I watched the first episode of this shit and god damn this is awful...

I watched the first episode of this shit and god damn this is awful. Is this how women try to feel victimized in times of war?

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not just women but liberals. Notice the patterns:
>unlikeable and sort of ugly lead, makes funny/ugly faces a lot for some reason
>canada is a paradise you can escape to, how would canada magically escape the apocalypse and look just like a liberal dream of america?
>men are all morons and cucks
>society would obviously improve if women were in charge again
not read the book obviously but I assume it has more to it.

>canada is a paradise you can escape to, how would canada magically escape the apocalypse
Confirmed didn't watch the show. It's not an apocalypse, it's a religious revolution inside of the US only. Canada is the closest place to escape because the show takes place in New England.

>men are all morons and cucks
Not true, didn't watch the show.

>society would obviously improve if women were in charge again
Not the point, didn't watch the show.

>unlikeable and sort of ugly lead, makes funny/ugly faces a lot for some reason
I'll give you this, fucking hate that actress.

>make story about shariah islam but with ambiguously puritan whites became you're a cowardly Canadian living among thousands of muslims that might kill you
>no second point for greentext, fuck you

She never stops narrating. Shut the fuck up and show us the world goddamn

Look at those sloppy tits and the foetal alcohol syndrome smile. If I was her commander she'd be wearing that face protector downwards by 90° in the bedroom.

>I'll give you this, fucking hate that actress.
The worst part of the show is that it shits all over Christianity when Elizabeth Moss is literally in a cult in real life that abuses women and men. The double standard is just completely fucking retarded.

I gave up around season 3. The lead literally never does anything. She's apparently """"inspiring"""" everyone else to make shit happen, while she just stumbles through a season. Things happen TO here. She barely ever does anything herself. All the side characters are more interesting and active than she is. Like that dyke who got her clit cut off. I'd rather watch that chicks show.

>It's not an apocalypse
I haven't read the book either, but some shit must have gone down considering the flyover states are turned into a radioactive wasteland.

Holy shit you are not kidding. I wonder if she's too brainwashed to realize the parallels, or if the cognitive dissonance is just too strong. I now feel justified in hating her.

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on top of that, if you speak out against christianity, the worst that will happen to you is some eye rolls, but if you speak out against scientology, you'll have so many lawyers up your asshole that your colon could pass the bar exam

>I haven't read the book either, but some shit must have gone down considering the flyover states are turned into a radioactive wasteland.
There's never an explanation given, I'm assuming it's just because the book was written in 1985 and nuclear war was the big thing everybody was worried about, so there's just this big spooky radioactive zone for no reason.

Max Minghella is relentlessly handsome.

it's feminist propaganda. women are always the victims and men are evil blah blah blah destroy the white race

I was raised Catholic, left the church and had some family bickering for a while but that was it, Scientology is a legit powerful cult that can end your career and make you stay away from your family forever if you piss them off or try to leave their "church", I can't even imagine growing up in a cult like that.

Men are victims in the story too, even the powerful army guy, once he starts stepping out of line and second-guessing the cult. It's not really feminist, it's more about fascism and state-mandated religious fundamentalism - that happens to involve a lot of rape.

What I don't understand is that it seems like a nod to if Sharia Law were the norm and practiced in America. Or at least that was my takeaway after seeing 2.5 episodes, but if I mention the similarities towards that shows perception of how women would be mistreated and how gays would be executed if Sharia Law were happening, then the fans of this show cry wacist and don't want any part of that conversation

>I gave up around season 3
I enjoyed season 1 and stopped watching halfway through season 2. They ran out of source material and just started slapping together a bunch of nonsense, because for some reason these streaming platform original series can only be good for one or at most two seasons.

Maybe it's her indirect way of speaking up against scientology and convince others to stay away from cults, because she's ridden with guilt but too scared to speak up against them openly?

Didn't the author write something about how the time before Gilead had tons of rampant pollution and some kind of mumps-like virus that caused infertility? The toxic waste was just from the country dumping shit everywhere, which then also caused everybody to become sterile? Been a while since I read it, too lazy too look it up.

Her face is deformed? I just thought she was really nordic looking. Strong masculine, hardy face; strong jaw.

you see 2.5 episodes of a series, then proceed to judge the whole of the fanbase of said series bases on stereotypes and generalizations.

>her face is deformed
>strong masculine
Pick one

Deformed in the sense that it is the result of an illness (fetal alcohol syndrome)

Is the rape any good in this?

Foetal, Thetanal, Nordic, they're all the same. She's getting a binbag space-helmet and needs to learn to hold her breath.

Which Hollywood cult is she part of?

It’s just a American version of the Iranian revolution the roastie author saw how East it is for mean to roll back womens rights and set it in America to raise awareness or something.

They get off to it.


More like awfully hilarious

How did their new government even take power? They seem incompetent as fuck

And why is it a theocracy in NEW ENGLAND of all places?

