Why was it so fucking good? And why was this the only good movie Bries ever been in?

Why was it so fucking good? And why was this the only good movie Bries ever been in?

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Sequel was better.

I was kinda sad that the MiB crossover never happened honestly, that could've been awesome. Better than the newest movie, at the very least.

Poor trigger discipline

its because they let Jonah be Jonah. everyone makes fun of him, but he can make a movie good.
they hate him because they aint him.

Not enough interest in the series. They waited too long. Instead we got. Yeah. Whatever the fuck international was. More people would have seen it had it been a jumpstreet mash-up with all the inside jokes of unneccicary crossovers. Would have been great.

Is /k/ the most worthless board? Should’ve been deleted the moment /out/ was created.

Short Term 12 is a much better film. So is Room now that I think about it. 21 is much better than Kong and Captain Marvel though.

I've forgotten enough of this movie to enjoy a rewatch. Didn't even know that bitch was in it.

/m/ is. Absolutely everything they can talk about is covered by other media boards.

Nice The Interview reference.
But Jonahs coming into his own. Mid 90s was a fucking masterpiece.
Also, was a good ending to the 21 jump street show inadvertantly at the climax when the Depp is having a heart to heart with his old co-star. No one appreciates that meta shit though.

/tp/ is worse, you think it’s about vehicles and stuff but it’s just a bunch of reddit faggots talking about their bikes, and no, not motorcycles. Fucking bicycles. I wonder if they rival Yas Forums and /mlp/ for most autists per capita

She was the main chick Jonah falls for. Isnt in the sequel because she got too big afterward, but it was the first and only time I saw her on a movie and liked her.

Fair. Yas Forums is in dire need of streamlining.

Doesn't she play a dry, unlikeable bitch for laughs? What genius casting.

>implying Yas Forums watches anything other than mainstream garbage

Except that for 99% of the time /m/ never falls for the newfag trap of "actually we hate the thing our board is about lol xD"

It actually discusses, critiques and enjoys its premise 24/7/365 and there's zero moderation there.
It's not a worthless board. It's an example to be followed

Nah. Shes actually like, gf material. Shes just sarcastic but in a playful way. Anyone who isnt autistic would find her endearing in this one.

Yeah, I'm pissed too, would've been kino.

>Not enough interest in the series.
>Men in Black 3 had come out in 2010 and made 620 million worldwide
>22 Jump Street had come out in 2014 and made 330 million worldwide with good DVD sales
Seriously, it was a fucking no brainer, it would have killed in the Summer of 2017, but alas, Sony are retarded.

>Short Term 12 and Room
>not mainstream garbage

It really fucking would have. Im really puzzled as to why it got shelved. I really wanna be a fly on the wall that shelved it. I wanna know what fucking rationale they had.
Its cool. Im gearing my career path the be an exec just so I can stop these terrible buisness decisions dead in their tracks.

>so what kind of bullshit do they say about co- covalent bonds in this school?

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Chemistry’s the one with the shapes and shit right?

my namb is jef

>Well the Men in Jump Street crossover movie has a writer and director lined up and the cast are all in, but I just don't think it's worth the financial risk Tony
>You're right, well at least we have many, much more sound blockbusters in the pipeline such as Paul Fieg's Ghostbusters, The Emoji Movie, The Angry Birds Movie, The Magnificent Seven Reboot, Sausage Party, White Boy Rick, The Equalizer 2, Holmes and Watson, The Dark Tower and Charlie's Angels, the future of our studio is looking bright.


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top 5 comedy scripts

Maybe Im in the wrong field. I would have had an aneurism mid-meeting.
Imagine if they even brought Larson back as some sort of love triangle between schmitt and the black chick. God damn it, I get so mad at kinos that never happened.


Idk bout masterpiece but mid 90s was really good

Superbad is number 1. Im sorry. Ive had to have seen it at least 20 times and still gut-laugh at 90% of the retarded jokes in it. How in the fuck this was written by high schoolers is beyond me. No other Rogan film had compared. I dont get it.

Overzealous in my response, but the sentiment still stands.

Did I say sequel? I meant the entire series was good. All 498 movies.



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>emoji movie actually happened

i remember when 21 jump street came out & everyone in hs went to see party x and they all hated it. meanwhile i went with my gf at the time to see 21 Jump street in theaters. I have never laughed (out loud) as much in a theater, much less a single movie, then when i went to see this movie.
I love it man.

Hell yeah. Taste.
Can we talk about how Dax Flame starred in both this and Project X and then fell into obscurity and began working at Coldstone or something?
Dude really fucked up his acting career. Should have just let himself be type cast. I dont get it.

>emoji movie actually happened
>It was made on the cheap so it ended making Sony around 70 million dollars profit
Still a failure for them but they just can't keep getting away with it.

wow you know some gay ass trivia

thanks for saying i have taste, i agree hah. and i’ve never seen party x to this day user lol. i just know 21 jump street is probably the #1 comedy out there. i miss the channing/jonah bromance

but sucks to hear he ruined his career, what did he do?

What the fuck, just found his YouTube channel and hes basically Arthur Fleck now

He was huge on YouTube back when it first started and went viral for his obscure character/vlogging style. No one could understand if it was just a character or really him. He got his break on these two movies but then fell into obscurity affer until he started uploading again about some autistic plant invention that someone else "stole". Idk. Hes a weird character case.
Project x is worth a watch honestly. Based off of a real life party in australia that went way out of control. Its kind of a fun movie. Not funny, but exciting. Definitely fun to drink to.

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Penis pump

I mean Short Term 12 was pretty big for what it was but it's still an independent film most people never heard of. Room is mainstream I guess, got Brie her oscar after all.

Maybe we should just investigate other people. :'(

Ice cube

Hi, Jonah

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Thats a good picture of me.


never understood it
I had just graduated high school when this came out and I fucking hated

Which one better?


it was because you a were a teenager, dumbass. teenagers hate everything and its all because their brains are not developed.
teenagers are literally braindead and to be honest i think you stayed braindead

Unironically 2.

anchorman came out when I was a teenager
checkmate, fgt

The Seth Rogen bit killed me
>Noone's gonna fucking notice

The lost one we'll never get

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kek. fucking Jonah

>Jonah Hill gets confused by seth rogan a lot
I look like both of the mother fuckers and get called both equally all the time. The joke got old 10 years ago.

Youre fucking kidding me. It was JH's idea all along?

I was a Project X guy