I just got through the first season of this. I was promised a truly unique and nearly life changing show that would presented a fresh perspective on things, but all I've gotten so far was the same old satire of christianity we've all seen before, regurgitating ''the why are christians so stupid'' and ''why is god evil'' types of arguments. Granted, it has some very funny moments, but the expected depth isn't there.
Should I really keep going with this bros ? Does it finally reach its potential in the following seasons and stop being so asinine ? Or is it just another overhyped ''hidden gem'' by the internets ?
And before you say it, i'm not christian.
I just got through the first season of this...
Because it changes from “lmao Hollow protestants” to “lmao hollow desperately depressed people”, the last season is almost art house in its depiction of failed marriages and old single women
It's been a while since I've watched it but the first season is different from the rest of the series in that it is mostly self-contained stories only played for laughs (aside from the Christams episode, I think? which ends on a darker note).
Honestly, stick with it, you'll see a change in S2. I don't think it's overhyped, I think it's deserving of its praise. Maybe I should rewatch it.
The first season is fedora cringe, I told you this. Season 3 is when it became a bizarre drama and kino
That's what initially drew me into giving it a try. It seemed like the type of religious satire that deals with the failures of the common people themselves rather than a simple pointing the finger at the institutions and laughing at how dumb they are. It's a very interesting angle, made even more intriguing by the fact that Orel doesn't lose his faith despite everything (yeah i unfortunately got spoiled on that) but i have not seen much nuance yet, which made me ask that question.
You had to have watched Sunday school stuff like Gumby and David vs goliath to really appreciate the first season, later seasons is the pure cringe stuff
Where the fuck are you guys watching it? I can't find this shit anywhere online
>inb4 I'm retarded
S1 is different from S2 and really different from S3 in which Dino pretty much wants to show you, the viewer, just how shitty life truly is.
>And before you say it, i'm not christian.
then i dunno what your fucking problem is
no, it's an overrated show from the dying days of Adult Swim
S3 > S2B > S1 > S2A
Don't worry, you're not retarded. I'm watching it on kimcartoon with a 360p quality. It's acceptable enough. Just be sure you turn on your adblocker when going on there.
The first season is lightweight, but it's necessary as a reference point to see how much things change as the show progresses
Times are different. Back when this was made this was considered edgy. This was around the time the internet atheist community became big. Then everyone turned 15 and stopped being rebelling little shits and saw how cringey everything involved in Atheism was and how it was just part of the Democrat machine, in which they use social politics which includes religion to manipulate votes, but never do anything to fix anything because as long as there is a problem you will continue to vote Democrat in hopes that problem will be addressed. Now you can go to youtube and find the perverts and cringey neckbeard fedora wearers that didn't get the memo that they are living memes of themselves. (Thunderfoot, Amazing Atheist, and everyone they hang with and argue with online) This show was OK when it aired, kind of funny, but it doesn't hold up to anyone over 15 now.
It's so weird how the internet almost "aged" with a certain age group like that. I can remember being 12 years owning Christians on Yas Forums and then watching Jon stewart make fun of Bush and how that retard destroyed the country with the Iraq War. But then something happened a few years into the Obama presidency literally around the time I turned 15 or 16 where everyone realized that atheists are cringe and Democrats are sociopaths.
Hulu has it in its entirety and you can find the beforal orel special and the lost episode on archive.org
Season 3 may be my single favorite individual season of television ever produced. Stick with it, friend, it's not that much if a time commitment anyway.
Stick with it
It comes into it's own during the last half of season 2 and all of season 3
Name a more kino moment than Clay's rant in Sacrifice
I can't, it's the best part of the show
season 2 is very different from the 1st. s1 is basically just robot chicken: lmao christians edition, and imo legitimately drags the show's potential down, but is necessary set up for the following seasons. s2 delves a bit deeper into the characters and kind of shows a different side of the show based on the hollow stereotypes in s1, and ends on some pretty depressing stuff. and then s3 is a full-on death spiral of misery.
