Is she right?
Is she right?
game of thrones has no re-watchablility
Game of Thrones sucked to (re)watch in the first place.
GoT was like fucking a hot chick bare and then as you're about to cum she tells you she has AIDS. Who the fuck would want to relive that?
isn’t a lot of that GRRM’s fault? He loves to shock you by “subverting fantasy tropes”
imagine investing 8 years in that trash, and along with that, merch. normies are so lame and retarded.
I rewatched the first four seasons and a bit of the fifth over Christmas and the New Year and would disagree with this. Although S5 really hits home how shit the program went. The first 4 are decent TV.
certain scenes are rewatchable
you can't get aids from a woman
the ending killed the whole show i dont even wanna rewatch the beginning cause i know how it ends
People who still complain about Game Of Thrones are more annoying than the show itself. Go outside. Please. It’s a TV show. Get a life.
how so?
>you can't get aids from a woman
Do you realise where you are?
Jokes on that cunt. I bought the books and read while I rewatch the series. Still is shit though how it turns out.
It's a damn shame. Worst television blunder in history I'd say. And it's all the directors fault too which makes it uniquely bad
That's also because there are 73 episodes, that's 73 hours. Pretty big time commitment..
That's why I stopped watching the x files after 3's 150 hours of content there's no fucking way I have the patience to sit through all that shit.
Hahaha this guy doesnt know how to watch shows
It did back when you could believe things would pay off. Now you're just reminded of all the things they that never led anywhere, all the loose threads that seemed like they would have payoff eventually and build to something, but were just forgotten for another thing that didn't pay off.
It doesn't matter how you watch it, once a total series length gets above about 50 hours it's very questionable if it's worth your time watching.
You can, but you both have to have open sores. In ordinary circumstances, it's very unlikely.
Nah, because GRRM's ending, if he even gets to it, is probably gonna be similar shit.
Haha this guy is confused now
You guys are obviously 80+ years old, time to go to the hospice
don't catch the corona virus on the way at your age it would be fatal
other than some cartoons and some breaking bad episodes, ive never rewatched an episodic tv series.
keep getting fucked in the ass
If GRRM was smart, he’d take the best theories online to create the outline of an amazing ending, then hire ghost writers to fill in the holes.
That is what he is doing inbetween his nubian queen thots
wrong. The first 4 seasons are worth a rewatch and even wrap up nicely.
Nah. I rewatched it twice with people who hadn’t watched it. It’s actually pretty fun watching it again knowing what happens. Of course the older seasons hold up better than the later ones.
That's literally why he's taking so long, he's probably written 10 different versions of Winds of Winter and is currently market testing them.
Because the girl would need to be on the rag on a heavy flow day and she cut your dick on her teeth or braces or something.
Nearly all heterosexual HIV transmission is a downlow faggot fucking his wife and giving her a POZ load
Despite the novel series being unfinished, they do maintain replay value due to how detailed and character-packed world the revel in. The TV show, however, thanks to being butchered mercilessly in the final 3-4 seasons, is not worth rewatching.
When you read the novels you know you're going to hit that wall of infuriating cliffhangers, but you have great writing most of the way through; with the show you know its going to be shit for 40 hours at the end and have to put up with the worst writing possible.
Mfw I stopped watching after the 4th season
You can from a black woman.
what if they have a cutie girldick and ur fucking their boipussy
B-but the books...
I work with a guy who watches Game of Thrones on his phone over and over again all day every day, so this is wrong.
>lose job because of corona
>$550 per week unemployment insurance
explain to me why I should ever work again
The novels and show diverged early enough, and large enough, that it is impossible for them to have the same endings, as they do not barely have the same characters by the time the ending in the show approaches.
if you're a homo you're far more likely to get it if you're the one getting fucked
She is talking about normal people, not weird autistic freaks like your coworker.
No one here does.
This. Only the first season and Blackwater are rewatchable.
Do you guys remember there was a big boycott of GOT by feminists during the 4th season because of all the rape scenes? I knew a couple of women who quit it then and there and never went back.
Little did we know they were actually based.
She's right.
Unironically I relive this every week when I fuck a hooker raw. Rawdogging streetwhores is such a thrill due TO the fear. I also love horror movies. Really makes me think.
You're thinking of the fifth season
The books? Were they even real? They may have existed in ancient times. I only managed to get through the first three while recovering from my wisdom teeth being pulled.
The next book has been so delayed if it came out today no one would care and many would simply resent it as too little too late. Because there would be no promise of any more after, no guarantee it would be finished in a decade.
