Last episode was better than the entirety of BB

Last episode was better than the entirety of BB

Attached: BCS 01.jpg (1200x675, 180K)

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that seems like a bit of an over-exaggeration


It was great episode but the hype wasn't justified.
I tell you something.
This was THE best looking episode out of both series. But at least in BCS, and I'm not even talking about BrBa, there were like 10 episodes, which were better.
e06 and e07 of this season were way better. Half of the episodes in s5 of BrBa were better. Few episodes in s4, s3 and s2 BrBa were better. Chicanery, Winner and like 2 more out of s3 and s4 of BcS were better.
But pic related killed me.

Attached: kimverysad.jpg (1678x944, 53.98K)


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Slim Jimmy listening to Eminem while walking througg the desert dragged on for a bit too long, but otherwise very solid.

what the fuck was she thinking?

She is too pure. She isn't capable of thinking that there are people as vile as Salamancas. They are not just vile, they are batshit crazy too. Plus she is still in love in Jimmy and probably, on some underlying base of her personality thinks that in no way they could be that bad, if Jimmy teamed with them.

Attached: kimmy.png (620x639, 581.74K)

how can one woman be so wholesome

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Kim is a genuine retard


She's smart, but not completely infallible. She played her hand, one that probably would've worked on anyone else (or at least someone with less power), and it just didn't work.
Up until now, all her schemes with Jimmy have worked out.


see you pissdrinker

Attached: saul_drinking_piss.jpg (1678x944, 182.65K)

i loved it, but I ended up being a bit disappointed the desert adventure didn't conclude during the episode itself.

on another note, i can't believe i've watched every episode at release for 5 years now. i'll be missing this show once it's over.

I just think she wasn't aware of the extent of the shit Jimmy got himself into this time.

somebody pls saul post this one

It was SO PRETTY, I am inclined to agree with you. God, what a beautiful show.

>all her schemes with Jimmy
That was her mistake. She thinks she can do what Jimmy does. She's no smarter than some drunk slut at a bar trying to get between a fight with her bf and another guy, yelling stop like anyone cares what she has to say.

your honor i will NOT get up

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Me an my Mom just finished watching it. We both think Kim was very brave for what she did, but not surprised Lalo wouldn't take her seriously. I called it that our man Mike was on sniper detail. What a great way to demonstrate that he's unchained now.

Almost every shot was a wallpaper material. Beginning (Jimmy and Kim hug) was very emotional. Then started the cousins scene, when they drive in, kino as fuck, with the reflection. After that, pure unadultered wallpaper machine of kino material. And then another emotional scene with Kim and Lalo. And kino again. We are blessed for having this fucking show.

Attached: better_call_kino.jpg (1678x944, 222.61K)

What kind of snacks does she make?

The reflection game this season is OFF THE CHARTS! I loved the doll eyes looking back up at Jimmy in the well personally.

Attached: Better.Call.Saul.S05E08.1.webm (1280x720, 3M)

Attached: Better.Call.Saul.S05E08.2.webm (1208x680, 3M)

I'm eatting a piece of her chocolate marble cake right now with a glass of milk. We both enjoy popcorn (non-microwaved) during our viewing though.

Attached: Better.Call.Saul.S05E08.3.webm (1208x680, 3M)

This is such a good shot. It's every bit as ridiculous as it should be

What was the nudity scene?

Jimmy's butt

Lalo's Smile


Was this a metaphor

Fucking love that it's the Davis & Main bottle

Also he was given the yellow glowstick and then is told not to waste his golden stream -- it's like pottery.


Yeah same it's been such a fulfilling experience really and one i never let myself build hype towards

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You've been replaced, Walt.

is it correct to drink your own piss in this situation?

incorrect. also i’m the most based person on this board.

Attached: 587D4841-0895-4408-A39D-B360DA8C0903.jpg (750x798, 110.09K)

you just can't drink your piss again afterwards.

I am the one who calls based


incorrect. also i’m the most based person on this board.

Attached: A2FF4D5C-2C01-4592-8073-277CFB5C3076.jpg (750x798, 104.97K)

piss is mostly water but also things your kidneys did not think belonged in your body. you'll keep compounding the waste and destroy them, but doing it once or twice could potentially be life saving

NO your piss contains alot of sodium all its gunna do is make it worse

>could potentially be life saving
also could get you killed you want to do what mike did with the tarp because it will cause the water in it to evaporate and condensate getting you actually water instead of highly concentrate urine

Breaking Bad was a show built entirely on its premise (Chemistry teacher goes criminal) but it was ultimately shallow and always attempting to up the stakes to the detriment of the writing.
BCS is a much better written show. It's not a meme that only dummies don't get it. They literally are too dumb to understand that good dialogue, acting and writing are enough to carry a show.

the fact we got Mr Acker out of BCS proves its better then BrBa

I didn't watch it until January haven't read the threads so I don't know if this was brought up at all but El Camino was also extremely good looking.

Vince is unironically the best TV has to offer. Chase and Milch are good at writing, guys like Hawley might be good with visuals (not my cup but some people are into him) but Vince and team are a perfect blend

>Mfw Kim gets killed by the cartel

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The retarded questions that always crop up on these threads are proof.

there is some meta-level brilliance to the shootout: I think I felt the shock with Jimmy. I never expected the show to suddenly get so violent.

what other shows can you think of that are rated and produced to allow for high intensity violence, but only resorts to it very rarely?

>literally nothing at stake other than saul's car and coffe cup
>better than Breaking Bad


>popcorn (non-microwaved)
Holy f*cking based

Acker was based and a perfect example. Breaking Bad would never allow for such a character to appear because it was solely centered around drugs and crime (except for Walts family).
Also look at Kim vs Skyler. They both play similar roles to their partners but one is highly regarded while the other is widely derided. That's not on purpose either, Skyler was meant to be sympathetic.

This. I enjoyed the episode but its hard to care when we know Saul and Mike get away just fine. The only actual worthwhile scene is with Kim and Lalo because we don't know for sure what happens with those two. Kim dying is a bit too obvious and considering Saul in Breaking Bad, not likely. He is far too relaxed and laid back come then and losing Kim would be a massive blow to him. Kim leaving him or simply still being there but off-screen during Breaking Bad makes far more sense.

what happened to lalo?

He was apparently alive in s2

Attached: lalo.jpg (1788x821, 64.04K)

He's reached smug levels that shouldn't humanly possible

BrBa peaked at the first episode and nothing they have made was as good in either series.

>BrBa peaked at the first episode

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>we know Saul and Mike get away just fine
This criticism is such shit. Have you ever rewatched a movie or show? Seeing as you already know what happens, what's the point?
The answer is simple - knowing the outcome is irrelevant. People place too much importance on the destination.