Anime can't be kin-

Anime can't be kin-

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Why Japan loves incest so much?

Because it's hot

Because they are a much more advanced race

>ywn have a mom like her

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>no one will ever love me

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>she will never be your mom

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i love you :)

a toast to anime, my friends

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Thanks bro :)

do you love me back =D

shut the FUCK up tranny

Nah sorry bro :(

I didn't know it went full incest, I might watch it now

why tf do all anime faces look like this nowadays

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their fucking dog muzzle profiles with lips weirdly retrofitted are so ugly and jarring. It's like the hunnie from hazbin hotel - front view: an aesthetic face. side view: a dog with a dog nose?

Rather a woman with nice ass than nice breasts, therefore I'll drown that bitch.

Maybe that's the anime version of CalArts

Wtf thats his mom. Whats the context on this scene? Ive got no time to binge watch

Whats the name of this? HURRY UP THE JANNIES ARE COMMING

If that's supposed to be her own biological child then its pretty hot.

Google the name mentioned in the webm you coombrain retard

incest > normal > (power gap) > fawx-incest > distant relative-cest > (power gap) > homosexuality > transexuality

He has amnesia and doesn't remember that the girl is actually his mom
Search Do You Love Your Mother

What is this garbage you're posting
t. wee/a/boo

this is just an imagination scene isn't it

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I bet after this clip they get interrupted by something and flustered before they can kiss.

Jesus loves you

is there a style of anime which isn't so low frame rate, and blocky and sterile? like I mean when the wave rolls in it looks like it's 10-15 frames.

ok I have searched it and it looks like fucking garbage for a second I almost forgot I hate anime thanks for reminding me

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>He has amnesia and doesn't remember that the girl is actually his mom
The Greeks did this 2,500 years ago
Keep up Nips

>In the OVA, when Masato gets amnesia, he is instantly attracted to Mamako. Eventually, he declares his love for her, then grabs her and tries to kiss her. A kraken attacks them and then he suddenly regains his memories.
Well that's lame.

FUCK nips we should nuke them again

>it's My Sister Can't Possibly Be This Cute cowardice again
pathetic. japan needs to show that bigotry against incest needs to end. Plus it'll easily solve their neet and birthrate decline crisis. Why need bother to go out and socialize when you already have mommy and oneesan pussy at home?

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I can't believe there was a time in my life when I was so pathetic as to be obsessed with anime. What a faggot.

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the usual route is going from hitler to anime, you've gone the reverse

it's called not being a bigot sweetie hmmm?

Huh? This is incest? Just got 10 times hotter. BroSis or what?

Name the show so I can goon to it

Hopefully it was when you were a kid and you can just move on.

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>things that will never happen to you

kek, I know this dude irl

I don’t get it

Live action when

kek, I know this dude irl

It's an actual scene but it gets interupted 0.1s later.

Maa-kun has amnesia and forgot she's his mother.

>if we get season 2 we get Mamako giving him a puff puff, sleeping with him and her washing his back with her tits, along with an eldritch yandere clone of her.

Shame the LN is ending and S2 won't happen

He may have amnesia but let's not ignore that Mamako was all for it


Yet here you are

how is he? He must be really old

Do you get it now?

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seriously though is there anime worth watching? ive only watched Ghibli movies, is there anything i'm missing out on or is it as retarded as it all looks

I think God that I got into film first and tried to get into anime second.

Once you learn to appreciate and truly get a taste for film and all the various layers of quality included, anime falls so fucking flat. Someone on Yas Forums described anime as essentially on par with young adult fiction. I can't help but agree.

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what's the deal with asians and incest?

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Jesus loves you

>some perverts fiction


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cast him

is that the asian version of young Jonny Depp?

that's chinese actor Liu Ye

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>Someone on Yas Forums described anime as essentially on par with young adult fiction
A shitload of anime is literally just adaptations of light novels aimed at young adults.