It's the biggest demographic. Gen x is like the silent generation
I love and appreciate it for what it is, but Season 3 might be the most depressing and uncomfortable season of television I've ever watched, and I probably won't ever watch it again.
>Come on dude... it's funny and christianity sucks
It took me a while to realize that going to the study meant getting spanked. I initially thought it was much worse.
ive only seen a handful of episodes haphazardly, never looked into it or knew there was a plot or story. that said, it was itneresting to watch. if i remember, i might try finding it this weekend
you watched the wrong season, simple as
t. Dr. Potterswheel
I watched it infrequently. It had an actual plot? what was the overarching story? I have no interest in sitting through the whole series, please spoil it for me.
Imagine if they made a show like this about Islam.
Kinda sorta for the first season and a half
Pretty much from the school pageant episode onward the show develops an actual overarching story, but its told in anachronic order, and there are call backs to episodes from all over the series
So, is it the same tired tropes?
>the creators using the medium to bitch about life
>their creations are a self insert for the failures and people they hate in their lives?
>It's christian, so it has to have priest molest Moral
>Christian mother kills his little brother by drowning him in the car in a lake/river
>The alcoholic christian father ends up being a Repbulican faggot
Any of these happen in the show?
Only saw a few episodes and I don't remember any of this happening, but the father seemed to be getting close to the coach in a few episodes I did watch.
>>>the creators using the medium to bitch about life
Yes and no, the only time its used to bitch about life is for a monologue in the episode 'Sacrifice'
>>their creations are a self insert for the failures and people they hate in their lives?
Kinda, Clay is a self insert for the shows creator, Dino Stamotopolous, had he not got a divorce and lived in bible belt america. If anything the show ends on an extremely optimistic note.
>>It's christian, so it has to have priest molest Moral
In fact, the priest, Reverend Putty, and Orel actually regain their faith by the end of the show, the worst thing he does is sleep with some prostitutes
>>Christian mother kills his little brother by drowning him in the car in a lake/river
>>The alcoholic christian father ends up being a Republican faggot
He already was but it's not important to what happens
So the reason why the show got darker was because Dino Stamotopolous, the shows creator, was going through a really rough divorce at the time, so he wrote the 2 part finale for season 2 to be really dark
Mike Lazzo, head of Adult Swim at the time, loved the finale, and asked it to be as dark as humanly possible. Dino complied, and by the fourth episode, Alone, Lazzo cancelled the show because it got way too depressing and he didn't want to ruin Orel's innocence.
So the show was going to be planned for two more seasons, lasting 20 episodes each, including season 3, but season 3 was cut down to 13 to wrap things up for Orel as quickly as possible
Nothing actually changed, all smart people/scientists/intellectuals are atheists and all religious people are stupid. People just stopped making fun of religion as much because it got old. That doesn’t mean anyone stopped being an atheist.
Another episode was actually done recording before Lazzo cut the budget down, so resources wouldn't go to waste, a few interns at Shadowmachine (the animation studio behind the show) made a rough cut of the episode, Abstinince (the episode itself isn't that important, it's filler but its a comedic break from the drama happening)
Later in 2011, Adult Swim reran the show, and it got really high ratings, especially for midnight, which got a 30 minute special greenlit, which was originally supposed to be a spinoff prequel series explaining how everyone in Moralton came to be the way they are. But Lazzo didn't like the dramatic direction that was going on anymore, and only wanted to fund more comedic episodes. Dino doesn't want to do comedic episodes like the ones from season one anymore, so we just have that one prequel episode.
You can find both on either archive.org or vimeo
It gets good near the end of the second season, it’s definitely worth it to get through.
