Dishonest cinema

This film was so fucking pretentious. Literally something that all first year film school students do because they want to be much deep, much serious.

Attached: 500.jpg (500x300, 23.43K)

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All cinema is inherently dishonest

what's an "honest film"?

There was nothing pretentious about the sex scene. I was diamond hard

What a dishonest question

no u

why are you trying to make fun of first year film students when you just discovered Persona?

Bergman created one of the most erotic scenes in cinema history with almost nothing but just one character talking

sucks to be a literal homosexual like OP

Attached: Persona.jpg (900x507, 60.51K)

There's not a single student film that is similar to Persona.

Classically beautiful Liv also made an impression on her director when the cameras weren't rolling. Ullmann and Bergman had an illicit affair, never got married, but did produce a daughter who is genetically predetermined to take over the world with her beauty and brains. Mama ain't half bad herself, of course, as she proved when flashing her funbags in Shame (1968).

Hopefully, Liv knows that her American fans are hungry for another sample of her juicy Swedish meatballs.

Back to the Future trilogy

I ripped off Resnais and Pasolini

>black & white
>full of pseudointellectual philosophical musings about le deep stuff
>incoherent narrative
>razor thin characters that only exists as props
>more style than substance

this must be bait, holy shit

The Room, unironically

OP made a break from avengers 12, watched persona on accident and then made this thread lmao

>You didn't like [popular film made before 1980], that means you like Marvel films
I love Persona, but peopel like you are worse than soijak posters

this argument is used to make retards angry, it works especially well if they don't actually enjoy capeshit, people hate when they're accused of something that is not true.

If you think this film student-tier flick is some sort of masterpiece, you are very easily impressed

lmao nice cope headcanon defense mechanism

now tell me how Tarkovsky was an Tarkovsky was easily impressable man

My top-5 films:

The Red Shoes
The Leopard
A Woman Is a Woman
Belle de jour
Le samouraï

Notice the distinct lack of capeshit

>i'm a provoking asshole
like i said, people like you are worse than soijak posters

No, he was just pretentious like Bergman

lol this is such a weak and unthought out list. looks like you bought the criterion channel a month ago and had no prior contact with arthouse or classic cinema.

>i don't understand it so it is pretentious
Non-argument, I'm not replying to none of your bullshit from this point

pretentious, first year film school student tier

>everything I don’t enjoy must be pretentious
are you 15

>>full of pseudointellectual philosophical musings about le deep stuff
Where are there any philosophical musings, let alone pseud ones?
>>incoherent narrative
Is this bait?

Yeah it was so fucking hot.
>tfw didn't get to ss

Criterion babby

Who the fuck asked you?

This is either good bait, or you're just trying too hard to look smart

If you want to LARP as an elitist, maybe don't use lower case and words like "lol"

Because if you do, it's easy to catch you samefagging

this soiPhoneposting tourist newfaggot thinks he's onto something


>If you want to LARP as an elitist
why would I need to larp? i live the life baby.

This thread is pure cringe.

>This thread is pure cringe.

Attached: soii.png (928x608, 217.54K)

I can't actually remember if I really like Persona or if I just found this scene so hot that I think I do

Certainly Persona is Bergman's most concentrated work, in a sense a summation of the themes dominant in most of his previous films. It it is undeniably a difficult film if only because it leaves itself open to so many interpretations.

I had a gf who told me the movie was more relatable to her as a woman than it would be to a man.

Did you slap her when she said that?

>it leaves itself open to so many interpretations

Bergman didn't know what he was trying to say so he just threw some shit on the screen and hoped for the best.

You've embarrassed yourself.

nice reddit spacing

Persona, what a piece of shit.

Attached: persona.jpg (543x780, 231.84K)

I didn't. Maybe she wanted me to.

>Bergman didn't know what he was trying to say so he just threw some shit on the screen and hoped for the best.
Do you honestly, sincerely believe that?

but also ironically

Enter the Void. Whole movie is just psychedelic imagery.

Attached: enter_the_void.jpg (680x1000, 210.22K)

have cum to this scene so many times.

Unironically awful taste.



I discovered it in 2003, you fucking pleb. Saw someone praise it on Yas Forums today and got riled the fuck up.

don't lie
this is the list of someone who just found out about criterion

Attached: 1551817133384.jpg (550x543, 82.51K)

Because those masterpieces suck, right?

>a woman is a woman

Jesus Christ what a fucking whore

not him, but i'd take it over just about any other 60s Godard

It's one the weaker. Its fun but not much to it. Interchangeable

>two boys came prematurely
>best sex she's had
Retarded slut