>While still a 17-year-old high school student, she met then-38 Jerry Seinfeld in a public park. At that point, Seinfeld got her phone number
While still a 17-year-old high school student, she met then-38 Jerry Seinfeld in a public park. At that point...
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Women ain't worth it lads.
Chad move
An inspiration to us all
I started dating my wife at 25 when she was 17. It makes redditors seethe so bad.
thats because jerry is a cute guy in real life.
Shut up pussy
Why do redditors think the age of the male must match the age of the female? Serious question.
jery get milker
do you think about seething redditors when you fuck? weird flex but ok
you just know
tfw have snorted cocaine and pills and stuff but have never kissed a girl
It is a feminist thing.
They think the ideal life is sleeping with tons of alpha guys in your youth and then when you are in your mid-30's to marry some successful alpha guy your age.
If the mid-30's top guys can marry younger women, this throws a wrench in their plans. So they try to make this a taboo to decrease competition.
I remember Howard Stern mercilessly teasing him about it
>saw cunny learning to skate and she flashed her flat delicious tum tum
Gonna make it lads
Kek what does snorting cocaine and pills have to do with having sex?
I snort cocaine every day
I sell cocaine and heroin and I’ve still never had sex
Ah, that was quick
g-d i wish i had a jew gf
How did her and your family react ? same for friends and covworkers ?
Kids ?
Why her ? how did you approach her without being the old creepy guy wanting some young strange ?
>pol wants to exterminate this
>17 year old daughter of powerful movie producer just hanging out at the park meets jerry seinfeld
i don’t buy it
25 and 17 is nothing lol the seethe is real
Yeah but now they're buddies and go to the same exclusive gym. I wish Howard didn't sell out and instead became an insane recluse à la Howard Hughes
I never understood why Jerry didn't stick with her. Straight up wife material. She even aged really well too!
This is pretty accurate desu
it wasnt supposed to be a documentary
look at those fat teenage titties
I’m 36 but look younger. College freshman girls give me their number when I’m stopped at traffic lights. Zoomer “men” are all femme and blacks are gay and femme. Being a white millennial with testosterone production allows me to nail tight young pussy with zero trouble.
her dad's not a movie producer
You must be uniquely physically repulsive because getting pussy should be effortless as a drug dealer esp. hard drugs
nice larp
I got to know her through friendly gatherings. I asked her dad if I could date her and he said yes. Coworkers and friends don’t give a fuck. No kids yet.
> Why her ?
She is conservative, knows how to cook/clean, and had never dated before. Aside from that, same reasons you’d go for any girl.
> how did you approach her without being the old creepy guy wanting some young strange ?
Stop caring what people think and ask your crush out, user. People won’t give a fuck.
>tfw no 17yo BIG KHAZAR MILKERS gf
It's genuinely something like this
It's always some insecurity underneath, otherwise they wouldn't care
This actually happens to me, but not this guy. No way he isn’t a faggot
imagine looking over at the car next to you and it’s two blonde 22 year old chicks who both flash you their tits before the light turns green. it’s fun.
>friendly gatherings
You knew her parents and made your move during one of their home parties ?
Idk maybe. I don’t sell to women though. They always fuck things up
All of the problems I’ve had in the past with the law involving drugs have stemmed from women’s behavior
Most people meet through family friends and social networks. This type of pairing is only unusual in certain cities in the US.
powerful jew* whatever
That's not unusual at all desu. Usually people meet via work or family / community events. I've only known a handful of people who meet via dating apps who actually stayed together.
>I've only known a handful of people who meet via dating apps
Dating apps are for those that want pump and dump, not to find good girlfriends.
Maybe I'm just a big pussy, but this can also be a bad thing
I dated a big tiddy blonde actually really pretty 19yr old when I was 30, for two years
It was amazing having a hot gf and the sex was fantastic
Then we split up and even though I'm married now to someone decent looking and with nice tits, she's my age, and I still think about fucking the younger one almost every day.
I imagine I will be doing so for many years.
True facts with user
How do you convince an early 20yo girl to settle and marry ? at that age they want to party and travel and shit not become mothers
Literally just provide for them. It’s kinda an easy choice for a dumb 20 year old foid
Live an easy life, husband literally controls everything so you don’t have to worry. Do housework
All the girls i know are feisty roasties so the providing part wont work for them. I should broaden my spectrum
based tranny
Why else is faggotry and penis mutilation acceptable but dating a younger adult somehow a horrendous crime?
Because it's easy for older people to manipulate young people.
jery based
It’s also easy for rich people to manipulate poor people. “Power imbalance” is nothing but a meme.
have sex
Tell that to Johnny Depp...
People don't become more manipulative with age, it is something you are born with.
>jews randomly meeting
You live in a high poverty area, where single motherhood and tats are considered normal. Move.
You lived the life, user. No shame in that
oy vey dat shnozz