Can anyone who was a teenager or older in 2002-2005 tell me if it was confusing that Revenge of the Sith seemingly just...

Can anyone who was a teenager or older in 2002-2005 tell me if it was confusing that Revenge of the Sith seemingly just redesigned the clones that were JUST in episode 2? Did it seem like a retcon? Were you kind of confused as to why the clones look completely different just one movie later?

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No? It was just a redesign. Are you retarded?

Everyone knew they just got new armor to look more like Stormtroopers.

i didnt notice it at the time

three year difference in between ep 2 and 3. There you go

It's a shame because phase I armor was far more aesthetic

That's what I'm saying retard. If you were just a casual Star Wars fan who watched episode 2 then 3 you would have obviously noticed that all the clones got a helmet redesign, and I was wondering what people thought of it at the time. Now you can just call it phase 1 and 2, but at the time it easily could have seemed like a retcon.
Are you retarded? Did you even read my post? You should probably kill yourself honestly.

they got new gear

militarily speaking it would have been like christmas for them

aesthetically speaking phase 1 armor looks way better

movie wise it made them look way closer to stormtroopers

No? The movies were 3 years apart and in the story 3 years passed as well, unless you're retarded, you wouldn't have been confused back then

Honestly I was too busy laughing at the corny dialog to not to notice
I was also drunk

Yeah, that's why I'm wondering if people thought that the new helmet design was more of a retcon or just complete redesign than anything.

Damn you must be a mexican or something.

phase I armor gets me hard like diamond

shame we never got more proper Republic Commando content either

Can anyone who was a teenager or older in 2002-2005 tell me if it was confusing that Revenge of the Sith seemingly just redesigned Anakin who was JUST in episode 2? Did it seem like a retcon? Were you kind of confused as to why Anakin look completely different just one movie later?

Attached: anakin.png (874x580, 841.67K)

To the people acting like I'm asking a dumb or pointless question: I'm just wondering if there was some confusion or "oh George just changed the helmet design completely ok then" at the time.
Keep in mind that the Storm Troopers had the exact same design for all three movies.
Honestly just seems like a move to sell more toys cause now your phase 1 and 2 can't exist at the same time since apparently every single trooper just threw their phase 1 helmet away or something.

It's set like 5 years later, and the point is that the Republic under Palpatine is slowly becoming the Empire. What's not to get?

I remember being kinda confused at first, but quickly just accepted it. I do prefer the Phase 1 armour though. Feels more elegant

Attached: Phase_I.jpg (500x311, 38.36K)

One time I was in a Star Wars thread and this guy started posting about credit cards.

Not even remotely the same. Refer to

It's just a neat way to bridge the clones to stormtroopers. Stop being a pedantic faggot.

I prefer the Phase 2, phase 1 looks too slick and less menacing, has boring color patterns and is generally more happy looking, reminding me of a cat. Phase 2 helmet meanwhile has those droopy eyes that make the soldier look tired of war and shit, uncaring, just following orders (while burning down a full maternity ward), making them look older, more experienced and menacing.

Well I watched the Genndy Clone Wars cartoon which acted as a sort of lead-up to Revenge of the Sith; so it wasn't particularly shocking to me.

Yeah I think phase 1 armor is more of its own unique thing rather than trying to look like the thing right before OT stormtrooper armor.
I still like phase 2 more than 1 though.

Can anyone who was a teenager or older in 1914-1918 tell me if it was confusing that spring offensive seemingly just redesigned the french that were JUST in the first battle of the Marne? Did it seem like a retcon? Were you kind of confused as to why the soldiers look completely different just one 4 years later?

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Yes, but this is implying that all the phase 1 armor was just thrown away or something as it wasn't ever used at the same time as phase 2.
Just seems pointless that within 3 years they get completely new gear. Maybe if episode 3 was like 10 years after 2.

As a kid I didn't even notice
Calm your autism, OP

It is the same. The stormtroopers were soldiers in an established empire while the clones were fighting an ever changing war while getting more resources from the Republic as time went on.


Again, refer to where I explain that stormtrooper armor stayed the exact same for 3 movies.
You're not nearly as clever as you think you are, that's why I'm the only one giving you (You)s.

It was to make them look more like Stormtroopers and also sell more hasbro toys.

OP, how many hasbro clone trooper action figures can you fit up your ass?

When it came out people thought "Oh they redesigned the helmet"

youre a special kind of stupid
its a fucking redesign, not a retcon

Way to miss the point autist

The Storm Troopers absolutely did not have the same design in all three movies. I'm pretty sure they introduced new variants in every movie. ESB had the snow troopers, and RotJ had the scout troopers.

>Are you retarded? Did you even read my post? You should probably kill yourself honestly.

This is a bit of an overreaction. You are retarded, it's alright.

The movie opens with spaceships that kind of look like star destroyers, tie fighters, etc. It really wasn't anything anyone thought about, even now.

My dude, it's like a ten year gap in the story. Do you know how many times and ways your military changed it's fatigues in the last ten years?

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I didn't notice details like that when I first watched it. I went to the theater for Star Wars half out of interest in spectacle and half out of a sense of social obligation since I was a teenage faggot. It wasn't until this sandtrap of a website that knew about all this shit that doesn't matter.


The Kaminoans kept producing new clones. New clones get new armour. Old clones keep their old armour until they, at which point, yeah, get rid of the old armour, someone died in it.

Yes, but the same basic stormtrooper existed in every movie. That's my entire point.
I guarantee you were all young children at the oldest during 2002-2005. Don't reply again.

No, it was just the armor changing over time to visually display the ever encroaching rein of the the empire.
It's not rocket science. This is pretty simple stuff here.

How many clone trooper hasbro toys can you fit up your ass

It's 3 years tard.
>my dude
You have to go back.

