/who/: Doctor Who General

muh Clala edition

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Doctor Who is dead

I'd like to see 11 kick Warwick Davis in the head repeatedly.

the GOAT nuDoctors

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Me walking out of Chibnalls office

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You can never destroy Chibnall that way. You have to toss him into the flames he was originally forged in.

Where are we going to find a pit full of mediocrity and bullshit political correc... we need to hurt him off the roof of the bbc building

>"But Professau how did those buildings fell down if those planes were mere holograms"
>*The doctor winks as he opens the TARDIS door* "come on Ace I think we have seen enough of 2001"


How does he keep on getting away with it?

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Here's the fandom in a nutshell.

Classic fans who hate all of nu-who

Conservatives oldies who worship Tennant as a god and RTD

Tennant and Smith fan girls

The transsexual and gay part of the fandom who worship whittaker

The based part of the fandom who love the classics and also love Eccleston and Capaldi.

What if you're one of those weirdoes who found something you liked about all Doctors pre-Whittaker?

What if you like all of the Doctors? other than whittaker

Then you're ultra based.

>12fanwanker detected

I liked the music and Sachas narration and how it was directed when talking about the Docs origins. That's all. I do hate it and wish it never happened though.

i like nearly all of it, and i dont dislike even the parts that bore me. the show ended when 12 let go, though

>I offer you an alliance, /who/. Serve me truly, and an show can be yours.
>Serve you, Chibnall? Your name is abominated in every civilised fandom, whether that name be Ward, Johnson, Abrams
>Serve me, /who/.
>Never! Argh!
>You pit your puny will against mine? Kneel!
>Kneel before the might of Chibnall.
>In my presence, you are an ant, a termite. Abase yourself, you grovelling insect.

>You use your powers for evil.
>Evil? Your evil is my good. I am Chibnall the Destroyer. Where I tread I leave nothing but dust and darkness. I find that good.
>Then I curse you, Chibnall, in the name of all nature. You are a twisted abhorrence. Argh!
>Any further insolence, /who/, and I shall shred your precious cannon into a billion shards. Is that understood?

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Honestly I would suck Capaldi's dick.

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You couldn't even get it in

we know jenna

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I'm listening to a 5th doctor audio. (209 main range) Nyssa and Tegan are comfy, it's odd that I find these gal pals so comfy.

It's the big finish effect everything that could be awful on the show us suddenly pleasantly well written, I'm pretty sure there's one with Adric where he is a good character.

I recently listened to daughter of the gods and it was pretty great to hear about Katarina again, does anybody know if there are more audios with her?

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So, apparently Jamie Mathiesons episode that was too dark and denied by the BBC and Moffat was going to involve 12 on a luxury spaceship for all the important business people and aristocrats of the era, and it turned out it was as tame as possible at hinting an orgy boat, and Mathieson at the convention said 12 would realize this when a bunch of young children left the room of a businessman on the ship he thought was a good guy. 12 then proceeds to go dark and sabotages the ship and evacuates the children, it was an episode on the child abuse that is rampant in high British society, so no wonder it didn't see the light of day.

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John Barrowman and Gareth David-Lloyd were relentlessly handsome.

holy fucking kino. I can imagine 12 pushing a buisiness out of an airlock.

Jenna is almost 34 and still doesn't have any children.


Fuck the bbc.

Why would BBC executives oppose this story? Why the BBC higher-ups specifically?

i'll try to change that

It's well know they're all pedophiles.

Jesus christ. That's pretty fucking dark. But undeniably kino


at a certain age a woman without children can be a bad thing, we have a duty of care /who/

Isn't that literally just children of Earth?


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While we would've gotten a good Capaldi performance out of it, it doesn't sound like a good episode. Seems a little bit too edgy for Doctor Who.

I think David-Lloyd has a fat face and looks super average next to barrowman

not really but also yes

that reminds me in Stolen Earth why the fuck was Dawkins being consulted on the planets, is he an astronomer?

This is the womb police, and I have the right man for the job

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RTD always put celebrity cameo jokes, so did Moffat to a degree

Jenna Coleman is relentlessly pretty.

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I always liked in RTD's stuff if a TV was on in the current day it'd show an actual TV show on the BBC. Can't remember if Moffat did the same. Plus, in RTD's stuff I liked the continuity with the same American news anchor appearing when American news was shown on TV.

Sorry old chap but that jobs been filled

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I liked that american anchor she was always so smug

Honestly I would fuck Jenna's Butt

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Doctor Who is dead.

i swear this is just moffat and capaldo shitposting late at night because no one else crushes on her this strongly

I'm not sure I could tear myself away from worshipping it with my mouth and hands long enough to actually do sex in it

Why was 11 so horny in S7?

I looked Jenna up to see if she was in anything else I knew and didn't know about her being in it and I was surprised to find out she played a character in Xenoblade.

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Just like real life.


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we all would user

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Even if that's fake, it's fuckin hot.

every time I see this image I wank
imagine the sense of power you could have if you posted this during normal UK posting hours and you could think to yourself
>right now, somewhere out there, I just made user have a wank

yea but the other ones made sense

Before the Wedding of River Song it was implied that Smith's Doctor was the last incarnation to see her in this short. He probably had some repressed sexual tension without his booty.

That is a fun thought

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