some people say Better Call Saul surpassed Breaking Bad do you think this is true?
Some people say Better Call Saul surpassed Breaking Bad do you think this is true?
Why is BCS so good? I honestly think its because Gould is fundamentally a better story teller than Gilligan. Gilligan has his merits, don't get me wrong, but BrBa was very much his show. It was building one climax after another, trying to constantly one up the wildness. BCS is very distinctly Goulds work. We spend so much more time mulling over the characters to the point where the plot is present, but it takes a secondary role to emphasize the subtleties of character interactions. This approach is much more sustainable and has caused shows like the Sopranos to hold up so well more than two decades after its original air.
No. It has more consistent quality, but Breaking Bad had much more impressive highs.
yes. Literally Bravo Vince every fucking episode!
based user calling out the brainlet climaxfags().
Based. Climaxfags are literally braindead.
It's not. It's amazing, and it very much does enough to step out of BB's shadow.
4channers who hate anything reddit likes have convinced themselves that it's patrician and high brow to say this is better than Breaking Bad. But the simple truth is that BCS will forever be a prequel to Breaking Bad. I mean that in a "It'll always be a small step behind" sorta way.
Breaking Bad takes all the elements of BCS and just extrapolates them into amazing large stories with crazy climaxes on a much larger scale. It creates the same complex and intriguing characters and does more with them. BCS is much more small scale but that's also a benefit in it's own way.
That being said, I'm mid way through season 4 so maybe things change? So far I love the show but I'm not convinced it's better than the greatest show to ever be on cable.
But a slower show that doesn't constantly up the wildness is not going to be picked up as much by the masses.
I think Breaking Bad's success allows this show to exist in its current form and they tell the story this way because they know they can get away with it now. If BCS came first it would have flopped hard without name brand recognition. You still see people complaining that nothing happened.
I think it would've been better if it was shorter, it's gone on too long. I don't even care that much about it anymore
At this point it's pound for pound better I'd say. Though I think BB still has a couple of individual episodes that are better than the best Saul stuff.
Saul needs a train robbery type suspense ep that still somehow incorporates 40 minutes of Mike wiping a festering, bloodied hemorrhoid from his fissured anus.
Can Vince do it?
>It creates the same complex and intriguing characters
I have to disagree with you there. Saul, Mike, Gus, Hector and so much other characters are nowhere near as complex and developed in Breaking Bad as BCS.
They're just different, both very original and competently made in every way.
I'm not trying to knock Breaking Bad all that much. I'm very appreciative for its existence. And its not a bad show by any means. Its just that on a micro level its far more of a gimmick then BCS. If we're comparing apples to apples, the framework of BCS is much more fundamentally sound.
You don't tune in for the overall plot. You tune in to see what BS Slippin' Jimmy is up to this week. And for amazing Rhea Seahorn, of course.
No. Saul had a slow start and really took a while to get good whereas BB was intriguing right from the get-go. BB also didn't have any characters as boring as Chuck. He's even worse than Marie, but at least they had the decency to keep her out of the spotlight most of the time whereas Chuck was a major character.
We still feel the effects of Chuck's stranglehold on Jimmy's identity and you call him a bad character. I never understood this.
Gus and Mike are just caricatures of who they were in BB.
>But they were already caricatures
No, but its gettinng theere. Specially with how they are going to break Kim. I feel that the last season is going to be the one where This is what breaks jimmy into saul forever with him meeting Walt a few weeks later.
This kind of post would have been laughed at a year and a half ago. Now it's being praised because this board finally saw the light.
this season is what i would consider breaking bad level. The others no fucking way. Final season will probably be better
Yeah. BCS surpassed BB long time ago. It also helps that it wasn't devoured by his own hype, like it happened with BB.
I actually feel like Gus and Mike are more one-dimensional in BCS.
Definitely, and it would have been better without the cartel shit.
Maybe Gus but not Mike.
Lalo reenergized the cartel plot, and the crossing over in to Kim's life specifically is going to be very entertaining.
no, but Lalo is better than all Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul characters
Why? Gus has one scene explaining his past in Breaking Bad, and Mike has no scenes at all.
Watching Walt be awkward with his wife and Jessie moping for 3 seasons wasn't fun or good.
bruh this isn't reddit, you don't have to delete your post over a spelling mistake, especially when it obvious what you mean.
cartel plot was shit until based Lalo came around
This, no Jesse = Kino
True, it is just now starting to get interesting but we had to wade through 3 seasons of shit before getting to this point. Amazing show and it is better than breaking bad, but the cartel bullshit, man..
