Movies with this type of feel?

Movies with this type of feel?

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what does it even mean, fatass?

Corona-chan fears the redneck

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>not posting the best John denver


im praying for at least 50000 dead mutts

I hope China is telling the truth.

have things started calming down in italy, spain, and iran already

Either they're lying and their numbers are double what's reported, or they're telling the truth and they accomplished leveling it off so much by welding everyone in Wuhan shut in their homes and forcibly quarantining or killing anyone who has coofed more than twice since the beginning of the year.

It's going to hit 50k by the end of the month, user.

I wouldn't be surprised, as the hospitals fill, if we don't hit a million dead Americans by the start of Summer.

not my boomerinos not my hecking oldbois

>1 Million
>Spain and Italy combined have barely more than 30,000
You government would have to be a special kind of retarded.

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china's number haven't changed in weeks. they're bullshitting

>all those Connecticut blips
Good strike down all these faggot Puerto Ricans and their liberal enablers.
T. Connecticut resident

connecticut's fucking wild

Jesus christ, stay out of Canada please Amerilards.

Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me Q2 Edition


>constant inbreeding has rendered them invulnerable to COVID 19
Based. It's like those niggers with sickle cell anemia who are now immune to malaria

Yes China, with only state-run media, is TOTALLY telling the truth

*pozzes you*

I think you meant to post this:

>white flags
dear god... some communities have already begun surrendering to corona, we are doomed.

What are those white flags? Little France?

We got to cocky HABBENING bros!!

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i kill niggers with rocks and ropes

There’s absolutely no chance that China isn’t lying, but no need to worry this shit is already over anyway. We’re not even gonna reach 1 million deaths worldwide. I’m so disappointed.

Oh herro prease, yes we onry terr truth prease

this really is his best work
gorgeous song


Pretty much this

Cast them

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He didn't fly so good


Based Department, is this you???

people who have sex should die

Appalachian user here.
Please stop appropriating our song. You don't even understand it, so stop acting like you do.


I bet fucking your slave girls back in the day was nice.

John denver is from fucking New Mexico. Its not your song, it's appropriated from the start.

It is our song, and I would appreciate it if you stopped claiming it as your own, alright? It is a part of white Appalachia culture. Please respect that and fuck off.


Stop listening to our song carpetbagger.

> Not posting the real version

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These, for starters.

Attached: Coronavirus movies.jpg (1307x3213, 1.33M)

I think you meant to post this one

Clickin' palm trees and rollin'

Seen it, was really good, trying again.

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Hey tranny discord janny, i know you have no ban powers, so you have to mass reply to posts that hurt your poor fee fees and send it to a mod. Try visiting a therapist who will fix the problem instead of prescribing HRT.


sure why not

oh fuck


>delete post
>leave up off topic threads
What did jannies mean by this?

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It’s also about another state can’t remember which one but West Virginia just sounded better

una vela...


So dumb, most people already have this virus. I'll say right now about 80% of NYC has coronavirus. END THE LOCKDOWNS NOW.

Go to snack during quarantine?
For me it's live baby sparrows

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Umm respect Chinese culture sweetie

China alone already has millions of deaths. Look into how many phone company customers there just vanished since February.

any NEETs here? my life literally has not changed at all, turns out i've been "social distancing" for decades now