>Walk around the desert for half the episode
Bravo Vince. You outdid yourself.
Walk around the desert for half the episode
Excellent symbolism and countenance of a resolve to get through the current situation but a sense of regret for having gone this far with path he's chosen. Underrated actor.
So he had already gone though a bunch of wacky fucked up shit before he meet Walt?
He's pretty confident when Walt and Jesse kidnap him in BrBa so it makes sense
Not surprised, when Walt first kidnaps him he acts as though it's perhaps his fifth or sixth experience as a kidnapee
You don't suddenly become money laundering scumbag who thinks sending someone to trip to Belize is a good business advice just by accident.
you know that lawyer fella, that guy.. that guys a real jerk
>in this episode, Vince Gilligan watches one episode of "Survivorman" and has an 80-year old actor trudge around a 100-degree desert. Saul's there too.
Try over 3 quarters
If the character's first name wasn't (((Saul))) this show would not get shilled at all. But here we. Another (((thread))).
Take you meds
Yes. You didn't need an entire episode for that bullshit. It will be nice when people can binge watch the season but is garbage when you are watching as they come out. Fucking Vince.
i don’t normally fall for the nothing ever happens meme but this one was a stinker
have a sex
He's an Irish guy who pretends to be Jewish to make money. You could learn something from him, goyboy.
Drinking piss is bad for you. It's full of salts and waste material. Might as well drink seawater.
Is Saul finally slamming back Kim's piss?
that's the most jew thing I've ever heard of lmao and he isn't even jew
the real jew was the money we made along the way
Is tv real, nigga?
>jimmy cleans off some dirt on his shoe from his water bottle
>later shot of his soiled shoes after trudging through the desert
>thinking that piss isn't 90% water
>gets a cactus needle stabbed in his foot
Who is this guy and what does he have to do with Better Call Saul?
it's walter white, from breaking bad s02e09. also he is the most autist poster on this board
I've been waiting for the Jimmy+Mike proper team up the whole series you cunterino.
Loved every second of it.
I love my nigga Jimmy like you wouldn't believe.
It's like the Pine Barrens of BCS.
Vince is REALLY trying to replicate the genius of the Pine Barrens episode from The Sopranos.
The RV dying in the middle of the desert in Breaking Bad. The car dying in the middle of the desert of Better Call Saul.
He is a criminal lawyer. Those guys usually get in some heavy shit.
t. lawyer
Kim is gonna die isn't she
The face of amiguissimo del cartelissimo
how is Saul going to kill Lalo after the whole Salamanca gang rape and kill his wife
ooh good one, I didn't remember that
brabo bince
yeah and if you're really that dehydrated you aren't going to piss anyway
Too bad characters don't have the chemistry that Paulie and Christopher had.
for pine barrens it was the characters that made it great, as well as the absurdity of the whole thing
dying 300 miles into a desert being chased by gunmen is much less sillier than getting lost in new jersey snow, misplacing your shoes and having to drink relish packets
She has cancer.
During this episode she gets a letter from a medical testing center.
It's only visible briefly in the episode but it's a foreshadowing easter egg.
It will subvert your expectations by writing her off in a third way you don't expect (as opposed to leaving Jimmy over his changes, or being killed by cartel)
Screencap this.
Also if anyone can find it and make a webms or screenshot thatd be nice.
What was your reaction to this line?
I stood up and clapped.
Pine Barrens is a great episode in a great show, but you're muddying tones here which doesn't really make your argument stellar.
I really wished the shooter wasn't going to be Mike. I know it would be him but I really wished it wasn't. He's such a meme.
Pretty sure the car wouldn't have even started to begin with had the alternator been shot.
I was hoping it was ________ Kim
see you in the next thread where you convince yourself the topic is tied into some worldwide conspiracy that only you have secret knowledge of you genius and not at all sad pathetic fat mentally person with no friends
I expected him to at least being accompanied by Pollos' underlings.
damnit this user is right, went back and checked
I feel like there's going to be a situation where Saul has to choose between him or Kim living and he chooses to save himself.
There's no other way for her to die and just have him be mentally sound and never mention her in Breaking Bad.
That or she just leaves him.
they could have introduced a couple new characters of Gus' men
Why didn't they take Mike's vehicle?
The radiator was shot so it would have over heated real quick.
Vince Gilligan is such a shitty dunb hack, this was exactly like Pine Barrens except dumb and shitty.
In Pine Barrens you are always wondering if the russian is going to come back and bash Paulie's and Christopher's heads in. Here in Vince Gilligan hackworld you don't even need to wonder because the camera shows the car zooming around the desert and gives some nice close-ups of Mike saying obvious shit like "stop!" And "He's back!"
Who is this?
Bravo, simply bravo.
This is the only look we get of the document. Speculate away, its completely blurry.
You can take the alternator out after its started
I called it the second the car died. I made the joke in my head, he said the line, and I wanted to shoot myself.
ancestry test
saul is 5% nigger and that's why she leaves
I got up and left the theater