Bill gets pussy and doesn't get a bad ending

>Bill gets pussy and doesn't get a bad ending
>Peggy isn't an insufferable cunt, actually is normal
>Bill telling Peggy to fuck off
>some of the best lines in the entire series
>Gilbert is a tribute to Tennessee Williams
Easily the best King of the Hill episode. Also best KotH episode thread I guess

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Other urls found in this thread:

I've always liked the one where Lady Bird fights a raccoon and Hank Bobby and Dale try to track her down, only for Dale to become "infected" with rabies.

>Pic related

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I love the part where Bobby shoots Bandit. Really good bait and switch moment there.

>doesn't mention the best part of the episode
>don meridith telling hank to move on
peggy is objectively great character plebe.

for me its the episode where dale works in a dead end job

>I’m gonna give room service a JAYNGLE and order up some étouffée

Stick-tech formerly Stick-co

Dale's dancing towards Nancy in that episode always fucks me up

>no comfy is no good for me
It's a good episode but KOTH is at its best when the characters put each other in uncomfortable predicaments

This flower is WILTIN

>when hank is walking through a path of piked bugs

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I like the one where Bobby joins a wizard club.


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I like the one were Hank is the primary suspect in the alleged murder of Buck's mistress.

Based OP. That without a doubt is one of the best King of the Hill episodes. And it strikes such a harrowing emotional core when Hank gives into fear and hands the football to Dandy Don who flubs the pass. I can't think of any other sitcom that so brilliantly encapsulated what it's like to feel that you have a sure thing and then lose it.

>it's a Khan joins an anti-communist Laotian militia episode
>it's a Minh joins the gun club episode
>both were only desperate attempts to join illustrious Nine Rivers Country Club

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What episode was this? I haven't seen them all, there's so fucking many.

A Beer Can Named Desire, season 4.

>>it's a Khan joins an anti-communist Laotian militia episode
The ending of that episode was pretty satisfying even for a dickhead like Khan

The Kahn episode was funny because they were aware of the fact he'd probably die just jumping out of the plane and landing

Oh, I have seen that episode, I just don't remember Bill being at that weird incest house.

>Now how long you been sittin' there?
>35 years.

I'm trying to rewatch it and I realize, I fucking hate this one remembering the ending.
Hank gets continually screwed the whole episode.

It's hilarious when he realizes how useless it will be.

>if we're not shot out of the sky then we'll parachute down
>if we're not killed or die on impact, we'll march down to the capital
>if we're not killed, they'll probably capture us and send us to a reeducation camp and... put us in their army... huh...

>anyone else notice he cuts a pretty nice figure in uniform?

People shit on the last season but even it still has kino episodes

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Is that the one where he becomes the manager and starts power tripping? Sometimes King of the Hill gets too real.

yeah, they promote him just so he can fire people


The gun club one is amazing.
>hank bends down to dial phone in boomhauers lap
>mad dog busts in
>”Its not what you think we were just calling for help!”

>I’ve already lost the black vote, earl, and the gay vote, earl

>anyone else notice he cuts a pretty nice figure in uniform?
Forgot about this laugh everytime
>computers have already beaten the communists at chess, soon they'll be beating humans

>doesn't get a bad ending
he got kicked out of his family estate for fucking the wrong girl

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Yeah, it was fucked, but to be fair Hank screwed himself over he put an autismal amount of effort into recreating the shot so he could win, then at the end didn't believe in himself and gave it to the guy who didn't give a shit


>who didn't give a shit
so you didn't watch it?

For me, its the episode with the side story where Boomhauer winds up in a mental hospital followed by Dale, and then Bill and Hank has to get em out
>Dad what were you doing?
>Oh I was just getting the guys outta the insane asylum

>Keep it down guys, will you? I am trying to get through an article on vintage Camaros, and I've been on the same dang page for twenty minutes.

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No he got kicked out because he just wanted to fuck around and not settle down. He never had sex with the blood relative.

Talkin bout dang ol pretty pretty pizza

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>How long have you been settin there?
>Thirty Five Yearrrrsss.

>this flower is wiltin'

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It's been awhile, maybe I misinterpreted the ending

John Deadcorn was almost a decade ago

Khan and Ted are probably my favorite Asian Americans ever depicted on TV.

They are by far the most realistic interpretation of Asian Americans ever shown.

t. white guy who works for two Chinese American doctors.

This was my second favorite YTP to Hank of the Hill, another good one here:

I tell you I hate Nancy.
It's a beautiful day. Yay.

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hank was pissed that the he didn't even take his coat off, but the football player later reveals he also built a replica and was training for days and he left the coat on because he had been training in it

Khan is usually a great character and some of the worst episodes in the series are when they write him out of character.


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How long you been sitting there?

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Yeah and then they bond a bit over how they built the replica. A feel good ending.

Which episode is the militia one?

>that King of the Hill youtubepooper that makes genuine surrealist works.

Would you, Yas Forums?

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Clouds? Clouds?

Yeah I'd fuck her mom

Two parter but those are really great episodes.


How much Did Robert cost?

stfu sneedfaggot

The episode where Hank gets raped by the dolphin is clearly the best one

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>Two parter but those are really great episodes.

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>I need a window seat, because this flowa is wiii~lted

>this muggy November weather gives me the horribles!

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The episode where Hank hired Dale to be a soldier of fortune was always my favorite
That or when Dale became a bounty hunter and wound up just hanging out with his first bounty

at full force in the vagina mouth and anus

the episode where Bill goes crazy and becomes a tranny

Patrician Taste.
The Mr Big episode is my favorite too.

>Easily the best King of the Hill episode
no. that would be the fiddle episode

>I knew him... briefly.

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