Should Amber Heard go to jail?
Should Amber Heard go to jail?
She should take a shit in my bed and physically and verbally abuse me haha
I wanna see this bitch squirm
She’ll skate unless the judge is a woman.
No Depp should be the bigger life (not going to use man, UGH!) and spouts forgive and forget. She’s been through enough in this trying time.
kill me, even typing this half ass shitpost that some retard actually believes in, makes me want to die
She’s gonna be major lez chow
no she's pretty
no she should come over to my room
When was the last time a rich woman went to jail?
Yes but the prison should be my room
One of those varsity blues moms, but their sentence was light and was at a cushy prison iirc.
Imagine all the hot carpet munching going on while she’s an inmate nom nom nom
Is this the new meme word when did I miss it I hate it
Good. While this isn't really gonna change shit in the whole 'believe every woman!' BS, it's still a nice bit of karma considering how many guy's have been fucked over by crazy whores.
Based Johnny i hope he sends that bitch into the shadow realm
she's going to get away with everything and walk free incels
she should be forced to fuck incels as punishment
No, because Depp is proud ally and feminist.
Nice try user
What? Me? No! Haha
>facing any kind of consequences
lel, not how that works. Keep dreaming, female """""""""oppression""""""""" makes sure she walks free and keeps all her money and career.
Imagine her wearing orange. She is turning into the kind of person you would expect to see in a female prison.
Except he isn't holding back
Johnny Depp texts to freinds are exposed
>“I want her replaced on that WB film”
>“I have no mercy, no fear and not an ounce of emotion or what I thought was love for this gold-digging, low-level, dime-a-dozen, mushy, pointless, dangling, overused flappy fish market”
>"I met a fucking sublime little Russian here … which made me realise that time I blew on the 50-cent stripper … I would not touch her with a goddamn glove"
>"She is begging for global humiliation she is going to get it. I’m going to need your texts from San Francisco brother … I’m sorry to even ask … but she sucked Mollusk’s crooked dick and he gave her some shitty lawyers"
>"I’m so happy she wants to go to fight this out. She will hit the wall hard"
>"And I cannot wait to have this waste of a cum-guzzler out of my life. She will hit the wall hard"
>“I can only hope that karma kicks in and takes the gift of breath from her. Sorry man, but now I will stop at nothing.”
yes that bitch ruined never back down by being a stupid bitch
>>“I have no mercy, no fear and not an ounce of emotion or what I thought was love for this gold-digging, low-level, dime-a-dozen, mushy, pointless, dangling, overused flappy fish market”
holy based Depp
Yes, she is an abusive cunt and if she goes to jail this will shed a light on female abusers everywhere that they are not "untouchable" like they think they are.
Abuse is abuse no matter if it is male vs female or female vs male it is sexist to say that females cannot abuse males and this dangerous trope needed to end yesterday.
this is my political ideology
fat bitch
Noone believed your terribly written shitpost, even for a second
Pls go back
Have some respect for yourself, degenerate
My mum is a feminist and hates her
nigga you make me cringe that you put yourself through that
even if she's innocent she should go to jail
>I am a strong independent feminist ally, I Listen&Believe(tm), but only up until it is about skin on my back
We'll see if male judges have the balls to enact justice instead of passing judgements with their dicks. And we'll see if feminists actually care about domestic violence victims like they say they do.
holy based
Based as fuck.
Honey, you got real ugly.
>And we'll see if feminists actually care about domestic violence victims like they say they do.
I wonder how that's going to turn out.
>used uggo hates beautiful girl
holy shit did depp fuck that chick? high five man
God he’s such a little bitch. I would punch him too.
Who here would still date Amber? I certainly would
This. Bitches really don’t like Amber Heard.
no one hates women more than other women, user
>reading comprehension
Martha Stewart wasn't it?
Its like Depp is /oneofus/
Nah. She just needs a man willing to beat her and keep her ass in control.
Yas Forums confirmed for women. brave and powerful
She peaked in The Ward btw, prove me wrong.
>Johnny Depp abuses wife
>wife gets the shaft from Hollywood
Clown world
t b h thinking of amber heard getting dommed by some fat lez is really hot
thats not even her
yes. to SEX JAIL. hot female guard enters her cell uninvited and says "ok prisoner heard you can do your time the easy way or the hard way I think you know what I'm saying"
also you guys are such little bitches it's as if she did all this shit to your little bitch asses
>women past 23
I will apply to be a prison guard at her jail so I can rape her
>Yas Forums abuses Johnny Depp
>domestic incident occurs
>I think you know what I'm saying
I don't.