ITT: dumb fantasy tropes

>15th-century technology yet no guns

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Other urls found in this thread:

>man like robots exist in 2020
>therefore every movie set in 2020 that doesn't feature man-like robots is dumb fantasy

I often get annoyed at films that depict tribes/groups that primarily use bows and arrows next to ones that have mastered gunpowder and field musket and cannon.

>Protagonist is secular
>Antagonists are devoutly religious

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>magic and the supernatural are dying/fading away and being replaced by industry/technology

>battle is just a bunch of close shots of main characters cutting down dozens of guys each until they finally meet for a 1v1 where the good guy wins

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Or "everyone is le cynic and doesnt genuinely believe in any spirituality"
Game of Thrones is guilty of this. All the main characters dont seem to actually believe in anything, meanwhile Medieval people would lose their shit if they didnt confess or attend a mass.

Game of Thrones is a reflection of GRRM's fedora worldview that any principles or idealism are stupid and cynicism is the privilege of the smart.

>protagonist is a Christian preacher that strangles people with his prayer beads

It’s why the religion aspect of ASOIAF is so bad, it’s half assed and generic

grrm is a hack
>dude its like the catholic church lol

>women only using bows

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I admit i always forget they had guns in the middle ages seems weird to think about

>Witchers are superhumans who can take down Monsters 7 times their sizes, strenght and agilty, can see in the dark, master swordsman, have enough strenght to cut down an fully armored knight in two like butter, can enter in a superhuman rage with potions, are so fast that we cant see them when they fight, dont have falling damage, Can defend a bridge against multiple ennemies ( When geralt was made knight), can hear a man heart and people on horses to 50 meters
>those same monsters could erase a military garnison easily
>Yet witchers dont team up to fuck up the humans

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On top of that
>soldiers holding their stance with their bow and arrow for a minute and beyond
Movies and shows underestimate how much strain this puts on your muscles. You have to be extremely strong to handle a bow and a small women isn’t going to last using one. Women have terrible upper body strength

>European setting
>American voices

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>Yet witchers dont team up to fuck up the humans
Witchers don't get involved in politics

I want a more precise description of how his characters act about it. Didn't watch/read, but don't the sorcerers show real shit in there?

> and cynicism is the privilege of the smart

Because it is?


There are many scenarios in history where this was the case though. The Zulus faced the British guns with nothing but spears and animal-hide shields

The closest thing you get to any genuine religious piety from any of the viewpoint characters is the Northerners and their obsession with oaths sworn before Godswood trees.

The problem is that even this is not rooted in any sort of real medieval understanding of religion, it's all carnal. Historically we know both from what people said, what they wrote, and what they did that medieval people seriously did believe in the immortal soul and in divine judgement. They would go, sometimes to extreme lengths to try to redeem themselves before God.

You had cynics who had no respect for religion of course, but you also have people who spent their entire lives toiling for no personal material gain, but expressly for their own salvation. If you look at the shit the Knights of Malta did during the siege, it becomes really clear that these people were not in it for money or power, they endured unspeakable suffering for their religion.

George R.R. Martin does not understand religious feeling or religious people at all, he draws no delineation between absolute fedora pragmatists (he imagines himself to be one, but he's too stupid to be pragmatic so he's just a fedora) and cartoon fanatics.

I can't decide if being idealistic is just a sign of naivety/low iq or if being cynical is just neurosis brought about by a lifetime of disenfranchisement and self loathing, both are kind of shitty.

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honestly I've always wanted to write a script where the main character is devoutly religious, but I don't think it could be done without creating some totally fictional, probably pagan religion

Both are, but clever and bitter is better than dumb and naive

If I had to choose between living a life of plenty and enjoying myself versus slaving away in misery for years due to an ingrained self loathing brought about by religious dogma beaten into me since I was an impressionable child I'd tip that fedora hard.

>tfw no Paladin kino

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Well, that is debatable, while intellect is good to have it's a burden if one cannot enjoy life with it. While dumb, naive and ignorant people are often insufferable from the perspective of the cynic they are at least more likely to be happy and enjoy their lives. Though there's also the issue of stupid people who buy into slave morality or commoners mentality, at which point they are worthless people with no real happiness or joy in their lives.

