cast the Elliot Rodger biopic
Cast the Elliot Rodger biopic
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Based stacy putting incels in their place
based stacy
she did nothing wrong, elliot was 6 years old when he meet her.
you as elliot
me as chadmuel
john boyega as "ugly black filth"
Pretty girls are way nicer than uggos I have found. Don't believe the lies elliot probably stuck his had in his pants and touched her or something
>The supreme gentleman was 6 years ago.
who was in the based here?
She must remember him seeing him. They just never talked and Elliot got obsessed with her for no reason except her boobs.
That happens all the time. Literally Bison speech
His sister for purposefully fucking chad within earshot of elliot and mind raping him so hard he went on a spergacidal rampage.
checked and based
>Pretty girls are way nicer than uggos I have found.
Who still has the reddit screencap of the ugly hapa girl who only liked about 0.05% of the profiles on Tinder?
Elliot rodger is an example of someone with masculine ambitions who is raised by a beta father, believes lies about gender equality in social norms, and freaks out because nothing he tries works
Genuinely interesting case
Imagine being a relative and reading this. lmao
Unless "chad" is something relative rather than absolute I don't really get this.
not from my experience. they put up a nice front but are catty backstabbing bitches.
I use to work at a restaurant and the pretty servers would start wars over who owned the simps in back of house.
>Elliot rodger is an example of someone with masculine ambitions who is raised by a beta father, believes lies about gender equality in social norms, and freaks out because nothing he tries works
what's our excuse then?
Is there literally anyone more pathetic than Elliot?
A good masculine shrink would've fixed him. He was sociopathic enough to really succeed in something, he just spent too much time focusing on girls while never questionning his own social skills because of his huge ego.
>Is there literally anyone more pathetic than Elliot?
Any simp who donates money to e-thots.
>Pretty girls are way nicer than uggos I have found
attractive people are more interacted with, and thus develop better social skills (usually)
utterly based
She's already starred in kino
lol! That's hilarious. And why the fuck should she remember him-she was freaking 10 at the time.
Elliot had zero charisma and was afraid of women and now he's in Hell being tortured. He really didn't think his cunning plan all the way through.
It's pretty funny. Although he seems to have consisted mostly of flaws Elliot wasn't natively stupid and since he was writing to be read I think we can safely assume he included it deliberately.
Anthony Burch.
As if she wants to talk to GAWKER or whoever about it for an insignificant amount of money.
Did she ever say anything to the media after the ‘incident’?
Oh and is she on IG?
this post is more pathetic to be honest family, you don't have to be needlessly mean to be people just because we're on Yas Forums
not cool man
Yes, she sort of looks like Elizabeth Olsen
erza miller
>you don't have to be needlessly mean to be people just because we're on Yas Forums
well that's a pretty fucking major policy shift
No one can be more pathetic than Chrischan.
Not that it'll stop us trying.
He's literally a schizo, doesn't count.
I'm sorry.
Spoony is trying hard for that crown. For real, though, Jew Wario is the all-time winner in the youtube-sphere for being a loser. I just hate that I didn't download the gravestone video he did before his wife (girlfriend?) deleted it.
Little homie never even tried, he just got butthurt that self confidence and social grace doesn't come naturally.
while I've thought that in the past these days I'm much more disposed to regard the people ("agents" they like to be called) obsessed with him and following everything he does as actually worse
I forgive you, but work on your manners.
What the fuck is even going on with Chris? Haven't heard from him lately.
His victims. They amounted to nothing but footnotes in his story, Elliot's legacy will life forever
Funniest thing about Rodger is that if he survived he'd have tons of crazy chicks writing to him in prison.
Did Eliot even get anyone in his spergout or were all of his victims just wounded?
Worst thing is the killer groupies anyone else seen his she is hot as fuck.
You reminded me of a quote I heard in a documentary of Ed Gein and the movie Psycho. "No one would pay to see a movie about his victim but they would to see Gein." Make of it what you will.
>he'd have tons of crazy chicks writing to him in prison
I don't think he would've cared much about BDP ugly roasties. He wanted the regular popular Stacies, not some crazy obsessed with killers.
That's too based. He literally did a mass murder/suicide to get attention from Stacy and still couldn't do it.
I think it's about even.
Non-attractive people generally have a chip on their shoulder and attractive people have all the personality defects you'd expect of someone who only ever receives positive feedback and is unfamiliar with rejection
every other hapa / asian “man” alive
Let's be honest. He would go prison gay in a matter of weeks.
The what?
Damn I hope she sees this thread bros
short guys and ugly girls aren’t worth it 99% of the time
What's she going to say? "Yeah I totally remember being a bitch to him?" No fucking way. People are absolutely terrified of the idea that bullying and ostracizing people might turn them into monsters, because everyone has taken part in it and if they were to accept such an idea, they might actually have to reflect on their behavior for a few minutes. No one will ever admit to anything that will make them look the slightest bit unsavory. Doesn't mean you can take them at their word.
it's called halo effect
Anyone who follows Chris on the regular is worse. Look up Michael Hirtes.
Too bad he's in heaven now
>plunging his penis into my sister's vagina through her closed room door
JESUS, how massive was this dude's dick that it could punch through a door to get to pussy?
If you are referring to me, I think it is funny. They aren't blood related at all and I even mocked the tranny and his faggot boyfriend to his face. "Women like that would never even spit on you. You wouldn't be married to a fucking crossdresser if that was the case. You are a loser and always were." I think it's humorous to rub in his faggot face the adoration and worship he will never receive from women.
all he had to do was transition
That's the thing. I'll give a greentext explaining WHY he could have gone right
>Elliot born of a beta father who marries a china lady
>he becomes a mama boy
>he wants to succeed in life. At one point, he realizes that he's addicted to WoW but hates that he is, but hates that his friend is also equally addicted but is A-OK with being a loser
this is where he confuses the gender roles due to a lack of masculine instruction
>starts to dress better
>spends all day at book stores reading so he can be wiser and more intelligent
>purposefully drives around Isla Vista to get noticed
>just sits in parks and public places waiting to be approached
that is what women do. Women make displays of themselves and wait to be approached. Men have to take the social risk and approach them. He was genuinely improving himself and desired to be something, but didn't get that gender norms are hard coded.
>gets depressed and sad that he desires to not be a loser and to be a normal man but absolutely every hour of work he puts in gives him nothing in return and he doesn't get why
>thinks that women are wrong in favoring masculine men and that somehow they should favor him, a feminine man (which is funny because this is what feminists preach)
>goes postal
If he had a proper father and not an overbearing mother, he could have been happy
Are you that much of a virigin to pretend that's exclusively a female thing? Just look at how often people make threads about gorgeous celebrity women and call them goblins as if they aren't fat, timid neckbeards themselves?
Ezra has been practicing for the role.
you white incels never change do you?
you just have to leave those fucking comments huh
le epic Yas Forums.
How is she not constantly being bullied for being Elliot Rodger's sister?
>Are you that much of a virigin to pretend that's exclusively a female thing?
You're the only virgin ITT, guys here pretend to have high standards and make fun of celebrities but in real life, they'll never keep sudh high standards like ugly girls do.
Whatever you say, virgin.
Killed two unattractive asian guys iirc.
hi stinky chink
Keep replying, virgin.
why was that deleted lol