Past a certain age, a man without a family can be a bad thing

>past a certain age, a man without a family can be a bad thing
But at what age? Do you have a family yet Yas Forums?

I believe bringing more people to this world of suffering can be a worse thing.

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no, i'm happily volcel


I am 25 years old and I never even kissed a girl

If you don't have a family to be rendered destitute by your job termination (and yourself too from the divorce proceedings in the aftermath), you're considered a liability to your employer.
It's like the HR department that threatened to fire someone for not driving an expensive enough model car, that saving money makes you more likely to embezzle from the company. Very tiresome.

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What scares me is not that I'm kissless virgin, but that I haven’t met anyone in 30 years worth falling in love with

Have you ever thought about it the other way around, you being worth falling in love with?

inb4 Yas Forums shows up and tells you to have babies

I'd genuinely be surprised if more than 1% of Yas Forums has kids themselves

Maybe,but this does not negate what I said above

This is the hell dimension we are all living in our own personally tailored hell.

how much of an antihuman tranny does one have to be to be against having babies lmao

True, I've never denied it, and being on the same boat it's looking like I'll be alone for a long time because these disgusting women can't un-ride the cock carousel


I will literally never have sex

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>I believe bringing more people to this world of suffering can be a worse thing.

Sounds like something a person who doesn't bear the responsibility of being would say

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>mfw got married 3 years ago
>mfw bought a house in the suburbs
>mfw wife and I both got terminated in the span of 1 week
>mfw mortgage is coming up

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I am 39 and never had a girlfriend. Most of my family is dead besides my father who is pretty old and lives in another country.
I lost my virginity at the age of 24 to a hooker, unable to ever establish emotional connection to someone else and being a suicidal virgin.
Since that time I have fucked well over 300 hookers, including around 100 traps and ladyboys. I regularly travel to Thailand every year. I also regularly combine sex and drugs for that extra high edge.
I feel no need to have family or children.
Looking at my life I am a bad thing for society as I do not contribute and my pursuit perpetuate vices of others. However I do not care.
As I coming near the age of 40 I learned several lessons about existence of others like me. For example you can't pursue hedonism endlessly because it could lead you to heights that will consume you-so you have to set yourself careful limits.
There are other men like me, some broken, some not. I met them on forums dedicated to sex tourism and Asia.We are not what drives civilisation forward, but I wouldn't want to live a normal life with wife and children.

>can't pursue hedonism endlessly
>I have fucked well over 300 hookers, including around 100 traps and ladyboys
Good advice.

Time flies by really fast, I’m 29 and I remember being 21 like last week

That's not even the beginning of my debauchery

Be an aesthetic instead. You can feel high minded about yourself.


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ascetic whoopise daisy

How can I reach your level of lifestyle, I could never afford any of that.

Guys guys. Chill we are all friends here. Remember the good times bros. We made it.

>We made it
lmaos to where?

>always wanted to be a dad
>can't stand women for more than a couple months at a time

In a normal century I would have just been a priest.

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>I'd genuinely be surprised if more than 1% of Yas Forums has kids themselves
I genuinely hope it's less than that.

>In a normal century I would have just been a priest.


I dont have a family , I do alright and could afford one , but something tells me I am going to end it all at 50 or just when my parents die. People like me are not supposed to reproduce.

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I can't into Orthodoxy, bro.

>can't afford kids, don't want to raise them in poor conditions
>lmao hsve kids tranny
dumb fuck zoomer

Its the only path left.

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I am 10,000 in debt.

Im killing myself in 5 years.

spotted the newfags

nigga i was born with a family

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imagine attributing the advice of having children to a board.
it genuinely surprises me how stupid and obsessed some anons are.

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4channel is only 2 years old retard

I’m 27, married to my highschool sweetheart and have a 6 month old baby. We rent our own 2 story townhouse.


Covid19 cancelled mortgages

kill yourself hiro enabler

Where do babies come from?

this is the worst sub

how are you planning on raising your child in the ruins of society?

go back

Bad argument. Defeatist arguments serve no purpose so they can be disregarded.

I'm stupid but not THIS stupid

That’s something I think about daily but try not to stress about. In my mind, the best answer is lots of father son time, me showing me what’s right and wrong, limited internet/gaming access. It’ll be difficult when he’s in grade 2 and everyone has a cellphone and Instagram. It’s like, do you make it so your kid is the only kid in class with no phone/insta or do you allow him access



I Type



worthless reddit nigger

>tfw broke it off with high school sweetheart at 25

35 is the cut off point after that even your body starts to give up on you

Why? What’s your purpose? Where’s your legacy? Do you have people who love and rely on you? You’re a sheltered mommas boy that lives at home and can’t support himself. Highschool kids are more well off than you

That's not me sailor.

modern society has no mechanism for dealing with broken men


Oh man that's so much projection, why in the fuck should I care about your normalfag values in the first place? You think you're gonna educate me you stupid fuck, go get divorced raped like the retard you always were, we single chads don't have to fret if our daughter is gonna get dicked by a nigger like you, fucking loser.

i love how retards keep replying this pasta

>le projection meme

Stopped reading there. Nice cope tho

Keep in mind when he said this he had destroyed his family via having an affair like a retard.

>we single chads

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21 here my nigga

>projection is a meme
uhhh based???

You could be a priest now. In any other century you'd probably be dead already because you're a loser and you wouldn't have access to Yas Forums.

I am literally 25 years old and I literally unironically sincerely never even kissed a girl.
It being a pasta does not make it untrue.

I do wonder whats gonna happen with the current "incel" crowd society has shoved all the people life just didnt work out for into.Giant suicide spike?random men snapping more frequently?over crowding in nursing homes?

>we single chads

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>Nice cope tho
no doubt this zoomer fag lives at home and has never had a girlfriend.

>we have to save the white race!!
>nah don't have babies with white women, they're all fucking whores!!!
>asian girls are the purest, we should marry them!!
>have kids? in today's economy? are you insane?

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>partnerbro mows your lawn for free
>get angry about it
what the fuck was his problem Yas Forums?

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literally me though its just that i'm in a quarantine situation right now

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five years ago you were probably larping as a pagan, tradcuck

You don't mow another man's lawn

uncle senpai hitler chan said japanese schoolgirls are honorary aryans

Yas Forums is also super anti abortion while bitching about being outbred, lmao

>Yas Forums is filled with Yas Forums beta sois pretending to be chads
Wow, what a shocker

its like taking another mans manhood in a way only roasties wouldnt get it its my fucking lawn i mow it when i god dam please

Fraid not. Just grew up baptist and got curious/dissatisfied. Always been a Christian.

all i said was i can't afford kids, everything you said is irrelevant.

>gets cucked
>gets angry about it

you deserve cancer

I'm sorry. At least you're not Episcopalian.

Is that a reddit word?

My life unironically started getting better in my late 20s. Make good money, live on the 28th floor of my apartment with a view of the city. Still getting fit and care less about what people think of me because I’m so desensitized to it. I just buy a batch of party drugs once a month and hit on obtainable girls in their early 20s. Sometimes I even get lucky with the hot ones because if they see you with other girls they want to get in the middle of it for some reason.

Can’t say the same for the girls my age though...they’re hurting.

My body started giving up on me at 22.

I think they’re also against oversubsidizing single mothers, which is the real problem.


When did you notice?