Cast them

cast them

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for me, its the school photo (top left)

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ella holly wood

Young Sean Penn and Tom Cruise.

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>1999 ahegao
o lord I need more of this in my life

>5'11 vs 6ft

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a better question is, which one of these are you? i'm in the top right middle, the one with the face

>itt: people who did nothing wrong

>makes the same face in the school picture

what the fuck is his problem

>hey kid
please dont encourage another CGI irishman. but yes your casting is correct.

>buff bitch in the bottom row 3rd/4th from the left
She's cool

for me it's jags guy in the middle

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me and me

I always thought they tried to look edgier in the serious photo.

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What are those expressions trying to convey

did they have good taste Yas Forums?

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cast her

holy computer generated false flag conspiracy! how did they even create this photo or get enough actors to stand in? something is VERY eerie about this. you can't honestly look at that photo and say it looks normal

name a better duo

For me, it's Roof

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>Zoomers think everyone in the late 90s and early 2000s was a goth/emo/skater/fagfuck/punk/juggaloretard because of all the cartoons and media they consoomed

What do you mean?

I imagine Lost Highway is amongst those because of the soundtrack

Many believe the Columbine Massacre to be a staged conspiracy. If so, I wonder how they got away with crafting this large school photo.

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Top fucking kek, Yas Forums in one picture

I dig the look of the dude next to eric, with the slicked back hair, cigarette in ear, pointing handgun. kino

a young Owen Wilson and Sean William Scott
Tobey Maguire plays Brooks

>The virgin /fa/ meetup
The CHAD Yas Forums meetup

My favorite parts are adolf crippler and the black kid who doesn't know what to do with his hands

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In both roles

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HOLY FUCKING SHIT. the guy in the middle and the guy on the right are the same person. look at their faces. Look at the hairline underneath the hat, it perfectly matches the other guy. prove me wrong

This guy probably would have done the shooting himself if the Edge Brothers didn't delivered

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holy shit

Fuck, I miss the year 1999. It's my favorite year.

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face blind retard

For me its pic related

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Nope, most of them are twins with another guy. Look how obvious this one is. Just with facial hair. I will post a few.

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This shit is all fake. Its probably like 10-15 guys playing 50.

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>all fat guys are twins
I'm all for dehumanizing them, but come on now.

same face, same hat, same eye brows, just one with facial hair

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For me as well

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same with the girls. it's literally the same exact person

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>most of them are twins with another guy

you fucking based retard

Sam Claffin and Grant Gustin

>same face,
Is called being white
>same hat
It was school hat
>same eye brows
Style of the time

Sometimes I worry that my autism is getting worse and then someone like this appears and reminds me that things aren't so bad.

Where's the video and what doest the shirt say?

Google Kerch Polytechnic College massacre. His shirt says HATRED.


Why are all their necks so long?

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Literally none of these people have similar faces. Some aren’t even in the stratosphere.

nice try government shill here's your one shekel

Get pic related to play Dylan

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Girl on the right has wider nostrils

looks like I struck a chord with somebody up in the office

Jfc everyone in this pic is white except for one Asian dude mid right

Cast him

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check out the total bros in the bottom right

they all wore funky Hawaiian shirts

talk about a fucking genius masterplan to gain infamy

>That Cutey Arab looking chick in the middle

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everything about them is exactly the same outside of the glasses. this is a highly doctored image.

just one good beating by a father figure, and the shooting wouldn't have happened

And him

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>Be insane
>get attention
>this attention just proves I'm right!

You've got life figured out, kid.

Michael Cera

>meds:not taken
>Walls:100% speaking
Yeah i think it is schizo time

Idris Elba

Movie where a 2020 chad goes back in time to bully them?

if youre going to shoot up the place atleast try to look a bit more badass than that

It was before immigration became a bigger problem and the kids who went to Columbine are from wealthy families. It's an upper class area

Go back to /x/ schizo

FBI about to shut this whole thread down, we got a rouge one in here. STOP HIM!!!!!!

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How could 2020 chad bullying cause an impact on them
>*flosses on them* looks retarded
>looool bro you don't play fortnite what are you a simp?
>nobody knows what that is

Mikey you have to stop this

nobody thinks that or said it though

>playfully teased by awkward 90s teenagers
>astronomical seething to the point where they shoot everyone
yeah, I'm thinking a bit of chad bullying could break them

>dese gringos all look da same

They didn't kill anyone because of bullying. They killed people we'd consider misfits and retards. They just did it for the lulz