Post a photo of an actor when he was your age

>Mel Gibson 32 YEARS OLD in this photo, (my age)
>Looks older than my uncle
>Most male actors look 10 years younger
>Baby faces, no hair on chest
>Weak posture

Why were men so much more masculine and full of more Testosterone back them, all of them seem like half women sissy types, has something in the atmosphere changed? is there more onions in steak? was it the implimentation of microwaves

Attached: Martin-Riggs-Lethal-Weapon-Mel-Gibson-a.jpg (500x563, 52.68K)

Men became more effeminate because they started looking to media and celebrities for guidance on how to live their lives you faggot retard.

You're comparing random people on the street to a world famous actor. You think there weren't balding onions men in the 80s?

No I mean actors today vs back then

People lived way less healthy lives back then. Everyone smoked and drank and did cocaine non stop.
Now everyone vapes, drinks decaff, eats less junk food etc...
Mel looks like hes 40+ in this pic because today's 40 year olds are in better health.

>being in your 30s and on Yas Forums
kill yourself

>young Goose
>post picture of when he was 14 years old
You know it's illegal for you to post on this site if you're under 18, right?

>being in your 20s and wasting your youth on Yas Forums
Loser spotted

The majority of men are overweight/obese today and lower test than previous generations

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He looks like the guy I bullied back in high school.

And now you're on Yas Forums. Life's a bitch I guess.

I've been here since 2006 so suck my cock dude

We are now friends he also browses this board.

Robin Williams, also at 32.
I am almost as hairy as him and I frankly do look a little bit older.

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Many reasons:

>The average person was not as nice as they are now
>Not everyone had such a high standard of living as they do now
>Better and more plentiful food
>More people are able to live comfortably while working less hours
>Crime is significantly less these days

My dad who is probably like 10 years older than Mel constantly reminds me that it used to be a huge treat that he got a Orange for christmas.

>being in your 20's and on Yas Forums
Live yourself

I've lived my youthful 20's, sport - clubbing, partying, hooking up, gang bangs - you're the one wasting you young years on this forum.

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As a 20 year old on Yas Forums I agree. Being prideful that you spend your youth here is absolute cope. 30 year olds have an excuse, zoomers don't.

haha this is backwards.

As if to say working in Mcdonalds back then couldn't net you a new car and rent in a nice area.
No immigration, stuff was made locally, no degenerate social media whores, people talked to each other and made eye contact

Come on gramps, don’t you have literally anything else you could be doing right now? Play with your children or something instead dude

yeah because so many burger flippers back in the 60-70s had their own new car

Finished fucking the girlfriend doggystyle, who is your age.
About to read a book.

You should focus on losing your virginity rather than what I am doing, sonny boy

Onions in the food. Estrogen in the water. No smoking. Hollywood casts effeminate men more now.

Hmmm -- 'ok boomer' when it is convenient.

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Your very attractive

Still at his peak handsome.
I look younger but im foreveraboy with a small frame and weak features, feels bad man

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>that pic
Zoomers can't meme, kys trannies

Thank you. While I am 32 I am able to keep my good looks through the power of progressive thinking and my wife’s boyfriends semen cream :)))!!!!!

Robert Redford at 32

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it's not like men now are more femenine like we got all planted hormones or some conspiracy shit

it's like the media changed, now gender neutral is becoming more popular. baby face guys and sharp face women

Nipple lady from Friends also at 50

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I look like he does now

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Leo, 34

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>no friends
>uni dropout
>no life experiences

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Planted hormones is real though, men today are have less testosterone than men of the past. All chemicals in store bought food and plastic can fuck up a man’s endocrine system

>men today are have less testosterone than men of the past.
says literally who?

why are athletes now more dominant than any other decade in the past? almost all sports had their best player in history playing in the 2010s

>degenerate social media whores
found the incel

>Why were men so much more masculine and full of more Testosterone back them, all of them seem like half women sissy types, has something in the atmosphere changed? is there more onions in steak? was it the implimentation of microwaves

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>zoomers tend to be left wing too
uhh i'm starting to see a pattern here...

it's not gay to find henry cavill hot as fuck, right? asking for a friend

Wages were objectively much higher back then, you stupid chimp. Look up average wages in the 70s and convert them to modern day and it's like 30 bucks an hour to flip burgers. You people are always so god damn clueless and wallow in it.

Andy Kaufman aged 36

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Attached: average 30yo in the 80s.jpg (865x628, 154.42K)

says literally WHO
any comparative study will show you that
>why are athletes now more dominant than any other decade in the past? almost all sports had their best player in history playing in the 2010s
better gear, better training routines, optimized nutrition, better techniques, more people get the chance to compete - there's simply more people in general and there were basically no Africans on Olympics for several decades, who are objectively better at things like running
besides, best athletes are anomaly and are not representative of the population

>he doesn't know
Oh, youngling....

see you tomorrow

>says literally WHO
I appreciated that

>hooking up
>gang bangs

Implying any of those things are something to be proud of.

Is it acceptable to have this haircut in 2020 ? I'd totally rock that with a stache

Keanu at 30
Damn, I'm super jelly he looks like a complete pie for the ladies and I look like a public masturbator

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Same but I finished uni.

don't worry bro, I lost my virginity at 26, everything is possible

>sport - clubbing, partying, hooking up, gang bangs
>implying thats shit to be proud of
thanks senpai.I'm good being on 4chins.

I was literally all that at 32.

>I look like a public masturbator
I fucking hate being next to women in public. The worst thing is that sometimes they smile or check me out but I'm so conditioned by the 85% of interactions I've had with women that I literally just scowl and/or look away.
I hate being alive, for that and other reasons

How can you not have friends at uni?

the key to soft baby skin is to never ever do anything, which our generation has excelled at


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Kill me i dont even anywhere near that.

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balding is a quick way to look old as fuck

>good skin
>no wrinkles
>no facial hair
>still looks about 40

heath at 27
skin wise id say im similar, he had a better hairline than me at this time (even tho his was starting to go)

Attached: Heath_Ledger_(2).jpg (800x784, 86.28K)

Australian sun ages people at least 10 years

He's obviously attractive, being aware of that isn't gay.

I was born on this website, molded by it.

Franco Nero, age 28

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