He just keeps winning

Why does the media try to downplay his successes? If it weren’t for him this whole coronaburger would have been much worse.

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But he's the reason it got so bad in the US to begin with

it started in 1913

Because the media is filled wit’s partisan Jews that serve the interests of the Democrats.


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Compared to other countries the US is doing great.

He's LITERALLY the reason everyone's in quarantine right now.

>we will have this done by april and everyone will be back in church together by easter

what on Earth did OP mean by this

China is the reason it got bad anywhere.

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He will win
However applauding him for coronachan? lolol he fucked up pretty bad bro. compare him to others and it's not good.

Those are state mandated stay-at-home orders. Blame your governor CNN drone.

>have your heel Pence say handling of medical supplies is in good hands and tests will be available to everyone
>almost a month in and they still cant test everyone


No shit but the US would've been better prepared and handled it much better than if he didn't do the shit he did

What successes?

Yeah just ignore reality simp.

>hey governor Cuomo there's a Chinese virus and hundreds of people flew into NY from china last month. Should we shut down the trains?


What country with a population the size of the US has tested their entire population?

>"I'm not a qualified doctor but everyone should take this potentially dangerous antimalarial drug that might kill them because I have a stake in the company"
The guy is an unmitigated retard, he literally puts profit above absolutely everything else and cannot see how absolutely stupid he is. Seriously, he has a double-digit IQ and this is who the country wants as their leader?

Government is not god.

none. And its asinine to make a press conference to say that you have it handled then immediately overtake Italy's infection rate

He's not gonna fuck you bro

based TDS sufferer

Get ready for four more years.

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That's not even what he said you fucking facebook idiot.

Way to move the goalposts dumbass.

>tfw no matter what this guy does his followers just keep repeating the same phrases

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thats not what I did at all. Youre the one that changed the topic to what other countries are doing, when I mentioned a press conference that he held at the WH

>america is the new epicenter of coronavirus

>he's trying to halt funding to the WHO right now during a pandemic

I dont think Italy has a Manhattan.

Huh, they overtook italy's infections.... Could that possibly be because there were more tests??? No..... That can't be right....

I was pointing out you had unreasonable expectations, you agreed with me then moved the goal to cases and compared it to a country much smaller. You're pretty fucking dumb.

And it's Trump's job to protect Americans from that shit. Trumpanzees are on full damage control. Your orange god fucked up and no one gives a shit about what sad excuses you come up with for his failures.

>he's trying to halt funding to the WHO right now during a pandemic
Good. Roger Daltrey needs to be stopped.

>let me just ignore europe

Basically where i'm at. I'm not a fence sitter, but my political dreams for usa are unachievable because it's rigged. Even the parts I liked about Trump have been roadblocked by the system. Also there's never any good news. I just don't care anymore.

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>everyone says Trump is bad and should be impeached
>these same people say that quarantines and travel bans are bad because only evil nazis and hitler would want them, because they're like concentration camps or something
>same people who hate donald trump supported "hug a chinese man" day in italy, because dying of a virus is not as bad as being racist apparently

As easy as it is to hate the orange cheeto, it is impossoble to like his competition more. Bunch of idiots who would rather virtue signal than look for the common man.

so your logic for this is that everything that he did wrong in the US is ok because we have a greater populationthan europe. Got it

you suck at this

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that exactly what you said. Sorry you have short term memory loss


The only statistic that matters is death rate. Does anyone here personally know anyone that died of Kung flu? If the answer is "yes", how old were they? Were they healthy or sickly before Corona? I've been asking Yas Forums this for over two weeks now. So far only one answered yes. An user's friend's relative died from Corona and pneumonia. He was in his late fifties.

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Where did I say that?

Are you seriously thinking that's an exact quote? How stupid are you? You deserve Trump.

Europe had more on it's plate and it still did a better job.

Trumpfags would literally eat a pile of shit if they thought it would make a liberal mad. Truly pathetic.

libtards really are npcs

you immediately deflected to other countries after I mentioned his press conference, like it somehow negates his completely inaccurate statement about testing

no it really didnt, they just stopped testing
Reminder : China sent a bunch of faulty tests to EU

Being a conservative is the safest most NPC political position you can take. it's in the name itself.


