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ehhh yup

Just a reminder that Hank would be 66 today.

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heh heh

this show was literally created for right wing drumpftards who couldnt handle the joke son sout park and family goy

muh right wing


Kino of the hill

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Why would anyone do drugs when you could just mow a lawn?

Remember that time Peggy ruined thanksgiving dinner and made it all about her because Hank said Bobbys cooking was better than hers?

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this is literally wrong and you've clearly never watched the show

Dang ol' zoomers weren't even alive when the god dang show aired I tell you hwat

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It pretty much lampoons the far right from the getgo. You didn't seriously get filtered by KOTH did you?

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>"Heh..Formerly Strickland's.."
>'Shut up, Dale.'

All right, we'll do this the hard way.

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This is the comfiest animated show and it helps that I'm from Texas

>TFW you marathon the whole thing in a week in college

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I'm not from Texas but I feel like I am when I watch this show.

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>my name is not Hink Hall

Mike Judge is an equal opportunity insulter


ITT: characters that are literally you

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>bobby would be 34

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kino in its purest form

mike judge rules

shut the fuck up

>its a naked Luanne episode

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>It's a Hank and Luanne bond episode
They're comfier than the Bobby episodes, I especially like the one where they work on a car together

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Only two things come from Texas

propane and propane accessories

Hank's father ruined so many episodes


but he was a gigantic asshole that people overrate because they dont have good father figures

What's the turning point for the series? It went from the comfiest show around to complete garbage so fast.

Season 10 there was a noticeable downturn that never fully corrected but imo it's still watchable. Thankfully they seemed to realize they couldn't go on much longer and ended it.

lost its cruder graphics and went too far into the "Arlen is now liberal"/"Arlen is trying to modernize angle

King of the Hill is unironically one of the best animated shows ever made.

I can rewatch/marathon all the episodes and always gave a good time. It also helps that it has a conclusion and didn't overstay it's welcome.

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you fuckin retard

Who was in the wrong?

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I tell you, I hate Nancy.

obviously the old hag

>Muh childhood home

the old lady


you stay the HELL put of my hood

thats MY ho, yo

>Bobby's 4 years older than me

Don’t say it...
>t. Texan


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bros this is the best thread I've been in in a long time

thanks KoTH friends

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about season 9 or 10

it had a really, REALLY good run.

Remember that time Bill became a tranny

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It's a beautiful day... Yay

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unironically season 3

Please, this show barely even had any sort of political back and forth nonsense going for it, just the occasional show of patriotism and Hank fawning over and then bitching about Dubbya. They play with race relations a bit too but nothing to get your panties in a bunch over.

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why don't I remember this

i'm betting this is a troll but if it isn't i encourage you to watch the show.