If the masses are so damned easy to please, how come no other movie studio has successfully captured the Marvel Formula?

If the masses are so damned easy to please, how come no other movie studio has successfully captured the Marvel Formula?


Maybe its like Call Of Duty?

COD had immense success and studios everywhere were copying those games and failing to find the same financial success. Because people already had COD and saw no reason to bother with clones.

Because they looks at the superficial reasons on why it was such a big success and want to skip to the big stuff that sells too quickly without actually going through developing everyone

Brand loyalty.

Because Marvel realized quality and exploring new shit is what keeps bringing people back while the rest of Hollywood and Yas Forums believe brand is enough.

There is a reason why Black Panther made $1b while Yas Forums “kino” like Superman has diminishing returns.

Pretty much nailed it.

Call of Duty didn't last that long though. Many people (myself included) feel like Call of Duty died with Black Ops 2. Marvel However kept it going for over 20 films with overwhelming success. Marvel tapped into something special. It's a combination of accessibility, introduction of new concepts and arcs, and connectability with various titles, and depending upon where the film is in the saga that ratio of what makes a good film is going to change.

This guy gets it.

>Black Panther

>Call of Duty didn't last that long though
Shut up you autistic idiot.

Because of the illusion of muh interconnected universe. Reminder that if the Hulk with Edward Norton came out today, it would easily make 1.5 bilion and people would be sucking its dick like they do with Winter soldier.
MCU is successful thanks to Iron Man 1 and half of first Captain America.
If they would release any of those movies outside of the continuity of MC as solo movies, most of them would burn to the ground. It is why almost all of them are not rewatchable.

First and foremost, becuase the formula only works for super heroes. They are human, they can have relatable struggles, and then we can project those against cosmic battles to make them feel important. Giant Monsters, Transformers, horror movie icons, it doesn't work because they remove you too far from a human narrative.

Second, the title characters are the main characters, those characters are also identities meaning you can shift the faces ala james bond but with in-world explanations. Transformers throws human characters in who just happen to be involved with the plot, they're not important so we have no reason to care about sequels. The robots are cool of course but because they are giant hunks of metal there is very little emotional attachment. Monster movies are about monsters and their humans are similarly useless, can't even remember their names.

Third, they have a diversity of storylines. Marvel has just barely scratched the surface, but as long as there is a villain the story can be about anything, and as such they're able to make their stories several genres rolled up into one. Captain america was a war film, winter soldier was a spy noir film, ragnarok was a buddy road trip film, multiverse will be horror, spiderman is teen comedy, antman are heist films, etc.

A monster movie is never going to be a buddy roadtrip film that we can take seriously. It's never going to be a heist film without feeling underwelming. You can connect supwer powers to really any existing plot in story telling, but you can't just throw a giant monster into resevoir dogs and expect it to stick. You can give everyone ins resevoir dogs a super power though.

Fourth, Just good writing. Marvel isn't perfect and its not groundbreaking in terms of its individual scripts but they know how to make a solid beginning, middle, and end. I'm not saying there aren't complaints but even compared to other similar franchises or movies it just tends to be closer to right than wrong.

Not every movie studio make children's films.

>Call of Duty 2 to Black Ops 2 (2005 - 2012) - 7 Years
>MCU (2007 - 2019, stop at Endgame). - 12 Years
I'll partly take back what I said, but the MCU almost doubled the expectancy of what I consider quality of Call of Duty games (I completely accept that other people consider the followup games great and that's cool beans).

Marvel has a huge backlog to base their movies on. When that well dries up expect the imminent crash

That's not going to happen until the next two to three movie cycles at the earliest. There is a wealth of shit they could pull from. It just really comes down to how "out there" are they planning on being.

They should get a fat guy to play wolverine, a fat mexican

The most cutting edge thing about Marvel for the last decade has been its marketing campaign. When 60% of people are talking about the movies, the other 40% feels like they're being left out. People were kind of systematically shamed for not watching them. Especially if you were a part of the reddity nerd culture thats been growing since the late 2000s-early 2010s. Imagine being in a group of self proclaimed geeks and being the odd one out for not seeing the latest cape flick. These people don't have a problem watching a few hours of Ps3 cutscenes so quality isn't an issue. If you didn't like the flicks after you saw them, you'd be put back into the odd one out category so you'd end up lumped into bandwagoning and praising the movies as to not be going against the grain.

