Just what? He looks better than 99% of Yas Forums
wow he's hit the wall
he looks 50
If he's still keeping on his gains,he will be fine
his face is bloated from all the coke he's doing, i'm certain he's still in shape he just doesn't have his shirt off
Ew wtf he looks like a nasty ass asian guy
Ew fuckin asians are so ugly!!! Ew!!!! Not cute!
he looks like ray liotta
just what?
he can look good again in 6 months
he still has his hair, his money and his looks
I went to middle school and high school with Zach and he always got picked on for being a drama fag. AMA
why does his face look like he did plastic surgery
How big was his dick?
Bog pilled
prove it
he looks 5'7
Jerseyman here, the same happened to Henry only he was fat as well
He's 5'8, So he's probably actually 5'6
? Whats the problem? He gets more pussy than you
hes just off cycle
Keeping that going year round is probably too exhausting.
I remember when this fucking douchebag was on Ellen bragging about 'men don't try to have the same body I had on Baywatch, be your size'. Fuck him.
He actually seemed like a normal genuine guy not some fucking sped
And yet in the end he won.
That doesn't seem bad. You always hear about how Hollywood sets unrealistic expectations for women. Then you always hear what about the jacked capeshit guys in response to that. Then he comes out and does say it's unattainable without Hollywood help so don't try to emulate it.
Are all actors drama queens?
This tbqh. He's just not eating clen and trenning hard at the moment. Probably eating like a normie and retaining more water than usual too.
>hit the wall
He looks relatively worse, thenseforth I feel better about myself (relatively)
He's right. It's his 9-5 to look like he did in that movie. He probably had at least 3 people directly employed with the sole aim of having him look like that (trainer/nutritionist/chef).
By all means lift weights and don't eat shit but don't make it your life. I'm skinnyfat and I get laid just fine
Is he storing nuts in his mouth pouch for the winter?
you keep posting this but theres truly nothing wrong with him hes just wearing a shirt. are you just being retarded?
ohh no an actor is a little bloated! keep being retarded user.
cry more Zac
Hes permanently fucked
>Snack Everyone
easy on the carrots, Zac
OP is a fat shit in quarantine
What's the problem? It's literally a full-time job to look like that, and he's said more than once how miserable it was and how after Baywatch he'd never do it again. He SHOULD be recommending average people to not bother instead of making people think it's attainable.
is it for a role? He's a whale!
I would take pictures of my year books but they are still at my parents house.
I was friends with him in 6th and 7th grade. His dad and my dad were co workers. Had sleepovers with vidya, movie rentals and staying up all night. Ya know typical stuff kids did. We drifted apart as we got older. He got into drama and I got into skateboarding and smoking weed. I'm sure he would remember me if we crossed paths. He still visits our hometown every Thanksgiving but I feel like it would be pointless to reach out since he is mildly famous.
coke doesnt make you bloated you goose, its an upper
its all the bulking - leads to putting on weight in areas where you dont work out (i.e face)
He was better as a twink, but he was paedoed so maybe had to bulk up.
Is he gay?
pretty cool user
Ya, use to do theatre shit and admittedly it's pretty gay, but girls love theatre guys idk why.
based othergooseposter
user....he's 5'8....
>but girls love theatre guys
why is that relevant? are you saying you did something for this reason alone?
will getting Yas Forums like Zach help me get a gf?
>You did something only to get laid
Yes, it's called being a horny teenager.
audible kek
It'll get you some horny 6/10 chicks for sure.
He just isnt dehydrated on the right.
looks like he's been doused in prime pussy juice
how much low grade pussy did you have?
i heard about that with the Witcher guy. They dehydrate so the skin is tighter on the bones and the muscles look better. I disagree though, this looks like Zac is bloated.
here's a better angle chunky boy.
Its what body builders do before competition. Its very common.
You can't undo roid bloat just like that in case you didn't know. His face is botched forever.