You just sound like a typical colossally butthurt 75 IQ that believes in ghosts and souls and gods and shit
That why there is a surge of conservatives now and the liberals/Democrats are trying to combat the facts that a whole new generation of voters are majority conservative (Zoomers). Seriously, since the shit that was pulled by the Democrats in 2016 and 2018 elections, there has been a surge of people that left the Democrat party, and with all the degenerate shit the LGBT community has been doing, many atheists and agnostics have turned to faiths, regardless if its Christianity or whatever just to not support the degeneracy that is "trans kids", and faggots fucking in public, pissing, fisting and shitting on each other in broad daylight in front of under age kids.
You sound like a neckbeard fedora supporter. At least my ghosts aren't retarded faggots that get caught fucking literal retards that require real life retard wranglers (amazing Atheist) and the "Kyle" incident.
Christianity is literally a thousand times more degenerate though? The Catholic Church is a cult of rapists and everyone is involved in a coverup. An atheist can only become religious if they’re in a bad accident that causes brain injury.
Your tinfoil fedora is showing.
Damn the amazing atheist did a weird sexual thing. He’s still dramatically smarter than any religious person, and not a rapist more importantly.
>all smart people/scientists/intellectuals are atheists and all religious people are stupid
The show continuously shows us that Orel, who is the most devout Christian in the show, is a good person who improves the world around him with his christian values. It's only when corrupt adults pervert the words of the bible to their own selfish ends that things go wrong. Your comprehension of the material is 3rd grade level, you assmad christfag.
that person is bound to be more mentally stable and more intelligent than your average Christian kek. there’s nothing more embarrassing than being a religious adult.
Also, I'm not technically overweight I'm obese.
The big bang theory was brought forward by a priest.
wow another thread by a butthurt Yas Forums “conservative” with the approximate intelligence of a horse
religion gets made fun of because it’s fucking funny to the point of absurdity that grown adults believe this shit. it’s almost like 80% of the world scarily stupid
I mean whatever you have to tell yourself.
We'll be living happy, prosperous lives while you neck yourself at 35, tranny.
>and not a rapist
he raped a retarded girl
also post physique
When you fuck a retard that requires a caregiver, you are a rapist. Retards under the states care, or a 3rd parties care, cannot consent. It is legally rape. He admitted to fucking a mentally retarded person that identified as a man but was born a woman (Kyle) that had actual retard wranglers (Caregivers/powers of attorney) that made adult responsible decisions for Kyle because Kyle supposedly had the mind of a 9 year old kid. TJ made a video on his channel dealing with this drama. He monetized it. He called it something like "The night I almost died" and put it up on his youtube channel. Kyles caregivers got in the comments and also on facebook and gave their side of the story. TJ almost got in a bunch of trouble from this incident. The family was apparently going to press charges on TJ for KIDNAPPING, SEXUAL ASSAULT, and a few other crimes. When it was all said and done, the family said TJ rented a hotel room, filmed some BSDM porn with Kyle, talked Kyle into not taking his antipsychotic meds that prevented Kyle from self harming (Kyle was also a cutter) and TJ got off on the cutting. Decided to try to move Kyle in with TJ, and took Kyle across state lines, which is a big no no with people under the states care or care under a 3rd party. So no. Amazing Atheist is about one of the biggest retards there is.
>wow another thread in full defense-mode by a butthurt Yas Forums atheist evangelist with the approximate intelligence of a tranny
*tips fedora*
>tranny stuck in their daddy issues phase is more mentally stable than a father of four who goes to church every sunday
lmao fedoracucks really believe this
>wow another thread by a butthurt Yas Forums “conservative” with the approximate intelligence of a horse
>religion gets made fun of because it’s fucking funny to the point of absurdity that grown adults believe this shit. it’s almost like 80% of the world scarily stupid
trailer park whites having 4 kids is what is currently ruining the world. Having kids is not an accomplishment, and you should be euthanized. Religious people should not be allowed to reproduce.
Nah, but fat people should not be allowed to reproduce.
*tipping intensifies*
Literally most religious people are obese. And stupid.
>trailer park whites having 4 kids is what is currently ruining the world.
Sure thing, MovieBob.
Translation: "So I just watched Idiocracy...."