The Chinese virus
The Chinese virus
Other urls found in this thread:
>Kung Flu
Hello, based department?
I’m guessing calling the Spanish Flu by its most identifiable name is also racist now.
Seething insect.
Do real people actually make arguments like this or is it just trolls that are arguing in bad faith?
It’s just braindead Yas Forums types, ignore them.
ching chong sickness
>It’s just braindead Yas Forums types, ignore them.
Senpai, the Wuhan Flu was a perfectly acceptable name for this disease. China and its overseas influence was 95% of the reason why the disease was officially named COVID-19. They're trying hard to dissociate themselves from the disease. They even tried pushing the US origin story internationally at one point but I think they gave that up.
>the world is in lockdown and the economy is in freefall as people lose their jobs left and right
>people are more worried about """"racism""""
im not surprised, but i am disappointed
The WHO unironically are trying to change its name to the 1918 pandemic. This only started of course after this corona outbreak, and completely incidentally the US stopped funding the WHO as much a couple years ago and China invested heavily in them
the WHO is useless and will not survive this crisis
So whats wrong with calling it the Chinese virus or the Chinese corona virus?
A fucking PBS reporter pulled this shit on live TV.
Jimmy Kimmel is also whining to his braindead audience about how Trump is "racist" for calling the flu what it is.
Ha ha, look at this simpering liar.
theye always been useless fucks. They used to be an American puppet, now theyre a chinese one.
Pull your head out of your ass.
Literally nothing.
SJW's are just seething, mentally-ill retards.
they had to change it to covid-19 because everyone was making corona beer jokes, when shit wasn't a laughing matter
>Pull your head out of your ass.
>says something stupid
>gets presented with facts
>"Pull your head out of your ass."
Cool non-response, ShareBlue.
>Pull your head out of your ass.
implied imaginary racism that encourages imaginary hate crimes that have not happened yet
you know just your usual imbecile think
It's still called SARS-Coronavirus-2, they just named the disease it causes COVID19
This might be the dumbest, most uninformed take I have ever heard.
Because it supposedly "stigmatizes" people that aren't white, right-wing, American, Christian, etc.
And we can't have that now can we?
>that have not yet happened
Holy shit you are dense.
I guess if Fox doesn’t talk about it then it didn’t happen, huh?
At least the Chinese won't be minorities in their own country and their race won't become minorities in their own continent. Whites and the west are dying, China and Asia are rising. Keep seething whit*oids.
>why are you so racist? It's called COVID-19
>take Le Yas Forums face
>change text
The right can’t meme.
How does this pertain to discussion regarding Telivison and film?
Is it just me or is Yas Forums seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yas Forums has turned against them.
Wow holy cope buddy, the guy was a democrat.
ALL of these anti-Yas Forums threads are rampant with samefagging and high post/poster rates
more likely you're just new, every board including Yas Forums has shitposters like this
im pretty sure if anything happens to a chinaman its because of the global pandemic that has halted the entire earth for at least 6 months. a name is the least of their problems.
Is it just me or is Yas Forums seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yas Forums has turned against them.
Hi Yas Forums
pol had always been a cesspool that in 2016 got filled to the max and started leaking to other boards more so than usual
hi clueless newfag
lurk moar retard
based smooth brain
>Seems like the rest of Yas Forums has turned against them.
how new are you? There were bitchfits about Yas Forums spilling over ever since gaymergate and Trumps election.
It's just that some anons with intellect can btfo their shitty meme rhetorics
That should worry you.
if you didnt laugh at the relative unlikeliness of the zimzam ever being flimflammed you are a fag
>The Shanghai Shivers
The Soanish Flu originated in Kansas, it was just called the Spanish Flu because their media reported on it first. Most western Nations had tightly controlled media during the First World War to prevent dissent or any information that could damage morale. Spain was neutral
Waste of trips. Also if you mean retardo wignats, then no, but most people on this eggtimer shithole also have a basic understanding of human biodiversity.
t. reddit tourist
thanks for proving me right
Except everytime a racist Yas Forumspig scumbag rears his ugly head he's bullied into oblivion like in this very thread. Sorry kid, the real world doesn't operate on your fucked up ideologies, and normal people see straight through your horseshit
dumb little newfag keeps digging his hole
based retard
Why would I be worried about whit*oids being overrun by shitskins and the west dying while Asia takes over? Keep seething whit*oid.
exact opposite is true though
your progressive ideas pop like a balloon when they touch reality
keep living inside your fat autistic brain
>Yas Forums seethes every time they're called out
>Is it just me or is tranny Discord gaining influence?
China will survive this.
chickadee china the chinese chicken
Literally has never happened
>Except everytime a racist Yas Forumspig scumbag rears his ugly head he's bullied into oblivion like in this very thread.
lol that is not what happens at all unless you have the mods on your side. Also the vast majority of the world have Yas Forums views. You live in a white prog bubble. Go tell the Saudis that they shouldnt look down on Jews or blacks or women or faggots.
Really? All the leftoid shills seem to still deny biology in their tranny worship
I also wonder why you would not care about lacking higher brain functions. Just a subhuman thing I'm guessing.
yes but what about Television & Film?
Good, I like posts like these. Keep seething at China while shitskins kill your countries, cultures, and race. It only makes it easier for us to take your place :).
China only has 3K deaths, but americans will have hundreds of thousands buried in mass graves.
Call us subhumans all you want, at least our culture and people aren't going extinct. At least our country isn't dying. At least we won't be minorities in our own country. Keep seething whit*oid.
>i am mad but we will win in 1000 years so take that
wow cool
Remember to do your part and spit in a chinks face
it's true, if you'd ever pull your head out of your ass you'd have noticed it too
Why are people shilling for China?
Lmao, please keep having sex with Asian women and not having white children or having mentally ill hapa children instead. It only speeds up your demise and our take over.
>1000 years
Lmao, whites will be minorities in America in 20 years and in Europe by 2060. Whites are in their twilight years, you're fucked. Keep seething at China, I know it hurts to see us take your place.
Jews did 9/11 homo
>our culture isnt going extinct
Have you heard of the old fours?
Leftists hate the US so much they will suck up to china, same thing with Islam
No they don't deny it so much as ignore it entirely and go "who cares" because tackling HBD would be a losing battle. They just go to "why does it matter" which is a whole other other pain in ass because eventually it boils down to personal preference of morality and such
Yas Forums is basically 90% schizoposting at this point
>I know it hurts to see us take your place
you're not going anywhere if you keep aborting girls
Imagine being White and posting this lol
take your pills retard
The Chinese are disgusting
why do dumb chinks make these samefag posts in every thread
Is what was said wrong you rodent? No. It’s factually correct. Smarten up you limp wristed little shit
truly, a superior being from a culture of rich history
Lmao keep coping. China can stay as it is today and we'd still take over. Your race and countries are literally dying lol
>Imagine being white
Keep seething whit*oid
Get fucked, stubdick
''yeah and just kill on sight any asian you see''
>''you sure this is gonna help stop the virus?''
They’re both correct. Stop projecting faggot
What's her end goal?
At least I have lived my life as a human rather than a lesser human, can you say the same?