Disgusting. women should be banned.

>Confirmed didn't watch the show. It's not an apocalypse, it's a religious revolution inside of the US only.

The show suggests there was an outside attack that destroyed things.

But why is the revolution only in New England of all places? That's liberal-central for Americans.

I don't see how it's feminist

It makes women look weak and pathetic as fuck instead of being the equals of men

Hell, the she-nigger that is the character of Moira is enough to make me root for nation of Gilead

It’s written by a women.

Meh, I've seen two seasons and he's not wrong.

Why is she so unbelievably ugly bro?

I unironically like the government in the show. They have the right attitude for women.

I'm starting the first episode now to see how bad this is. the opening scene where this hog is trying to take her mutt baby to the border is making me angry.

lol it gets even better

she's an adulterous slut of a miscegenator

FUCK women

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as someone who read the book I thought the first season was a mixed bag.
Elizabeth Moss is not always accurate to the spirit of the character. Offred is not this rebellious snarky selfless hero, she's just a normie who is scared and confused.
Overall the first season is worth watching, but obviously if you're interested at all in the story just read the book, its so much better.
I dropped season 2 halfway through the 3rd episode. Its shockingly bad, and this is from a leftist tranny supporter who loves the book.


The interesting thing is the author wrote the book in the 70's as a response to the islamic revolution happening in Iran. But obviously they couldnt allude to that in modern day hollywood.

these internal monologues are shit, this actress sucks ass. At least Alexis Bledel is finally on screen, she's the only reason I'm watching

I get it for the white feather, that was bullshit.
But I guarantee you 100% of the women protesting in the 60's and 70's were anti war, and men wouldnt be going to vietnam at all if it was up to them.

Women were just following men like aways. They never have any independent thoughts and thusly shouldn’t have rights. Given them equal rights is absurd and demeaning to men.

hey, cool it with the islamophobia

That's apples and oranges. Just because Men had to endure hell on earth doesn't mean women should be barred from voting.

yes they should be barred from voting you stupid nigger, no woman has any right to tell any man what foreign war he should go die in

I'm sure they needed a ton of makeup to make her look ragged

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If you don’t have a stake in the game you shouldn’t be able to make decisions on it.

Women are typically more anti-war than men. Your logic makes no sense.

Part is in Chimpcongo too

This what happens when a women tries to thing. They just get confused and say dumb things.

>You are only valued for what use you can be to them.
That is irrefutably true. Since I realized that, I always ask "what do I get in return" when a woman asks me to do something.

>I deserve all the rights, but none of the responsibilities.

even if this were objectively true, which it isn't, it still isn't a valid argument. if 100% of people had the right to shoot themselves up with heroin, it would be accurate to say more people wouldn't do it than would. having a right to do something is not 'earned' by retroactively making a 'correct' decision, nigger

You went from flawed logic to no logic.

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T. Women. Thanks for playing sweetheart.

>netflix puts out multiple shows about orthodox judaism being handsmaid tale IRL

Gay Jews hate the bearded ones.

well, the theocracy holds more than just new england. most of america minus the southern, western and majority of the northern borders, belong to gilead. new england is just the place where they decided to place their capital I think

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Doubt. When women are angry towards someone, the only limit to the harm they will inflict is the possible repercussions towards them. If women would be in charge we would have more wars and they would be way more devastating for the losing side because forget a honorable capitulation, you angered the princess, only death for you and all your kind will do.

While I definitely wouldn't recommend the show to anyone who isn't a filmfag, the direction almost makes up for how boring it is. Mr Robot does its style better tho, so if you're interested, just watch that

That’s different from the maps in the show

based relentlessly handsome poster

not really, this image is from season 3 I think. the first one was just some fanmade version because the ones they presented in the show were tiny

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That’s substantially different

actually, you are right in a way. I think the first one is just a clearer representation of the map in season 1. season 3 might be when more land was taken back from gilead? I don't really know

The premise is so non-sensical. If he problem is fertility and only a few women can reproduce, just inseminate them artificially and nobody would care. The issue is that the handmaids get fucked while the dude looks at his wife just to create retarded drama (the kind women love).

>omg they don't let me fuck whatever dude I waaaaaaant

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you're not wrong, Satan

tbqh If I had to be a breeding sow I'd at least be grateful my owner is white, rich and good looking. I could rub it in the faces of all the other women at the grocery store

Why are women so selfish and cruel bros?

How did a fundamentalist religious group take power everywhere but the Deep South and West?

women are just into horror in a particular way. they like the torture porn of handmaids tale, they fall in love with serial killers, they have a massive online "true crime community" where they talk about rapists and kidnappers, and (in the UK at least) women's magazines are filled with mad shit like pic related

i can only guess that in our evolutionary chimp warfare history they evolved it to cope with being the spoils of war

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