>but we had to wade through 3 seasons of shit
if you're calling some of the best character drama ever put on modern television 'shit' then I'm afraid you're never gonna make it.
Learn to read and try again, retard. It is an incredible show but the carterl shit blows.
I thought the Hector and his way of doing things was fascinatingly simple.
the cartel plot wasn't some of the best character drama, it wasn't even good character drama. it was irrelevant as fuck when all you wanted to do is watch jimmy and kimmy.
We aren't at this point in the narrative without most of the cartel stuff being portrayed. Think about how much development has gone in to a character like Nacho since season 1 where it seemed like he'd be more antagonistic rather than a victim
I get what you're saying, but he himself was never interesting. His effect on Jimmy was interesting, because Jimmy is a good character. But come on, Chuck himself was never good. Even his insanity failed to make him intriguing in the slightest. It didn't help that you knew right from the start that he was going to die.
>how much development has gone in to a character like Nacho
i watched all of it pass by with disinterest.
Mike has had one really strong moment ("my boy"), but he's mostly reduced to operator man and/or janitor in 9/10 scenes, while in BB the relative absence of exposition gave his character a little mystery and depth it no longer has. Why is this guy *the* guy? Why is he so good at certain things? Why did he violate his own rule, so to speak, ultimately leading to his death? We were getting close to something meaningful with the Werner arc, but it seems to be mostly dropped now.
Gus in BCS very quickly became completely predictable and is acted the same way every time, super stoic badass powerful baddie. In BB, we had to mentally juggle the two sides of the character (really three, in a sense, once we learn just how vicious and conniving he is), his warm public persona and obligations to maintain his charade vs his real motives, cartel actions, etc. By giving us too much, they've taken away.
I know right from the start that Jimmy is doomed to work a cinnabon as Gene. Doesn't make his story any less tragic or compelling. So much of what Chuck warned about in the early seasons is what we are feeling the ramifications of now, and it's going to make the show very good on rewatch when it's all said and done.
i wish jesse had died tbqh
>it was irrelevant as fuck when all you wanted to do is watch jimmy and kimmy.
This is not a good as an idea as you think.
don't put this on me faggot, your post didn't make it clear that you were specifically referring only to the cartel storyline when you called it wading it through 3 season of shit.
3 seasons of cartel shit but the show has been perfect since the beginning otherwise. It's called reading comprehension.
Agreed. Where would Jimmy and Kims plot be right now if not for having made the time for the cartel. The integration is going to make some of the slug worth it, or at least I'm hoping the writing team continues to deliver
It's a horribly dull show but Bagman was a terrific episode.
>The integration is going to make some of the slug worth it
I still don't understand this idea of the cartel stuff being a "slug," yeah it moves pretty quickly but it's still fine. Lalo is good, Nacho is good. I think I'm just more easy to please than most people on this board but I'd hardly say I'm bored by the cartel business.
Werner arc was meaningful and well worth the effort. I like that Mike had to grapple with his humanity a bit.
Is this the episode where Jimmy broke bad for good? Baiting himself like that and drinking his piss, he's fully hardened now.
I agree it's just objectively weaker than Jimmy and Kim, they're the heart and soul of the show
Yeah I agree with this sentiment. Like I said, I don't find the cartel stuff boring but there are moments where I wish I could just see Jimmy and Kim again because they're easily such a high point for a show. You could say it's a really clever way of keeping someone invested.
oh, i watched it. i was just mostly bored doing so.
The weakest parts of the show are funnily enough some of the characters from bb that don't fit with this one's tone and the little bit of unnecessary fan service that we got although most of it has been handled gingerly. Probably the best prequel ever made if I'm being honest.
lmao I skip all the Jimmy and his gf scenes I couldn't care less
How can they possibly catch up to breaking bad's timeline without doing a timeskip?
Did we really need a full up in your face shot of Lalo's feet
Kim, Lydia, Nacho's GF, why is there so much feet in this show, it's more than Tarantino
It's pretty good as a standalone episode. My brother was walking by the TV, caught interest, then sat down and continued to watch the entire episode with me.
Breaking Bad was definitely not climax after climax. The last 20 episodes were, but the 40 before that were very much like Better Call Saul in that they were methodical, tension-raising "slow burn" kino (minus four or five episodes here and there). Better Call Saul definitely takes that to a more extreme level, but Breaking Bad wasn't some roller coaster ride the whole time, and that's what made the later parts of the series so good - they paid off three and a half seasons' worth of tension.
>breaking bad is better than better call sa-