Itt: actors that are an immediate sign you're about to watch kino

itt: actors that are an immediate sign you're about to watch kino

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>perfect movie
>Princess Bride
>perfect tv show
Holy shit you're right.

also anything he did with based Cassavetes

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he was in hunger games

His role in Wings of Desire is one of my favorites

The best group of actors of all time

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Seriously, are there any actors nowadays that are anywhere near as charismatic as this lot?
Only ones I can think of are actors who made their name a while ago. None modern.

he was pretty good in "The Great Race".


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oh shit

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they weren't charismatic
they were just damn good

Don't think I've ever seen him in a bad movie.

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Sasa ke?

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that one with this kid, the one that saw dead people, i dont know how the fuck he´s named, oates or something.

Sixth sense was a good movie, but Robert Duvall wasn't in it

I’ve never seen an actress so consistently kinomatic.

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This is probably the most accurate answer. All of his films are classics.

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I don’t remember his ugly ass face.

It was you Fredo

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Favorite CassavetrsKino Go!
1. Husbands
2. Woman Influence
3. Chinese Bookie
4. Opening Night
5. Love Streams
6. Faces
7. Minnie and Moskowitz
8. Shadows
9. A Child is Waiting

Fuck you.

falling down is bad

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It ain't great, sort of a cult thing now. Maybe.

Mitchum or Gloria Swanson

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it's a good idea that was poorly executed

Great concept that's overblown because Schumacher isn't a great director.

De Niro.

Gotta agree. Duvall's got 143 credits. They can't all be winners.

throwing in this madman

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Commanding performance in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

>Synecdoche, New York
>The Master
>Punch Drunk Love
>The Big Lebowski
>The Hunger Games series

How can a man be so based?

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Tom Cruise
Daniel Day Lewis
Marlon Brando
Joaquin Phoenix
>Pic not related

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Always loved this guy.

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what a fucking retard, i said with that kid, not that fucking movie, what the fuck.
Pic related, i found it

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The closest we'll get to a classic Hollywood star. Very telling that he's known for being hard to work with.

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A must-watch for any fan of his

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Burt Lancaster - classic king of kino

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shut the fuck up you stupid stupid, rat!

>Well that should wrap it up for my report user, I'll be going now.
>Oh! Just one more thing...
>You said that you had no idea about the existence of Sneed's Seed and Feed, but I uh happened to check in with your mother and she says she heard hysterical giggling coming from your room a little past 5 pm that night.
>I double checked the schedule on Fox and the Simpson's episode "E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)" airs at 5pm.
>Now what do you make of all of that?

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Ill watch anything with Viggo. Even the spanish language movies that i thought i'd hate

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that movie was great the fuck you talking about

>Marlon Brando
Brando was in a lot of so-so films even in his heyday.

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Obvious answer

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The Big Sleep is a fucking terrible movie though

You left out Capote, one of his best performances.

>Tom Cruise

Not even in the park.

What else is he even in besides Columbo?

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Didn't deserve that Best Actor though

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la binoche