we do live in a society
Wot if your laptop
Could shut YOU down
All those people that bought the wrong Zoom stock must be laughing now
My girlfriends company laid off 600 people yesterday including her and our state hasn't processed the expanded unemployment benefits yet because the federal government wont cooperate with them. Thanks trump!
Let me guess, the manager is like frickin Voldemort, right?
In Soviet Russia
Even if I can't use it there's no way I'm giving back that laptop
Why is she saying a poor bitchboy that can't support her without the government?
Lmao get fucked liberal shithole hahaha maybe she should have saved more than a days worth of wages
I gotta imagine reformatting the thing would be trivial
It was a scooter rental company, look at the chad that just btfo all those wagies
The company that did this is one of those scooter rental companies- Bird.
Are they actually expecting the laptop back? Would just quickly reformat and sell it somewhere
>Former employees say they were invited to a mysterious Zoom seminar, which unlike a meeting does not allow input from the participants, and learned their fate in an audio message from an unidentified woman.
>'Like everything we're experiencing now, this is a suboptimal way to deliver this message,' the woman said grimly, explaining that the pandemic crisis had forced the company's leaders to make staffing cutbacks. 'Unfortunately, your role is impacted by this decision, and Friday, April 3, will be your last day with Bird.'
>As soon as the message was delivered, former employees say their work laptops began shutting down abruptly, as they were remotely locked out of the company's systems.
>'It should go down as a poster child of how not to lay people off, especially at a time like this,' one employee told dot.LA.
How is this like Black Mirror?
My boss laid me off via Google Hangouts and it sucked but it wasn't an outrage do these people think there's a good way to get fired?
>Pre-recorded message
Going to pretend it really was
get fucked wagie!!
wot if me show was made on a compu'ah?
Also, companies are just trimming the fat. 40% of most workers are useless. The only people that are really getting fucked are good freelancers that get sacked, but being a freelancer means that you should be prepared to get fucked at any moment.
Guess you have to get on your knees and beg for daddy Trump's bucks. Maybe a tribute video of your girlfriend in orange face with a maga hat pegging you while the mascara runs down your face?
Getting fired is never good especially if you didn't do anything wrong. But what do they want? A party and free hooker?
Sounds like some psychologically impaired nerd is butthurt he lost his investment on his bad decisions and needs to play the bully from his pent-up high school rage. I hope he gets anal cancer.
But enough about you
I've already cast it, the shitty comedy writes itself
Also work Jason Bateman in somewhere
fucking this, if your job is something you and hundreds of others can accomplish at home on a laptop then you're not really contributing much to the company, or society
Bunch of pussies. They should have burnt down the building.
Reformatting it is as simple as plugging it into another device and then reformatting it. Retards literally giving away their property.
is this some how worse than being fired via phone call on your own time?
How would you guys fire a bunch of people at once if you were CEO?
Me? I'd dab and go "you broke now niggas lmao learn to code"
phones are traditional and natural
computers are corrupt and unnatural
>2.7 billion dollar start up
Whoa! How did these small town boys get a loan like that? Pulled themselves up by their boot straps I'm sure! The American Dream!
>mfw getting a promotion in a mid of Corona crisis
Get the message down to their managers and have them arrange it. Maybe each manager can do individual meetings.
Obviously this depends on the size of the company etc.
How does a company that would lay off 40% of it's staff in an instant become worth $2.7 billion in 3 years
Clown economy
Because when the laptops shut off, the average worker saw their reflection in the screen.
This is even less than reddit
Lots of bad businesses. A 2B valuation (June 2018) for a company that rents scooters is insane.
Growth investors. Modern business is a scam. Hopefully homegrown manufacturing makes a big comeback if enough people survive.
>2.7 billion
>Scooter rental
What the fucking fuck.
how can you burn down a building when you're not allowed to go outside
>if your job is something you and hundreds of others can accomplish at home on a laptop then you're not really contributing much to the company, or society
So people should leave their houses and drive 30 miles to do a desk job they could do at home? Why? Just for some silly pretense of work ethic?
>chief grocery cart disinfector
congrats loser
No, everyone who does a desk job should be gassed
From what I've seen, people claim they prefer in-person, face-to-face firings because doing otherwise is seen as cowardly and dehumanizing, not to mention just makes the job easier for the person who has to put somebody out of the job. But there's also the fact that a chunk really just want it to be face-to-face because they think they could argue/guilt the person into letting them keep their job. But ultimately when if you're getting canned because of mass layoffs, there's absolutely nothing to be gained by getting a face-to-face firing; the people in the article are just playing it up more to garner sympathy for the job hunt.
Don't know if these were the ones they had in around for SDCC, but the first year they had them, everyone was interested in trying them since it helped get you around the city pretty quick and was a kind of neat idea. Assuming it was out in other big cities around convention season, that probably spiked its use and value a good deal. But from what I've seen in the subsequent year(s?), nobody really bothers with it after trying it once or twice.
VanderZanden is not a real name
They could have at least been told that they will be getting severence or something.
It was originally ZanderVanden but he changed it
this guy got it
based retard living hand-to-mouth. I got two yearly wages worth saved up just sitting around for times just like these. imagine literally being more retarded than fucking uneducated farmers who haven't seen a book in their life, even those fucking people knew to keep a store in case of a bad year or two.
modern people are trash and you deserve to suffer for it.
>Hi everyone!
>So we have alot of Capital now
>And we have an ASSLOAD of resumes pounding at our door
>So we're going to fire the shittiest 40% of you
>The 40% that held this company back
>And we're either going to phase out your jobs ooor we're going to give it to someone with an Ivy League degree
>Oh also the the rest of you (excluding top managment ;) ) are also on notice, don't think we won't fire you faggots and replace you with a MIT cunt who just graduated
>Hopefully homegrown manufacturing makes a big comeback if enough people survive.
But with a death rate of 1% is that possible at all? I thin this is the end of the world. How can 99% of population continue civilisation if 1% dies off?
I also thought most people who were laid off are informed that their job will be gone in the next two to four weeks, not "you're fired effective the end of this sentence" and then the laptop shuts off and locks you out
Based Jim Chanos is shorting all the terrible gig economy companies.
I know what I'm reading in OP is wrong
why is there such a big smile on my face
Lol dont blame trump for shit money saving I spent all my money 9n drugs and I feel better about myself because atleast I can take responsibility for my own actions
Companies are just using "pandemic" as an excuse to cover up their bad or scam business models.
wagies are such cucks I bet your boss expects a week to month long heads up when you plan to quit otherwise you get a bad review for your next employer. But your ok with just getting sacked on the spot?
Why the fuck can't these people mention anything in life without referencing POPULAR THING?
>Hopefully homegrown manufacturing makes a big comeback if enough people survive.
No the bad economy is just exposing bad businesses.
Serves you right for having a gf while some of us are pandemically HORNY AND LONELY
This is kino. Lynchian, even.
So if you didn't answer the Zoom invite then you weren't fired
What's your job?
If you want to quit you're supposed to put in your two weeks so the company can work on replacing you. It should be AT LEAST the same if your company is firing you.
This is awful PR and I'm assuming whoever is on their HR team also got fired because this is grounds for an easy employment case