Recommend me some Elven kino

Recommend me some Elven kino

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spooky skellington

>amerisharts think this is "unhealthy", "too tall", "not enough tits and ass"
no wonder china is colonizing the world while they shit their pants in walmart

she probably weighs 85 pounds

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Hellboy II

I never understand why she takes off her mask

It is bulimic, and no protein in her bones.

Her face isn't that cute and considering asians wear tons of makeup her real face is probably real ugly. Also she has no hips and pathetic thighs. Sorry but it's a hard pass for me, specially because she walks like she thinks she's hot shit.

I can't tell if she's really tall or if that guy is super short.

I thought if she pulled the mask off she would die

t. xuang ping pong

Shut up femcel

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her expression of getting impatient with the manlet right before he finishes taking her temperature gets my cock atmospherically hard


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It's staged. She just wants to show off her face even though it's just another mask.

Absolutely seething

Disgusting alien

She's what gay men think attractive women look like

That looks disgusting

fuck, tall girls always get me. i'm only 6'1 and ideal girl would be at least 6'0. there's this fucking cashier working at my market, she's like 6'3, fuck gets me daydreaming all day. is there any chance to land these chicks when you're not much taller than them or even shorter than them?

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You love getting femdom'd don't you faggot


are these the genetically modified lab grown people china are developing?

Somebody feed her a dog

>is there any chance to land these chicks when you're not much taller than them or even shorter than them?
of course, they are used to that m8, not many guys are over 6'3

thoughts on having sex with women?

Yes you retard I'm 6'1" and my gf is 6'4" and hot as fuck stop being a fucking pussy and do something

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built for BWC

isn't it a common criteria for women that the men can't be shorter, i've heard it so many times. but, on the other hand men prefer short women, so maybe the tall chicks aren't that popular, so that might even it out.

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What's his name

>is there any chance to land these chicks when you're not much taller than them or even shorter than them?

that taller a girl is the more she realises she will habve to settle for someone less taller than her or around her height

I'm a big fan

you know what they say about skinny, looks good in clothes but ... imagine those fucking legs without the jeans. bonedeath scream

Just ask her out you dumb fuck.

tall chicks are used to being hit on by shorties

>not wanting a guaranteed model daughter or gigachad son

>americans ACTUALLY choose their gfs by which girls have the most bone marrow to suck out
makes sense if you think about it

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No one loves you

women prefer tall guys, like we prefer big tits

but 6'1 isn't short at all, even if she's taller than that

literally me on the right

fuck off normie

Ch*nkoids aren't elves, they're zerg

Asians are definitely ugly 99% of the time but this one is genuinely cute

>africans got shorter

Who’s “we”? Normalfags?

Whats the point of wearing camouflage pants when you wear orange shirt at the same time?

womanlet hands typed this post

nah, she's out of my league anyway. she's a literal 9/10 otherwise as well, i'm just a mediocre fuck up and you can't just ask a cashier out especially when it's the closest market and you have to go there almost everyday.

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Chinsect detected

>only 6'1"
So you're tall.
>she's 6'3"
Cool. She doesn't care about your height, most likely. Tall girls tend not to.
>is there any chance
No. You're a retard.

Plastic surgery is amazing huh

we as the majority of guys

she was made for bbc

I love comments like these because when people fail to appreciate such obvious beauty I know I have less competition.

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Literally the perfect body, fuck thiccfags. Too bad she is asian

6 is the average in my country, so i'm not really tall here, don't know what it is in burgerland.

You don't have friends
You can't know the consensus of men in general

She's never going to fuck you simpcel

It might be beauty if it wasn't just a surgical frankenstein

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what the fuck are wrong with her legs

it legitimately looks like they should end at her knees but it just keeps going

how did north america get shorter?

In Amerilard, still in the top tallest, the average is 5'10". Even in your country you're above average, so what you just said is moot. You're tall, retard.

as opposed to it illegitimately looking like that? read a book sometime, zoomer. you might learn how embarrass yourself less.

t. microdick

>I love comments like these because when people fail to appreciate such obvious beauty I know I have less competition.

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how big is her dick?

He wants to rap her with a Vienna Sausage

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tall is quite subjective, as a term. i'd consider +6'2 tall and 5'9-6'1 average. most of my friends are the same height as i am and other guys as well. i'm average.

why are tall women so kino Yas Forums?

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you're never going to make it
god user I'm so disappointed in you

thank you for your pathetic useless input roastie
don't you have a kitchen to tend to?

Mass immigration from South America and Mexico


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In the first one it's a bunch of white women. In this image, it's a bunch of guys with names like
>Francsico Jose Casado Garcia
>Shaimaa El-Shamy
>Muhammod Farque
>Mustafa Jan
>Daniel Lopez Diaz
>Susan Scofani
and those names ain't white. Even the white sounding names are probably really Jews.

nah, i just know my limits. i know the chicks that i can land and the one's i cannot, usually at least.

Well the tallest average in the world is Nethershitters at 6'0", so at 6'1" it's not subjective at all. In fact it's very objective. We have math behind it. That's as objective as it gets.

>Even the white sounding names are probably really Jews.
cope harder

Keep dreaming incel

i hate being a manlet so fucking much

thats a weird guys name
tell him I said hi anyways

>10 non-white names
>4 white names (that probably belong to jews)

for u

Being a lanklet seems worse to me sometimes desu. I'm glad I'm of average height. Much more cinematic.

>i-it's the joos I swear


190 cm

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Posts an asian


>that absolute disdain in her eyes.
>she doesn't even look down to the manlets eye level.
Based chink lady.

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Most those responses aren't from white guys. In it's like all white bitches. Get your shit together, son. You're a fucking disgrace.