I feel like the average consumer can only follow one franchise at a time, and Marvel just stepped into the shoes Harry Potter left behind.
They’re also really good at those cheer moments and giving most of their characters a decent amount of screen time, which to me was the real crowning achievement of Avengers which really kicked this thing off. People liked Iron Man and the Thor and Cap movies were okay but they weren’t the events they are today.
DC fucked up with letting Zack Snyder dictate their universe, and rushing to play catch up instead of building a universe, and no one else has been able to make a compelling first movie that makes you want to see more.

DC is pretty much the only ones who could compete with Marvel in this sense but they have some key issues weighing them down.

The most paramount of which is that it doesn't actually use Marvel's formula. They wanted to 'invert' the formula in an attempt to catch up to where Marvel was going as well as try to make its self seem differnet before Marvel got there. So they had one title character for two films and then pulled out justice league right after. They expected us to love all these heroes for their titles without set up that almost every character in the first avengers film had from previous films.

Second, while they do have title characters they are mostly characters that we are TOO familiar with, and with stories that have been done to death. They realized this at some point and corrected course a bit by focusing a lot more on side characters who audiences would be less critical of, but by then the damage had been done.

Third, they have virtually no diversity of storylines. The style set up by snyder is essentially the style of every film after, with the only exception being a slight deviation towards comedy in suicide squad. You can't have your movie be super hero, and edgy/gritty, and then also make it a romcom, or a heist film, or what have you. It's too much, especially since the tone is derived from the grit and edge.

And fourth, they refuse to invest in good writing. For some reason they just seem to be entirely disconnected at the studio about what a good story is, which frankly makes sense when you look at the studios full film catalogue. They haven't cared about quality writing in a while, they are some retard who watched movies for the explosions and thought that was what people cared about, literally anything other than the story.

>>Call of Duty 2 to Black Ops 2 (2005 - 2012) - 7 Years

By the time other studios tried to replicate the Marvel formula Marvel had 7 years under their belt.. And instead of building up and letting their universe grow they continued to fuck with the formula whenever they didn't do Marvel numbers at the box office.

You can hate the MCU all you want.. Right now we're at the peak of their success. But 2008-2015 were not guaranteed and the whole Studio struggled internally during those years.. Power struggles and money issues.

I'm JUST saying.. Look at the history.

He is already cast as ant man's friend

You're right, most just go under.

>Because Marvel realized quality and exploring new shit is what keeps bringing people back

Excellent post. I also believe loyalty is up for grabs. But no one seems to be seizing the opportunity

I may be wrong, but I don't think any Superman movie has had studios paying students and such to watch it to inflate numbers.

You're implying WB would intentionally bomb their releases just so their honor could be defended online.

>Marvel has a huge backlog to base their movies on.
I feel like the brand has grown so much, in many aspects, that it’s self containing now. Like that sun from Spider-Man 2. It’s too late bro’s the end is here.

the marvel formula of relying entirely on chinese, the last people on earth who went to the movies, and removing all mention of america or the US flag from their movies?

It's the worlds most popular TV series and no one wants to miss an episode.

They have a great marketing division for sure.

He mentioned right in his post: Black Panther. The DCEU has been almost entirely their most mainstream recognizable names, and they're rehashing a lot of old ground. Marvel went to crazy nigga tribal film, ragnarok is a buddy road trip film, spider mans are teen comedy, ant man are heist films, DC is still just being fucking super heroes.

Yeah they do share something in common: they're both made for children by children.

CoD Modern Warfare was the best selling game of 2019 you fucking retard.

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>they're both made for manchildren by manchildren.


>When that well dries up expect the imminent crash
That will literally never happen in our lifetime. A lot of capeshit is just the origin stories. Most have never even touched some of the major storylines in the character's history. How many Batman movies do we have now? Still never adapted Death in the Family, Court of Owls, The Killing Joke, Son of the Demon into a movie. There's just no way they'll ever run out of material in our lifetime. It's far more likely for the audience to just stop giving a shit.

