
Thread for the intellectual discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

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First for Godard and communism

Second for Dreyer theatrical

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Second for Gallo and capitalism

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I don't care about Bresson and I think Gallo is a hack.

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This is Haynes' best

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Fuck Godard and fuck communism
Fuck Gallo
Pure cinema
>Gallo is a hack

Alright /film/, who are the best contemporary American directors?

So far we have

Possibly adding


Todd Haynes

CNW discussion from the tail end of the last thread

Kogonada btfo's all of them with just his only film

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Which director had the worst ending career in terms of filmography?
I feel bad for John Frankenheimer having the last 20 years of his career making shit tv tier and mindless thriller garbages, yet I'm sure someone felt from grace harder than him, he kept working at least

Ronin is kino

The link that saved 2020

>Valley of the Bees
There are torrents.
>Haven’t seen it yet but am really looking forward to it, I’ve heard this one is one of the best.
It's good. Not even Menzel's best film imo.

Protip: if you can't find anything related to czechoslovak films then try uloz.to. The subtitles might be problem, so check opensubtitles.org

not really, but Columbus is damn near a masterpiece. really looking forward to his next film.

Is he still making films?

>Todd Haynes
will add

>Kogonada btfo's all of them with just his only film
Is Columbus that good? I haven't watched it yet

M. Figgis and N. LaBute have fallen on hard times. Labute takes the cake with that silly vampire series.

Michael Bay

It looks like there's now a torrent of this but in a bigger file size, does anyone know if it's actually any better?

Columbus is fantastic and one of the rare humanistic modern american films

How’d you rank Menzel? And thx for the Valley of Bees tip, I’ll check rutracker

Just get Nikita's file, if you will watch it in your computer it makes no real difference.

How much AMWF romantic relationship Columbus has?

I just saw Dogtooth (2009). I'm a big fan of Yorgos, but I wasn't really feeling this movie. Although, It did make my pp hard.

I'll probably watch his 2 other movies on the Criterion Channel this week.

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The last movie he made was in 2010 and it never got a release outside of Venice and TIFF so no lol

I'm actually mostly concerned if the SAMPLE watermark is still on the new one. I'm assuming yes

>neets who illegally watch movies defending capitalism's honour

It’s got nothing to do with Breton and more to do with intelligence agencies and media companies funding surrealistic art for mass dissociation programs. This is what led to surrealism going mainstream in the later 20th century removed from Breton’s circle. True surrealism IS about the American revolution, the French Revolution and the wars of Napoleon destroying the bounds of reality. Surrealism is not about psychedelic visuals or psycho-sexual social darwinistic imagery. It’s a morally reactionary movement centered on the transcendental power of the Holy Sprit
That’s why Dali later supported Franco and Bunuel got accused of making propaganda funded by the Vatican.

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please, do not add the bottom three. they are mediocre at best. I would include Malick, Lynch, Decker, and Sutton.

I don't know that Michael Bay fits

I will have to watch it soon then. Hopefully he keeps the same quality with his next film

That's what I thought

Oh now I remember Stormy Monday with Sting, how the time went.
He only made one good film and that even was a remake (La discrète is a delicious film), but yeah the rest of his career is atrocious.

just enough

The daughter with the bigger tits died last year.
Hate Dogtooth but the fucker made a way better movie each new one so I give him that.

Dammit not a fan of that.. But ok If I endured Hiroshima, Mon Amour I'll endure that one as well.

>The daughter with the bigger tits
Now you have to post some screencaps

1. Cutting It Short
2. My Sweet Little Village
3. Capricious Summer
4. Larks on a String
5. Secluded, Near Woods
6. Closely Watched Trains
7. The Snowdrop Festival
8. Audience
9. The End of Old Times
10. Those Wonderful Movie Cranks
He made bunch of other films. His newest one was garbage.

I will rather have capitalism than communism
>I don't know that Michael Bay fits
Of course he does
>But ok If I endured Hiroshima, Mon Amour I'll endure that one as well
But Hiroshima Mon Amour was great.

>It’s got nothing to do with Breton
I know I should've stopped reading there but I continued and agree with the majority of what you're saying except the misnomer true surrealism and the definition of it as "a morally reactionary movement centered on the transcendental power of the Holy Sprit." that's silly Dali nonsense, which oddly enough, is the type of nonsense surrealism umbrellas. but to say surrealism is only a moralistic reactionary movement while omitting Breton's importance is missing the point really hard.

Pretty sad that most of these directors are shite

Sean Baker and PTA

But don't like ricing, not even artistic fake ones.

Does Malick count as a contemporary director? I guess most of his films are made post 2000. I'll add him if other anons agree
He hasn't made a film in almost 20 years
Josephine Decker? I haven't seen any of her films yet. I heard Madeline's Madeline was pretty good though.
Tim Sutton? I've only seen Pavilion and it was pretty good. I'll add him if other anons agree

Definitely Dario Argento. Just look at this shit:

>not a fan of that
why not? I guess everyone has their quirks.

I Served the King of England was nice and have a huge titty girl who fucks and old professor so I dimissed her as waifu.

>huge titty girl
Post screenshot


I'll add both of them as well

He made IE and TP he should be there
Hell no
See above

Malick made a bunch of movies this past decade but I liked none of them other than Tree of Life. Apparently a lot of people loved A Hidden Life but it did absolutely nothing for me. I hate Tim Sutton. Madeline's Madeline is good but she hasn't done anything else really noteworthy.

14 years since Inland Empire. He does direct shorts, one of which has been distributed via Netflix recently.
Butter on the Latch, She Wast Mild and Lovely, and Madeline's Madeline are spectacular films.
Memphis, Dark Night, and Pavilion are great.

It was good. The Don Juans was absolute garbage.

>I hate Tim Sutton

Hiroshima is barely an Amwf movie tho cause in the end you realize that Riva is only sleeping with the Japanese because of all the pain leftover from the white guy she truly loved before the war, if anything Hiroshima does a 180 and vindicates white male whites female.

Didn't checked that one, but good then I didn't.
Just search the names dude I'm not google

Redpill me on Bay then

The ricing in Hiroshima is super shallow though, by the end it’s clear she only really loved the white guy from the flashback.

Alright updated list

So far we have

Possibly adding

I'd swap Zahler for Sutton or Decker any day. Lowery should be up top, too, if only for editing Upstream Color.

Also should we Jeremy Saulnier? Blue Ruin and Green Room were pretty good, but Hold the Dark was just meh

Alright, I'll add all three of them

Any fans of Monte Hellman here?

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Antonioni of the modern era. While Antonioni used the landscape and architecture to invoke certain loneliness and emotional emptiness in characters. Bay does similar method in his Transformers films, but invokes sense of scale. The transformers loom over humans in breathtaking compositions full of visual splendour. He know cinema. Cinema to a certain extent is movement. Bay is very aware of this and uses dynamics and kinetics in his films. Movement with the camera, movement in the frame. Chaotic, disorganized yet strangely beautiful with a definite visual purpose. 6 Underground uses Eisenstein like montage editing throughout the whole film. Bold experiment from Bay. Pain and Gain as the satire of American dream is simply magnificent, probably the most important film about American psyche this century.

Only have seen Cockfighter but it was good

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Admittedly have not seen Memphis, but Donnybrook really did nothing for me and Dark Night is just another van Sant tone poem (I love Paranoid Park though). He's talented formally but he needs to do something original. Should I watch Memphis? I hadn't really heard great things.

Two-Lane Blacktop is one of my favorite movies.