Right because italy if fully infected will have less cases than the US due solely to population size. Why is that hard to understand. Also most of this is in NY.

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>they stopped testing
what the actual fuck am I reading

Funny how you get so many important details wrong when loosely quoting Trump.

lmao no, not when everything I say triggers the fuck out limp wristed so󠠭yboys like yourself

>tfw no matter what this guy does his detractors just keep repeating the same phrases

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The truth. I noticed you ignored the other point in the post though.

>orange buffoon in the White House
>21st century plague running wild everywhere
>Great Depression 2.0 in full swing
>still lose the elections

Where did Democrats go wrong, bros?

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thats nice. Its also topping 350k cases and still growing

Are people still supporting Trump? Lol

It was a nice joke at first but the guy is obviously retarded.

China hid information from the entire world, not to mention WHO was complicit in a campaign of misinformation.

What did Trump do that he shouldn't have and what did he not do that he should have? Genuinely curious. I keep hearing about how badly Trump fucked up but how? I don't really follow the news. I work in a hospital and I don't know what Trump could have done to make things better. Our biggest problems are just were running out of room for all the patients and vents, but that's not Trump's fault, it's a pandemic.

Show this to any liberal and their eyes just glaze over.like it's not there.

What, that he's not a doctor? That he recommended hydroxychloroquine, an antimalarial drug, for treatment of Corona? That he has shares in Sanofi who make the drug? Which one of those is wrong?

and where is this truth coming from if theyre still releasing new numbers every day?

This. Democrats are morons if they're getting beaten by some clown in a toupe.

>b-but he has control of the white house and congress and-
Oh, just stop. If you couldn't stop him from gaining control of all those things, it's your fault. You said all republicans are braindead morons. How did you lose to braindead morons? Huh?

i dont think trump is a very inspiring leader but what the fuck is he supposed to do? he shut everything down and they trot him out there everyday to say the same shit over and over.

You do know the official the WHO put in charge of handling the outbreak is not a physician? The first time, too.

he didnt want to shut everything down

So what?

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>everyone should take

>Compared to other countries the US is doing great.

The US is now leading in the amount of infections, and the US death toll is roughly five thousand people less than what it was Italy, who fucked up the response massively. Just yesterday you had nearly two thousand people die in a single day in America, so it's more than likely that the US is also going to become the number one country in Covid-19 deaths in couple of weeks, especially when red states are ignoring the self isolation guidelines and you're already having shortages in masks and ventilators to a point where states and hospitals are forced into a bidding war among themselves to get any equipment, making the prices of them skyrocket, because the federal government hasn't been doing its job properly in the crisis.

How is that great on any metric?

Good. They're getting plenty of money from China to say shit like the virus can't spread human to human, they don't need ours.

a lot of idiot american sheeple are buying that msnbc bullshit

so if everything was going to be under control like he said, and numbers are still growing, and states cant get enough tests in to test patients, then how is the situation under control?

>the guy is obviously retarded.
But that's the best part about it. Politics are a joke, but atleast he's entertaining and makes leftards butthurt.

Where's my goddamn $1200?

Isn't hydroxychloroquine a drug without a patent? Last I recall, the patent expired, so anyone can make the drug. This isn't like insulin.

He cut funding to that pandemic team and was flippant about the whole thing initially but so was everyone on the planet. If there is some sterling example of a world leader successfully combating this I’d love to hear about it.

If some (read not all) countries stop testing, numbers will drop. Also if they have no tests how do they test?

Drumpfkins don't actually watch the press conferences or follow what Trump does or says. They just listen to the spin and repeat the talking points.

The coronavirus guarantees his re-election

I would bet my entire life savings he gets re-elected, which is close to 30k

Hospitalization rate matters too. If Shanghai Shivers patients are taking up all the space in the ICU is when shit gets real bad.

South Korea is a prime example of doing it right by conducting large scale testing.

