Cyberpunk Thread

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unironically body hammer > iron man

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Silicone hacksaw metal-slugger.

idk looks a little cheese but i might give it a watch

Body Hammer has no soul, ironically. It's just a higher budget remake of Iron Man and nowhere near as experimental. The music isn't as good either.

hyped for that Arrow boxset of this guy's movies.

Am I a pleb for not getting this shitty movie?

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>cyber punk

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yes but unironically

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well its a pretty unknown movie but its actually pretty good

me too. instant preorder for me

it is also not cyberpunk

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Tetsuo is probably the best film ive seen so far this year. Is there anything else with a similar beside the sequels (I plan on seeing them soon)?

where can i get?

964 Pinocchio

Rubber's Lover and 964 Pinocchio. Everything Shozin Fukui has done, really.


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Boutta watch this

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So what about The Phantom of Regular Size?

>not being a pedo in 2020

very cheese. obviously a labor of love by the guys who made the models. god knows how they talked a hot blonde American woman in tight leather pants into being in it.

> everything
> is under
> control

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More of a re-imagining.

Strange Days is an excellent cyberpunk movie. Reminds me a lot of William Gibson. Definitely worth a watch.

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this user. just got done watching it. Pretty great film. Liked seeing the more drugged out psychedelic part of cyberpunk. Felt like a Jodorowsky film

This is what you want... this is what you get
This is what you want... this is what you get
This is what you want... this is what you get

any good links?

where did you watch it? I can't find a functioning stream with Eng subs anywhere

the music alone makes the iron man vastly superior to body hammer
I liked Reznor's work on bullet man also, even if bullet man was shit

100% filtered

Piracy with the english dub

good movie.

>preordered the Tsukamoto box set day one
>gets delayed until may because of fucking Corona or something

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theres not really anything to get. I guess you could force some sort of message about people being reliant on technology or something. I just watch it for the artistry behind the effects and filmmaking. Also the music.

was about to post this

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>olivier gruner

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Is that a self-portrait?

>Produced by Harvey Weinstein

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get some

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not knowing anything about this it looks like a japanese movie filmed in the style of The First evil dead

I actually got to meet Tsukamoto once. Very nice and down-to-earth guy.
Based on his eccentric films and the fact that he acted in a Scorsese movie I kinda expected him to be a pretentious weirdo with a huge ego, but I was pleasantly suprised.

>no bullet man

If you don't mind plenty of sex scenes, check out the movies of Hisayasu Sato. "Love - Zero = Infinity" is a good start.

about to watch this

Weird I was just looking for the Tetsuo films a day ago. Freaking neat.
Yeah that seems like a glaring omission. There's not even an independent release right now.

What is your favorite cyberpunk film and why is it Blade Runner 1982?

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Just watched GITS yesterday. That was pretty kino. Is it worth it to watch the sequels?

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This may not fit the genre as its more sci-fi/horror but it definitely has a cyberpunk feel to it.

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Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence is great

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