Which movie, tv?

Which movie, tv?

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I don't get it. The amount of dicks she sucks is legitimately impressive.

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I don't know because I'm not the kind of autist that stares at people to make sure they're enjoying the movie properly

You have to feel the room
Most people just watch movies as fun experience
They do not want to deal with any sort of negative emotions, they dont want to have to think about whats happening
they dont want to figure shit out

If you come out of your spergcentral and try to flex your autism with artsy films its going to be awkward
Them just halfway watching it is them being polite and not telling you they think its garbage and sucks ass

Salome's Last Dance


The Prestige
The Pianist



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not a movie but Rome HBO

Problem Child

Blade Runner
My sister just said "it was boring" when it was over

my friends are actually the ones into that faggot arthouse shit

She was right

Apocalypse Now

Showed my girlfriend The Game once. She was extremely mad afterwards, upset and yelling and didnt want to talk to me. It happened again when I showed her fight club.

I think the problem is that shes smart enough to understand how her perceptions on normality are being challenged, which is a good thing, but her perceptions being challenged upsets her and makes her extremely uncomfortable and anxious, which is a bad thing. I think I'll keep her, because 99% of other girls would have just been on their phones during the movie and asked a dozen questions at the end. What do you guys think?

Pee Wee' Big Adventure

Broken Blossoms

You should see a therapist if your hand acts by itself randomly when you don't take your meds

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You didn't actually try to watch 2001 with someone did you? Maximum autism. I always let others pick films because at least I can laugh at how shit it is and enjoy it in that way. I remember I tried to watch No Country For Old Men with an ex, god what a terrible idea.

Are you my dad?

Ye idk about those people
Have a few friends like that that just dont give two shits about films
They like them but anything thats not mouthfed to them is a no go I guess
If they really get plebfiltered by experiencing something foreign, unknown, weird, negative etc its pathetic
Dreadful movies make for an amazing experience because there is no harm, you're not personally involved
Its like any mainstream movie just leaves out most of the emotional spectrum, especially the negative emotions

Also its on you if you keep her or not
Can be a trivial thing and you could marry her
Or if its really important to you you might wanna gage if its gonna frustrate you later on
and gaging the odds of her changing that behavior

Man you must have some plebs for friends. Pee Wee’s big adventure is pure kino

Never, ever tell a friend "I love this movie, you have to watch it with me!" it psychologically makes them predisposed to being disappointed by it or just not giving a shit. No one wants to be "educated" by their friends. Instead, lie and pretend you haven't watch it yet and say "this sounds kinda cool, wanna give it a try?"

You can always just pick movies based on their level of patience
If they need some action packed blockbuster or conedy its for sure gonna be really awkward with movies like 2001 and no country

she's not wrong


Silence (2016)

My friend wanted to watch some films I like so we sat down on three separate occasions and watched There Will Be Blood, 2001 and Chinatown. He fell asleep every time, except for There Will Be Blood, which ended and he didn't say anything.

>Showed my girlfriend The Game

BR is pretty boring and overrated so...

You trying to fuck your sister

Get yourself a girl who loves Fight Club and Palahniuk’s work. I got lucky myself

OP here. I tried twice but could tell she wasn't interested.

last time I ever invite a girl to my house, she said it was stupid.

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That’s a damn shame right there

Yeah but WHY does she love those things? It's an important distinction.

Rubin and Ed.

I love Crispin Glover so much and he and Howard Hesseman do something so subtly bizarre every two minutes that it makes it a movie to watch many times over. It has a touching story when you get past the weirdness, too.

People have just said "This is weird." "What is this about?" Why is he wearing those clothes?", and just cruised through it while I sat there feeling like a heel.

I remember when I brought a girl home from college for the first time I showed her the Henry Cavill Superman movie and she just got bored 20 minutes in and asked me to go to bed with her instead. After she fell asleep I went back out and finished watching the movie by myself.

When you're in your 30's and try to pick up 20 year old girls just remember they had different childhood experiences than you.

After a 12 hour road trip with only this movie to watch I've grown to love it.

Showed a friend of mine Godfather super late at night once. He had basically no reaction the entire time and said "it was fine" and then just walked back to his dorm. I ended up falling asleep at 4 AM and woke up in the afternoon with a massive migraine.

Showed my brother Wrath of Khan and he made snide jokes most of the time and made some dumb joke during Spock's funeral while I was having the complete opposite emotional reaction inside.