>theres a global virus going around killing people and forcing quarantines, but at least he trolls the libs!!!

grow up

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Why dont you look at what I'm posting. It explains why things got so bad in certain areas.

yeah newflash, nobody does, cause it creates a huge economic problem. the virus will go away but it'll take like a year to return to "normal" now.

He's kind of running your country into the ground though. That's what I mean, nice joke and all, but come on.

Stop watching Fox News, retard. The US is not doing great and Trump is an incompetent, ignorant cretin

Do you seriously think that would work on a country like the US where states rights are a big deal?

>democrats are the reason trump held a press conference
>democrats control the whole health care industry and stopped us from sending out masks and enforcing quarantines


Can any burger tell me why someone would support Trump for a reason other than "it owns the libs"?

the US is not bad and it starts with California

both sides are like this. basically if you don't pick a side you might as well be against them
>What you agreed with Trump? fucking racist shitlord
>How dare you criticize the God Emperor you liberal cuck
Not even a centrist I just don't like American politics.

Peak s o y

It could if some of the state governments got off their ass and started taking this seriously. I'm personally strongly agree with the prospect of each state handling this in the best way for them, the US is too big for any one-size-fits-all solution, but some of the states are fucking up bad and it's going to show soon.

nonsensical post

At least this time all the retarded lies Trump said for months are on record

Stop watching mainstream media, retard. Corona chan only kills the very old and sickly.

What do you base this on? The major outbreak in the US arrived later than Italy or Spain, the only two major countries who are clearly doing worse. The US could still reach those proportions. Aside from that, there is no reason to assume that the US is doing any better than Germany, Britain, France, etc.

Honestly? The alternatives are worse. Hillary and Bernie have gone on record as saying that they would refuse to enforce travel bans or quarantines, and they would ban testing for Covid 19 because "it might make people racist against China" or something. That's the state of US politics. You either stupid an orange man with a single digit IQ, or a malicious bunch of communist monsters who hate america.

>tries to explain how he's running America into the ground

>starts talking about how nice EU countries are instead

Like clockwork.

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Based. Fuck Am*rica

so you're not going to read my posts with evidence of real events but instead say drumpf might do something, got it you are really bad at this seriously

state right, LOL

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>not to mention WHO was complicit in a campaign of misinformation.

WHO's response was based on the data they got from China. When China was fixing its numbers, WHO couldn't do anything but make statements based on the skewed date they had, since it's irresponsible to just make giant claims without anything to back it up, as that would easily cause panic and chaos.

I really hope he gets elected again. It's what the US deserves.


and youre not even going to watch trump himself saying the words "this will all be over by easter, we have umpteen masks and respirators shipping out as I speak" while being completely untrue

>Every state and city in the US that is having issues dealing with the virus is run by Democrats

This is all Drumpf’s fault...

I'm going to enjoy your tears even more when creeper Joe gets btfo by the GEotUS Trump. You really need to find a healthier way to cope.

>Hillary and Bernie have gone on record as saying that they would refuse to enforce travel bans or quarantines, and they would ban testing for Covid 19 because "it might make people racist against China" or something

The WHO are unironically in China's pocket. The organization is utterly pointless if it can't criticize the one country that basically serves as a petri-dish for every pandemic and epidemic in the last 50 years.


Really nigga? I'm not american but this shit is bad everywhere. Nobody knew how to deal with it. Nobody knew what was coming. America was always going to cop it regardless of who was the president. At least you guys have medical supplies and hospital space.
Blaming the orange man for everything bad is just pathetic

I have watched it. And I have watched you people take everything out of context. He said he wanted to aim for that date but he was going to wait and see. Please for the love of God accept your own ignorance.

my own ignorance? He wanted to end QUARANTINING so people could get TOGETHER, in GROUPS, so they could all go to church.

it's going to be so based when all the fast retard americans die of covid

Don't you have any smart candidates..? And isn't Bernie ancient? I don't understand American politics

why didnt he just nuke china to keep it from spreading in the first place


I guess it makes sense that a board dedicated to jewish media would support the most pro-Israel president in history.

Seethe more about your shit hole country, subhuman.

Yes, and I agree with him. If you dont wanna get sick stay inside. I'm not going to be controlled by your panic.