Why was Harry such a faggot, and didnt choose the best girl?

Why was Harry such a faggot, and didnt choose the best girl?

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>chadric diggory's sloppy seconds

imagine her pussylips grinding over your cock

His rejection and denying her access to white cock will drive her crazy

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>asian with scottish accent
the things this multicult with come up with

>those dead eyes

>asian character
>Is literally called ching chong
Bravo Rowling

>Chink with a Scottish accent
Not gonna lie, made my dick erecticus maximus

So is she supposed to be chinese or irish or what the fuck?

Yellow fever is a disease

pick 1

>literal insect
>best anything

The series died when it became more about ugly teenage romance than weird old magic

go away pol

>The series died when it became more about ugly teenage romance than weird old magic

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>The series died when it became more about ugly teenage romance than weird old magic

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>White cocks

Goddamn, my latest whore's cuck said this site funny af, but I'm dying over here. How do I add emojis?

Because he didn't want to create a spiteful hapa kid that would post interracial porn on a vietnamese cooking forum

Okay chang

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Scottish born Chinese background you mutt retard

Because JK Rowling see's Harry as her child. She may virtue signal on Twitter all day but when it comes to her own children she knows better than to allow racemixing.

Ya'll scared of Asians too? Lmao. I'm done. Have a good day bro

>ok Chang

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He didn't want the 'rona

Well OP, it's simple; Harry knows, that when you burn the rice, you pay the price. White Power

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if asian guys have tiny dicks how do you explain twitter.com/jbqprgfmis85n67 then?

what are outliers?

Go away small dick chang

because he was a faggot into gingers and other words using those letters


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>not Luna Lovegood


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Cho was mediocre slant pussy but FemRon wasn't much better.

I stopped reading the books as a kid once Harry started romantically interacting with girls (3rd book?). I went to a boys school, and was salty that one of my favourite fictional characters was going to get some whilst I knew I never would. I just couldn't bear it.

>Given name: Luna, articulating the relationship between her personality and the moon and traditionally lunar qualities, such as being of the night and darkness, mystery and the unknown, nuturing, sleep, dreaminess, the oceans and tides, the feminine, etc. contrasting and complimenting harry's own personal and narrative associations with fire, light, golden lions, the solid, real world of practical facts and pragmatic realities, masculinity, heroism, etc
>Surname: literally fucking "love good", a little bit too much on the nose perhaps
>Introduced at the onset of book 5, the proper beginning of the latter, darker, more mature half of the series, after harry largely botched the establishment of any kind of real romantic relationship with ching chong and allowed her to be traumatized for life by dating a guy who was later murdered by snakeman.
>Their opening interactions literally involve them bonding with one another through their shared experiences with death and their resultant ability to see the kestrals.
Wtf was Rowlings problem? Why would she introduce a character like this, under these conditions, one almost practically emblazoned with the glowing words "100% PEAK WAIFU" and then never follow through it? Was it autism? Was it asinine "george the rotund retard"-tier "le subverting muh audiences expectations"?

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Rowling is a hack

Ginny is ron's sister and by marrying her harry becomes a part of the family. That's it really.

The books she's famous for is a popular book for children in 5th grade.

I dont like sushi

Harry Potter saw the bigger picture. He wanted to secure the existence of his people and a future for white children. Ginny was the logical choice.

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One of the potentially greatest fictional romances of the last two or three decades, thwarted by the anglo predilection for incest.
I'm not very skilled at writing myself, but i can say without the slighest doubt, with utter confidence and certainty, that in a truly just and sane world, a writer as incompetent as her would not deserve to be capable of creating the characters in the first place. Its frustrating asf; are we just here to suffer?