Probably to save money on costumes. Also, it makes the Empire seem very old and unchanging, whereas the Republic was in a process of change throughout the PT.

Can anyone who was a teenager or older in 2008-2012 tell me if it was confusing that Yas Forums seemingly just redesigned the memes that were JUST on Yas Forums? Did it seem like a retcon? Were you kind of confused as to why the memes look completely different just four years later?

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Can anyone who was a teenager or older in 1982-2017 tell me if it was confusing that Blade Runner 2049 seemingly just redesigned Deckard who was JUST in Blade Runner? Did it seem like a retcon? Were you kind of confused as to why Deckard looks completely different just one movie later?

Attached: deckard.png (347x396, 224.84K)

Why should they only change gear after ten years? All the troopers from Episode 2 would've been wiped out long before Episode 3 considering it was a galaxy war. Makes only sense to make changes and improvements to armour to make them more efficient.

how are you not getting this?

Well like it or not that set the precedent for technology in star wars films. That's why they used the same blue holograms in the prequels and sequels.

I hate zoomers so fucking much.

I think you're the first person to think this hard about this. It was just a redesign, make it more of an evolution to the OT stormtroopers. But really to sell toys
What kind of answer are you looking for>

Wow what a great theory. Too bad all the media that came out before and after Revenge of the Sith makes this not true.
Didn't I say not to reply again? Can you put on a tripcode or some shit so I never have to see your low quality posts again?

look at this dude

mods can you nuke this thread already? holy shit

I literally do not understand your autism. The Empire are at the top of their game and have probably reached something of a technological and aesthetic peak. The Republic was in a process of change, which was the entire story of the PT.

where did they put their old armor when everyone got a new set

Ok, for the last time, stop replying. This is frankly embarrassing for you.
No more (You)s btw

Can anyone who was a teenager or older in 2002-2005 tell me if it was confusing that Revenge of the Sith seemingly just redesigned Obi-Wan that was JUST in episode 2? Did it seem like a retcon? Were you kind of confused as to why Kenobi looks completely different just one movie later?

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Kys, the the 2020 vernacular transcends individual website culture.
Being purposefully obtuse and trying to excuse it was the thought process of an adolescent is the real Reddit behavior itt.

That was my entire point with this thread is that phase 1 simply disappeared despite like 30 new variants appearing in episode 3. Yet I'm apparently retarded for asking lol

is there anything better than someone going out of there way not to quote you?
easiest way to see they have given up and you won the argument

Yikes sweaty

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To make money
Jesus. What kind of answer do you want? The main point was to sell toys

Did anyone notice the hardhat redesign in this scene? The one Finn DeTrolio, my archnemesis, wears in previous episodes looked completely different. Were you kind of confused? Only people who were teenager or older in 22 - 19 BBY please. Don't reply to me again.

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>I'm apparently retarded for asking

no, even as a child I knew time passed and the armor changed to look more like stormtroopers

Yes, but why would it just go away? The 30 new variants is obviously for toys, but just deleting the phase 1 armor? For what purpose?
How old were you in 2002?

Can anyone who was a teenager or older in 1969-2013 tell me if it was confusing that George Lucas seemingly just redesigned his wife? Did it seem like a retcon? Were you kind of confused as to why Marcia Lucas looks completely different just 44 years later?

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They still sold the phase 1 toys? It wasn't just deleted and no mention of it was ever uttered again

Your level of autism didn't exist back then, apparantly, because no one ever thought about it that deeply. It was just a redesigned armor because we all knew they were the proto-stormtroopers.

In-universe. I'm saying in-universe why would they just vanish? So that kids wouldn't like the idea of combining their episode 2 clones that they bought over the course of the 3 years before episode 3 with the new clones? That would be some slimy jew shit.

Can anyone who was a teenager or older in 2015-2019 tell me if it was confusing that the sequel trilogy seemingly just rehashed the space ships that were ALL THE WAY BACK in the originals? Did it seem like laziness? Were you kind of confused as to why the ships look exactly the same decades later?

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Oh my god, you have actual autism

Wow, you sound fucking stupid

Because it's symbolic of the greater change in the Republic. You can't always treat the Star Wars universe like it makes perfect sense. There are visual cues the audience is supposed to pick up on either consciously or subconsciously that convey things about the story.
It's like how Luke and Anakin both wear black in the third part of the trilogy to symbolise that they're struggling with the dark side. Why does no one ever inform them that black is against the Jedi dress code? Not the point. You're thinking too hard.

This, it was just a redesign that literally no one thought so much about until this moment
I'm assuming the in-universe explanation is that it was an upgrade. Kind of like how it only takes a few years to upgrade a phone

No, not really. I could tell they were changing to be more like stormtroopers and I knew there were years between the movies so it didn't seem surprising that the armor might change.

>How old were you in 2002?
old enough to know it was a redesign and not obsess over why they retconned everything

>I'm saying in-universe why would they just vanish?

>hmmm I can't think of an actual reason so therefore the guy who I'm replying to is stupid. hmm yes, therefore I myself can't be viewed as a complete retard

no because everyone watched the cartoon

Attached: latest[1].jpg (850x480, 109.59K)

>left: obviously a Mandolorian helmet
>right: proto stormstrooper helmet

Since the clones were based on Jango Fett they ripped off his helmet design as well

Ok, but that's cloth to metal. This is plasticy armor to plasticy armor.

I'm not the one fighting a whole website about a redesign, lol.

I love how in the X-Wing mini game absolutely nobody plays the Resistance/FO because they have the same fucking ships as the Rebels/Empire but less of them. Disney can't even merch right.

and played the games like bf2

It's funny cause the new Clone Wars which has hours upon hours of content didn't even address the helmet change. One episode they're wearing phase 1, the next they have phase 2.