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>Expecting women to empathize with a broken male lead.

My sister got mad that Deckard "tried to rape" Rachel. They just don't fucking get it, dude. Stop trying.

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Most people don't like rape incel. Have sex don't force it.

>opening yourself up to normies ever
lmao that never goes well.

You actually have to have autism if that's how you read that scene.

>everyone thinks it's rape but me so it's probably you that's the problem!
ok user. continue living your life this way.

>I ended up falling asleep at 4 AM and woke up in the afternoon with a massive migraine.
Why did you add this to the story

my dad fell asleep during return of the king in theater
it's created a lasting rift in our relationship

I showed my friend Das Boot and Jarhead and we both had feels at the end. Feels good to have good friends

it was boring as shit and I fell asleep too. You have shit taste.

Blade Runner is boring. 2049 is good though.

Casshern (2004)

Yeah, because everyone has become retarded. She was trying to run away from a moment they both wanted out of fear. He forced it. He gambled but he was right. She relented.

>around halloween time
>friend suggests we hang out and watch Evil Dead since I'd mentioned the movies before and he hasn't seen them
>happily bring over my DVD, a big bag of candy corn, and a 6-pack of pumpkin beer
>friend puts the movie in and quickly sets the volume to 4 (out of 100)
>dialogue is almost completely inaudible, only sounds you can hear are the louder special effects
>in less than 3 minutes, friend takes out his phone and starts doing facebook shit and online shopping, only looking up for a second when there's a loud sound
>other, quiet/polite friend is watching as best as he can, trying to read lips and comprehend what's happening
>movie ends and I ask him what he thought of it, knowing he only glanced up a handful of times and paid no attention to any of it, even the critical parts
>"it just didn't have much of a story"
In hindsight, knowing he's a raging alcoholic, I think he just wanted me to come over because he knew I'd bring beer

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I don't like when women think it's bad if a movie makes them upset. We see Deckard gunning down people he sees as machines, and when he tries to rape Rachel we should feel upset. Deckard and the audience are conflicted together about how to moralize his decisions and the nature of the replicants. At the end of it all, he isn't even the real good guy. He kills for humans, and Roy spares him even though he murdered all of his friends. Roy teaches Deckard something, and that's why the movie is so powerful. A protagonist isn't always a perfect guy from the start.

Blade runner IS boring. Its neat, but its slow. Do you really expect a woman to last through that? Might as well show her Master & Commander. that would put her into a 5 year coma

You gotta be interested in the issues BR deals with to enjoy it
During the boring parts you're probably thinking about questions of AI and other shit in your head. Normal people are just sitting there going what the fuck is with this 3 minute scene of nothing but moody synth music.
It's good if you like filling in those gaps otherwise it's torture.

I've showed a few people BR and usually they fall asleep. But I had one friend from Ecuador who watched the whole thing, said nothing until Roy's death scene and all he said was "That was beautiful." From then on I knew he was my nigger.

You're a rapist user. Pull a last season of Dexter and live in a cabin in Alaska alone for the good of all mankind or kill yourself.

>Referencing decade-old normie trash to prove I should respect women

Dilate, redditor.

Because when I read OP's question the first thing I remembered was the searing pain of a migraine I got after rewatching the Godfather.

teenage mutant ninja turtles

>plan to watch a concentration camp documentary with my fiance
>earlier in the day I "set up" the conversation about coroners having to burn bodies of the covid victims, how long its taking in such modern crematoriums, and how you cannot burn bones and must grind them
>we watch the documentary later that night
>she keeps saying oh the poor jews
>gets to the jew oven part
>she tilts her head
>"user, how many Jews died in these camps?"
>tell her that the Jews claim 6 million of them died
>she pauses for a good minute while watching the tv
>"user, how did they burn giant piles of bodies in a big room with wooden windows and doors? Wouldn't they catch fire and the Jews could of ran out and escaped!"

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you generation is a cancer, the day of the rope will come soon and many millenials and almost all zoomers will bleed. fuck you.

The great beauty

She is a being created to serve. Deckard kills people like her as if they were defunct machines. There is a lot going on in that scene, but I don't think it was just good old fashioned romance.

t. seething uncultered swine who thinks that autism is a passable insult on an estonian carpet weaving forum

I was young and foolish. you can only learn from your mistakes user.

I showed Enemy to some friends who consider themselves movies but they got filtered. My sister got it though.

here's hoping that you can redpill your fiance