/TN-FG/ (/The Non-Family General/)

Is it kino? What is the significance of all of the symbolism? Why is Molly such a qt3.14?

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Other urls found in this thread:


It is kino. Molly porn when?

fuck off pajeet


4channels ad space are probably VERY cheap

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based /TN-FG/

Will we ever get another episode? It's been months since that kino pilot was out...

/tn-fg/ GANG

>A toast, good sirs!
>Lets raise our glasses to Molly!

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It is

What is this shit? Is it South park?

Will he get with Molly?

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>What is this shit
No one knows, leading theories are

1. Pajeet AI generated sitcom
2. Russian psyop
3. MKUltra
4. Upcoming ARG

>Filled up with so much virgin rage he breaks a support beam in one swoop

How many new views has it gotten from here? How much are they wasting on this shit?

>the scene where the clerk is making molly laugh
i had to stop and walk around the room bros, it's not fair

>can't tell the difference between fried and roast chicken

He'll get her the easy way or the hard way

>He will be mine someday.

Is Molly a tranny?

It’s a satire of adult animation and a really good one at that.
Whit guy is a bumbling idiot that loves food
Black guy is cool and athletic
Latina is a drunk whore

These threads have to be shilling. The show is meme-worthy levels of terrible and bizarely unsettling, but even so the number of threads is too high for it to not be part of the advertising. It's not even exclusive to Yas Forums and Yas Forums. This shit is popping up on completely unrelated boards. How much are you shills paid to post this shit?

the thing that bothers me the most is the cashier individually scanning 5 identical items

I thought that the ominous ending was strongly insinuating that Molly was going to attack and/or attempt to stab to death her fat disgusting incel admirerer?
I do it for free tbqdesu, schizo-sempai.

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it's russian, the second episode exists but hasn't been translated. there's a thread about it on /x/, apparently there is no differences in the first episode and the jokes still don't make sense.


This is legit going to keep me up at night

>Molly porn
I would create something but i don't want to watch this and get mkultra'd. which one is Molly?

Molly is the red head main character.

this MK ultra theory is a meme, right? nobody is THAT retarded I hope

orange hair bitch

How can you be SURE, user?

That’s 4 channel to you, mr!

Wewww literally two seconds in, and theyre already shoving BLACKED shit in the audiences face. Really tasteful and classy, Russia.
>which one is Molly?
This is her; produce some pr0n based upon this design if you can, its kinda hot i think, she's like a sort of big tiddy redhead yandere girl.

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>spend government time and money to fuck with retards on an irrelevant image board

>black guy gets chucked by other black guys
Will BLACKED ever do this scenario?

That's great optics. There are so many young, impressionable, brain-washable idiots that are easy to control here

You may need condoms, wink wink

Dr. Pavel, I'm the creator of this cartoon

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okay, so how were we controlled by the shitty pajeet cartoon?

Huh, I thought it was Indian. But if it’s made by Russians it explains the weird accents

It's a Russian cartoon dubbed by Pajeets

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Well it wouldn't be a good psyop if we knew that, now would it?

bulletproof response

Any word on season 2?


The show was originally intended for a Russian dub, but the creators themselves posted in broken Russian, so it's likely non-Russians targeting a Russian audience.

1:01 what does she say?

"Go to hell"
Its just muffled because of her drunk slavic accent

>MK ultra theory
Right user, whatever you say...

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>fagget keep shilling his shit
ok desu is unfunny pls stop and seek help


Great stuff


I'm sorry sir, but youre reaching levels of based (and redpilled) that are hazardous to our lives and well being.

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Fuck yeah, /non-family/ is officially a legit general. We have oc now.

Are people seriously going to push this shitty psy op or ARG meme? It's just a funny bad animation by people who bought some cheap ad space on Yas Forums. Don't ruin it by making it into something it isn't.

Fuck off glowie

delete this

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>Don't ruin it by making it into something it isn't.
Why not? Infinitely worse properties have developed fan followings. I'd rather watch this lynchian KGB MKULTRA nightmare shit over some hot garbage like, say for example, the Pozzedbin Hotel any day of the week.

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