itt: actors that are an immediate sign you're about to watch kino
Itt: actors that are an immediate sign you're about to watch kino
>perfect movie
>Princess Bride
>perfect tv show
Holy shit you're right.
also anything he did with based Cassavetes
he was in hunger games
His role in Wings of Desire is one of my favorites
The best group of actors of all time
Seriously, are there any actors nowadays that are anywhere near as charismatic as this lot?
Only ones I can think of are actors who made their name a while ago. None modern.
he was pretty good in "The Great Race".
oh shit
they weren't charismatic
they were just damn good
Don't think I've ever seen him in a bad movie.
Sasa ke?
that one with this kid, the one that saw dead people, i dont know how the fuck he´s named, oates or something.
Sixth sense was a good movie, but Robert Duvall wasn't in it
I’ve never seen an actress so consistently kinomatic.
This is probably the most accurate answer. All of his films are classics.
I don’t remember his ugly ass face.
It was you Fredo
Favorite CassavetrsKino Go!
1. Husbands
2. Woman Influence
3. Chinese Bookie
4. Opening Night
5. Love Streams
6. Faces
7. Minnie and Moskowitz
8. Shadows
9. A Child is Waiting
Fuck you.
falling down is bad
It ain't great, sort of a cult thing now. Maybe.
Mitchum or Gloria Swanson
it's a good idea that was poorly executed
Great concept that's overblown because Schumacher isn't a great director.
De Niro.
Gotta agree. Duvall's got 143 credits. They can't all be winners.
throwing in this madman
Commanding performance in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
>Synecdoche, New York
>The Master
>Punch Drunk Love
>The Big Lebowski
>The Hunger Games series
How can a man be so based?
Tom Cruise
Daniel Day Lewis
Marlon Brando
Joaquin Phoenix
>Pic not related
Always loved this guy.
what a fucking retard, i said with that kid, not that fucking movie, what the fuck.
Pic related, i found it
The closest we'll get to a classic Hollywood star. Very telling that he's known for being hard to work with.
A must-watch for any fan of his
Burt Lancaster - classic king of kino
shut the fuck up you stupid stupid, rat!
>Well that should wrap it up for my report user, I'll be going now.
>Oh! Just one more thing...
>You said that you had no idea about the existence of Sneed's Seed and Feed, but I uh happened to check in with your mother and she says she heard hysterical giggling coming from your room a little past 5 pm that night.
>I double checked the schedule on Fox and the Simpson's episode "E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)" airs at 5pm.
>Now what do you make of all of that?
Ill watch anything with Viggo. Even the spanish language movies that i thought i'd hate
that movie was great the fuck you talking about
>Marlon Brando
Brando was in a lot of so-so films even in his heyday.
Obvious answer
The Big Sleep is a fucking terrible movie though
You left out Capote, one of his best performances.
>Tom Cruise
Not even in the park.
What else is he even in besides Columbo?
Didn't deserve that Best Actor though
la binoche