No I'm not.
Oh boo fucking hoo. 90% of these faggots who say this shit LOVED season 7 when the show truly became garbage. A lot of them were in fact on board until it became obvious they weren't going to get their fairy tale ending of Dragon Yass and Jon Trudeau co ruling with Lil Quip as their hand. The last two episodes of season 8 righted many wrongs if anything.
Seasons 1-6 KINO
Season 7 and first 4 eps of 8 SHIT
Last two episodes of season 8 KINO
cause unemployment insurance only lasts a couple months and then ur back to nothing
Yes you are, since the boycott shit was after Sansa getting raped by Ramsey
Based except Season 5 was still shit.
Yes you are
There was a big boycott before that though. That scene caused wave 2.
>There was a big boycott before that though.
Should be easy for you to prove this.
It also sounds like he took the option to not have income taxes taken out of unemployment now, so he’s gonna get a huge tax bill at the end of the year.
Friendly reminder that people were defending the show until season 8 episode 4 and the reviews all prove it.
Yes you are
>Last two episodes of season 8 KINO
Yas Forums contrarians at their most contrarian.
What, by pulling up some fucking Tumblr archives? I saw an article, a youtube video and 2 of my feminist friends at the time quit the show. Jesus.
>GOT Season One
It hurts much.
If it was a big boycott there should be evidence of it, like the mountains of articles about the boycott following Ramsey's rape.
But you're wrong on this one so of course you can't find shit.
If you weren't entertained by the second half of The Bells, you're a faggot.
why the fuck would I give the government an interest free loan every week?
Are you talking about when Jamie fucked Cersei on Joffreys coffin? I remember that outrage and it was before Sansa/Ramsey
I wasn't entertained watching Maisie run around like a dipshit and an embarrassing pair of action scenes between Sandor/Gregor and Jaime/Victarion.
Remember that? Remember when Jaime fought Victarion and there were 2 cuts per second?
The show went to complete "why even watch anymore? ugly tv battles?" shit around Season 5 so you're outing yourself a pleb right now
How does this get to this Why does everything have to be a dick measuring contest about being right?
This place has turned into Reddit.
Because I'm right and I don't give a fuck about your feelings.
Yeah I was.
TWOW is happening this year.
Poor little faggot is wrong and cant handle hahhahahahahahahah
>no one wants
Did she gather those stats telepathically or what?
No reason, but most people don’t realize that they have to pay it at the end of the year. Just like last year everybody freaked out when their refunds weren't as big as the prior year and people will freak out once they don’t get a refund at all this year because of Trumpbux
lmao I broke him
You all fucking wish lmao, he just doesn't care and has figured he's going to die and wants to party with his money
But you're not right, you just want to be right because you're a loser. Every thread has to be a victory for you because you spent your time consuming Television and information about Television instead of anything useful.
The show got bad in season 5, by 7 it was complete fucking garbage.
You can but it's just very unlikely.
I have read this every single month for the past five years.
She looks like she fucks white guys
>Do you have a source on that?
>A source. I need a source.
>Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.
>No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.
>You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.
>Do you have a degree in that field?
>A college degree? In that field?
>Then your arguments are invalid.
>No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.
>Correlation does not equal causation.
>You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.
>Nope, still haven't.
>I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron
Still wrong.
/got/ is what basically turned Yas Forums into exactly what reddit used to be like in 2011
They really fucked up with the casting of Jon Snow and they knew it. All he could do was make a fag expression and hope everything else made you not notice. Can't believe he and Clarke got Emmy nods.
You're thinking of /twd/
>Alfie Allen was literally, LITERALLY never given an Emmy
Out of the whole crew he got robbed. They gave it to the fucking meme dwarf when he stopped acting after season 4.
No they are right, virgin.
I rewatch the stuff with Tywin and Robert Baratheon occasionally. There are some great scenes in this dumpster fire.
Fag expression? Hahahhahaa did you get turned on looking at that dude. Epic
I knew you were going to say that, you know why? Because nerds on Yas Forums are all the same.
That's just 3 days worth of content. You can finish it all in a week if you binge a season per day. If you're a huge normalfag, you can stretch it out to two or three weeks. No big deal.
I don't remember but I wasn't on Twitter and this was before Twitter and news media coalesced into one noxious effluvium
>certain scenes are rewatchable
You knew I was going to say nothing and post an image reply?
This user has it right. Season 5 is hot garbage and a sign of things to come.
Boombooms been writing >projection for 20 years everytime they dont want to reply anymore.
Classic tired old dudes