhere near as kino as Lain or the transcendental Evangelion.

I watched 8 episodes and got bored. It's nice but super formulaic and nothing really happens throughout the show

>better not shoot some1
>oh no, how could I possibly get into this situation?!

>watched 8 episodes
>nothing really happens throughout the show

not like you'd know

For that I would have recommended Legend of the Blue Wolves.

>Do you have a comrade?

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if a tv show doesn't get going after 8 episodes, then what the fuck is the point?

its very iconic and aesthetic
not really overrated imo
why don't you ask ?

Guy took drugs and got gynomastica(man boobs) as a side effect

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tsk tsk todays adhd youth...

hell yeah it is fuck

>all theses plebs who can’t capture whats great in the series

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Its a good show, but to say its overrated is like saying that the sun is a little hot. Its quite a bit of an understatement. Therea been more honest critique on evangelion then theres been on Cowboy Bebop and when it is addressed its still overpraising the bloody thing.

CB is actually a perfect poster boy of why overhyping shit is a bad idea.

i could've watched the irishman instead of those 8 episodes

rec me more shows like cowboy bebop, it was my first anime show and i really enjoyed it. I started watching outlaw star but it doesn't have the same charm and i'm not a big fan of the magic and whatnot

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No, the only people that say it is are literal virgins. No memes

t. guy who fucks

No one will give you the honest answer except me. I'm gonna give you the real reason why Cowboy Bebop is so huge over here.

People will say because
>"its the least anime anime with great music and insightful scenarios. Its a mature adult anime with sophisticated characters and deep themes with a sense of style."

But after meeting fags who love it, the honest answer is
>"spork spoogal is so cool, if I smoke and dress and act like him I can finally get me a boyfriend free girl and forever friends!"

OP said Cowboy Bebop. Not Detective Conan.

Shame that anime isn't autistically documented and finding similar shows to what you like is so difficult

sorry for wasting your time senpai

To a degree. It's beautifully constructed however its tendency towards "narrative via omission" leaves it slightly under-baked and insubstantial at times, often awkwardly gesturing towards profundities without ever really exploring them in any real detail. Also Ed is really fucking annoying. It's still one of the best animated works I've ever seen though.

Yes, the only people that say it isnt are literal virgins. No memes

t. guy who fucks more than