>hero has a bumbling sidekick

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Every work of fantasy needs a special snowflake character that’s an outcast/unique in their own community or a chosen one figure

Cersei dismisses the Religious authorities as if she had no concern for her afterlife. Granted, perhaps people like that did exist in real life during that time, but it was highly unlikely. The environment she was brought up in would have been saturated with the spiritual from birth to death; in both medieval Europe and the Middle East, your faith was something you would think of every day, what happened to your soul was a real fucking worry for these people.

Even in non-Abrahamic societies, spirits were important. The Japanese and Chinese may have thought Jesus was nonsense, but they certainly took the ghosts of their ancestors *very* seriously, and flaunting age old rules concerning the spiritual world would be a massive shitstorm.

Hot take here, but I don't like GoT at all. Nothing about it seems interesting to me, and I like plenty of other fantasy settings. Maybe it's a combination of the setting being bland and the normie masses loving it, but either way I just don't like anything about it.

Any fantasy movies/books or historical movies in general that deal with pike and shot warfare? It seems that everything jumps from the high medieval period to lines of guys firing at each other with nothing in between.

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That's a thing of the developed world, and a debate that can only occur between those who are unhappy because of their bitterness. Without clever folk - humanity will be left with nothing, so objectively even the biggest cynic is better for society overall. And if human civilization falls, dumbasses will be the first to have no joy, as evident with every single crisis that happens almost every decade. Even right this moment, those with no savings screech and ask clever men for help, while having no joy at all. Meanwhile folk with intelligence have lots of fun and collect all the spoils

What? Why? Battles like that have happened many times in history.

To truly do a paladin movie well you'd have to have a virtuous character that stands against evil no matter the odds. There's no place for a righteous hero in media these days.

People get so used to being miserable they almost cant stand the idea of not being miserable and bitter. It's like Stockholm syndrome.

That has nothing to do with fantasy, it's how every work of fiction works in general. Broadly speaking - life works the same way, except in life no one has superpowers

Don't tell me you havent seen this posting that image

true I suppose, but one must understand that intelligence is not necessary for happiness or fulfillment.

Refusing change =\= being happy. The moment someone shoves the good way of life down their ass, they will forget their traditions and turn into completely different culture in no time. Happened with every single dictatorship in history

Luke Skywalker in RotJ is the closest I think we'll ever get to Paladin Kino.
Can't think of any other films that can fit the archetype of a Paladin besides Bakshi's Wizards

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That sounds like severe cope. A good way of life isnt inherently degenerate. Unless you choose it to be.

The concept of a good way of life is subjective, most people who claim that degenerate = bad are just seething because they don't have any success in such a model of society.

Fuck me, not Wizards, Flight of the Dragons
>Blade with whom I have lived, blade with whom I now die, serve right and justice one last time, seek one last heart of evil, still one last life of pain. Cut well, old friend, and then farewell.

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this ruined Kingdom Of Heaven. if the protagonist didn't exist the movie would have been way better

If being a total degenerate is still better way of life than original traditions, it means they were twice as pathetic

holy fuck that pike vs pike part, fucking imagine having to fight in that

A life toiling for your own salvation can bring about its own happiness, especially if it's in support of others.

There you are again assuming that happiness in this day and age must come at the expense of tradition or self degradation.

there is an actual god in Game of Thrones

Shit didn’t know this existed thanks. Only pulled the image off wiki because I thought it looked cool

That's the thing though is martin has expressly said theres "no gods" in his world.

>Measly bow fires arrows that pierce plate armor

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Has nothing to do with the original discussion. The debate was about idealism vs cynicism. Every idealist society ended up bitter and broken. Every cynic movement ended up either bitter and suicidal, or degenerate and happy. Pick your poison any day, but cynics > idealists historically

>What is Letho, The Viper and Cat Witchers

Am historyfag so I recognized that painting and remember that scene instantly. I used to have a whole folder of paintings of pike formations but I lost it when my laptop died.

well hopefully he can explain how whatever the lord of light isn't a god before he croaks, as the show did nothing to dispel it

I fucking hate Hackson so much

Retard alert

>implying elves can't aim for gaps in the armour and didn't explicitly say so in the films.

Like the other guy already said, saying "fire" for bows or catapults even though they arent firearms