Anecdotal, but judging by my friends Endgame might as well have been the last MCU movie. And with this overload of content we’re supposedly going to get after this virus is over I feel like that’s not going to maintain, maybe another rise for Black Panther 2 but that’s a special case where no other character has that sort of fanbase.

Is the pattinson bat another origin movie?

Imagine if the first mcu movie was Thor lmao

I don't play video games so I don't care.

My sister is a huge mcufag and she's not interested in seeing more. Not sure about those from r/marvel though

So why did you comment on it, stupid fucking parrot.

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hollywood is run by incompetent morons.
I'm not even memeing Kevin Feige is the only competent person left, and even he's fucking it up now

Or would go un ironically better, since iron man would be the second one. People would flock to see iron man anyways. Marvel would learn ahead of time that they can fool people into seeing like 3 okay films just to catch up with the end credits scene for the new iron Man movie coming out next year. It’s insane, they played their cards right with Iron Man.

>MCU (2007 - 2019, stop at Endgame). - 12 Years
Post yfw you realize you will probably have 3-4 more sagas in your lifetime and then you will be literally dead.

It seems to be, it takes place during the 2nd year of Batman's career and all of the standard Batman equipment is made to look like prototypes

Will we get to see his parents murdered AGAIN? I sure hope so!

The issue isn't stuff to crib from because after origin stories they tend to adaptations so loose they can barely even be called adaptations.

Marvel banks off of brand recognition, if the first iron man and avengers hasn't been good no one would give a shit.

What OP was asking is why doesn't any OTHER attempt at a superhero cinematic universe take off.

A baseline of infinite budget proficiency but nothing above a 7.5/10. Even with characters who can fly, size change and teleport they have no interest in playing with space or time in editing or cinematography, nor have they let a villain chew a single bite of scenery since like Iron Man 2. Costumes are atrocious too, they dont even need to be more comic accurate just more bombastic.
>Keep exploring
Adding new characters who have copypaste origin stories in new settings where 2/3s of the villains have the same powers as the hero is not exploring shit. I mean for fuck's sake every single conflict outside of the Captain America and Spider-man series are directly personal to the hero (where the hero started it many times) or "da world is ending!" (Only Loki even tried to take it over!). If you read some cape comics or hell just watched some of the Cartoons (Timm/Burnett Justice League/Unlimited and Avengers Earth's Mightiest heroes) youd see how absolutely neutered these films are for the genre.

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What made the first IM so good anyway?

They have, I addressed that too:

DC made Joker and Marvel only did Black Panther 20 movies in. DC also made the female superhero film first. Marvel has done nothing but superheroes

Though really I think the issue is they tried to build an expanded universe on a movie that was divisive and meant to be a solo film. Then just doubled down on all people's issues with the first in the second.

Because it costs $300 million minimum after marketing and distribution just to spin the wheel once.
Also there is only one other studio with like-to-like IP assets that can even try. They tried to do it backwards for some reason and it'll be a decade to clean from people's minds for another spin.

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>Call of Duty didn't last that long though

don't new cod games sell like hotcakes?

>DC Made Joker
and it isn't even a part of the DCEU, it's entirely on its own continuity. So it is irrelevant.

>Marvel only did black panther 20 movies in
And that was one example, but they broke new ground all the time.

>Captain america was a world war 2 film
>Winter Soldier is a spy noir film
>Guardians of the Galaxy was a star wars film
>ant mans were heist films
>Ragnarok was a buddy road trip film

They had like 3 normal films and then started mashing genres together to explore new territory.

OK, DC did a team film about supervillains. The MCU is nothing but superheroes. Your point makes no sense

The marvel formula is simply consistent quality. Genre fans have never experienced a franchise that can do this before.

But SKWAD was a shitty mess that was trying to be GotG from a movie that wasn't GotG to begin with.

that doesn't invalidate his point at all user, it just shows that DC did one new ground thing, and then made everything else the same boring paste

RDJ being a wash up and one of the last choices people would make for a superhero (Iron Man in the comics was based on Howard Hughes iirc). Then he just was a straight up asshole in the movie, not even an antihero, and it was a genuine surprise

Technically they did a VS movie, though it sucked.

every call of duty sells like hotcakse
even that one with Kit Harrington in it that everyone hated the trailer for some reason