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>Harry, Ron, and Hermione watched awkwardly as Fleur Delacour approached their corner at the Gryffindor table.
>"Hello 'Arry, iz eed okay iv I borrow you for eh zecond?"
>Ron looked at Harry, and then at Hermione in bewilderment. He thought, "What does this veela looking bitch want with our friend?"
>Harry stood up, and nodded to Fleur as she motioned him to follow her to a secluded area behind the spot where Nearly-Headless Nick usually hangs out.
>"So, what is it that you want to tell me?"
>"I juz wanted ze ask you 'Arry, who zid you vote for in ze last elections for Prezedent of Ze United Statez of Emereca?"
>Harry thought that it was a weird question to ask, but answered her anyway: "I voted for Donald Trump."
>"Oh, zo you are ze member of the MAGA club az well. Daz nize."
>And just like that, Fleur Delacour was unbuttoning Harry's slacks before giving him a nice head.
>"Oh Fleur, not here where anyone can just walk in and see us!!"
>"Shud up, 'arry. Juz enjoy ze blowjob will you?"
>Harry fell silent, thinking about how he will later use the newly learned Vibrato spell on his Firebolt to pleasure Fleur.
>Fleur was good at this, Harry thought. And when he felt that he was about to cum, he looked Fleur straight in the eye and said:
>"Fuck Jannies."
>Fleur licked the head of Harry's monstrous cock, then said in return: "And fuck neegerz."

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You got some boipucci at least? Or did you offer yours?

I remember when everyone thought this was a Daniel Radcliffe lookalike in a real nazi rally, because no one had heard about this film, probably still hasn't.


"To all Gryffindors... Cheers. Cheers, my friends. It has been an honour. Cheers!"

>Dumbledore fixes his eyes on the Slytherin table, completely ignoring Ravenclaw and the other one

"Now Slytherin... I know we have had our differences, but your ambition and hard work is truly something to behold. Admirable!"

>the Slytherins are cautious. Dumbledore usually follows up a praise with some humiliation and injustice

"Indeed, I have a special treat for you all because of these traits. It's so good, that you'll love it despite its Muggle origin. It is a large apparatus which all of you can fit in which will confer all of you a deeply unique experience that shall benefit us all. A chamber of sorts. I have had that room over there fitted with the apparatus. Move along, children, shuffle into it now. You too, Snape*

>the Slytherins flood into the room, some cautious and some excited

>Dumbledore slams the door shut and enchants it to be locked and airtight. He turns to the other houses

"And that special treat? That "unique experience" the Slytherins shall all experience and you all won't?


>He said calmly. Dumbledore's mouth foams during his blood-crazed tirade, the hall erupts into applause and a massive, inter-house orgy ensues. The Slytherins begin dying in the gas chamber. As Malfoy chokes on his own blood, Harry proves himself to be a sexual dominant member of the orgy

>Dumbledore looks on with pride

>Years later Harry Potter tells recounts these events to his son, Albus, at bedtime, with Ginny smiling warmly at the memory.

"And that's how Dumbledore exterminated the Slytherin scum. HEIL GODRIC! Dumbledore truly was the greatest headmaster of them all, and a good friend"

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Bitch was dumb.
>"Hey, this is our first date, let's talk about my ex's murder which you witnessed firsthand"

No, I waited until uni to get the real thing. Boys schools are pretty homophobic places, so there wasn't much boipucci available, at least as far as I was aware.

>asians move to scotland
>asians have multiple generations of children grow up in scotland
This is a difficult concept to grasp?

I don't think Rowling realized how this passage could be construed as offensive in a children's novel

>filename just an acronym of the image caption
A-user pls, at least try.

>and a massive, inter-house orgy ensues
I only watched the first film, maybe I should catch up on the rest.

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Because she never stops talking about Cedric in the books. It's even hinted the only reason she got with him was to learn more about his final moments.

She sold him out and his friend, did you even pay attention?

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cho chang moar liek ching chong amirite lel

>tfw no traitor gf
why live?

>People cry about Cho being diggory's sloppy seconds
>Want Harry to hook up with slut Luna instead
Cho might have been Diggory's leftovers, but you cannot convince me that Luna hasn't offered up her pussy to every boy in her year.

They're all traitors, they're women.

Yeah, how dare Harry not choose the girl who cared more about her dead ex than him, OP know more than him.