ITT: Actors that automatically elevate whatever theyre in

ITT: Actors that automatically elevate whatever theyre in

Attached: brendangleeson.jpg (1200x1200, 149K)

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In Burges would've been another mediocre British """""comedy""""" if pic related didn't grace it

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>In Burges would've been another mediocre British """""comedy"
In Bruges is worse than mediocre it's reddit as fuck. It's right there with pulp fiction as 2000s reddit tier with le wacky slapstick black humor.

also the director is a fucking coward with that epic "moi woif was black" moment, spends the whole movie being edgy and then hits su with that shit

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Also based

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He didn't deserve what happened to him on Mad Men

At least he had a variety of moments unlike Pete, who was just constantly shit on to the point that it ruined what little suspension of disbelief there was

he kills himself in that and Chernobyl
I really hope he doesn't actually kill himself


I really liked him as Moriarty

Attached: sherlock-holmes-a-game-of-shadows-jared-harris-10-5.jpg (1450x616, 93.39K)

Rutger Hauer


absolutely based

Mark Strong.
He's in so much stuff that it's surprising I've yet to tire of him. Him and Colin Firth both.
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy elevated to kino because of him (and Colin Firth).
1917 his brief appearance is kino (and Colin Firth).

Attached: Mark_Strong_by_Gage_Skidmore[1].jpg (2176x2856, 2.99M)

1917 is based

How was The Terror such a great fucking show.
I gotta rewatch it again.
>that episode where they are having a bacchanal
Comfy as fuck.

Nicholas Cage
Kurt Russell
Rutger Hauer
Tom Atkins
Eric Roberts
Al Pacino (pre-1990)

He's actually a top 3 actor working today. Will be sad when he retires. Shame is son doesn't seem to hit half his heights.

You're an inanimate object

>Turns your TV show into a 10
Heh, nothin' personal kid

would have been better if they left out the supernatural shit
I just want a series that's actually about Franklin's Lost Expedition

Ye like me actin' don't ya Yas Forums?

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Seek treatment, you fucking cunt

he's great in Tinker Tailor
this scene always hits me

Based and Lanepilled

doesn’t quite fit cuz for the most part he was a master of picking projects as well as acting. Up until Hunger Games, which wasn’t a masterpiece and the stress killed him

Not even he could save Gangs of New York.

lmao true, it had everything it needed to be great but was just shit. Sad! Many such cases.

I'm always happy to see Willem Dafoe.

Also Ciaran Hinds.

>Actors that automatically elevate whatever theyre in
>cant post in thread because the 5-10 people actually capable of doing this have already been posted
>sometimes Yas Forums actually has good taste
guess ill just fuck off then

Stanley Tucci maybe? but hes more of a great character actor and isnt really in the same league as dafoe, harris etc

The ending montage is my favourite part of the movie.
Bittersweet bromance and being betrayed by your bro.

weren't they gay for each other though?

CIA doesn't elevate, he memefies.

Nah, a bromance is even deeper than mere gay love

for me, its Mads

Attached: Mads_Mikkelsen.jpg (566x800, 70.65K)

Yeah looking at my post I realize I really wish my dad actually took part in my upbringing.

This guy can't miss, and yet he gets almost nothing these days. He must've pissed off the wrong person somewhere along the way.

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The son is kino too, stop it. He just needs to get back to picking good roles.


>no one has posted the GOAT yet
shame on you all

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PROTIP: Gary Oldman is the real GOAT.
Don't @ me sweaty

pre- 1995*

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Ed Harris.

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Literally who

fuck, he even elevated the fuck out of this webm. i could watch this all day

The superior Hanibal Lecter

only reason Dead Man’s Chest was better than it was supposed to be

>Szabo Istvan: you know what’s better than Ralph Fiennes being the protagonist? Ralph Fiennes being all three protagonists

Michael Caine
Paul Giamatti

He doesn't elevate the movies he's in. He IS the movie.

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Karl Urban
John C Reilly
Bruce Campbell
Lance Reddick
Lee Tergesen
Walton Goggins
Neil Patrick Harris
Even Jason Statham makes the most anemic scripts at least watchable. Fuck, gonna have to include Dwayne Johnson in that case.

I think too much time on Yas Forums has melted your brain

>Nearly 60 replies
>Nobody has said John Goodman yet
He should be the first and last choice. He's the best part of anything he's in.

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Well to be fair Tom can’t elevate anything giving his short stature