last thread: Hybrid edition
/who/ - Doctor Who general
Thos were the symptoms of Avoidant Personality Disorder
The correct answer was (You).
Which Actor who's played the Doctor is the biggest fan, second biggest, etcetera?
We all know Jodie is the least.
I'd make a hybrid with Jenna if you know what I mean
Capaldi was the biggest fan and got shafted
Tennant was the second biggest fan and lived a blessed life
>doctors come up with a new label and a million word thesis to describe loneliness
bravo frankfurt school
I want to cum in Clara's butthole
>be David Tennant
>be big Doctor Who fan
>get to live your dream and play The Doctor
>meet and act alongside your favourite Doctor in a red nose day special
>marry his fucking daughter
>bang Sofia Myles along the way
>be remembered as one of the most popular Doctors of all time
>Be Peter Capaldi
>Be HUGE Doctor Who fan since it's very beginning
>get to play The Doctor
>play second fiddle to Tumblr's self-insert character
>finally get rid of her, only to be replaced by some annoying creatura who won't stop yelling about how lesbian she is
>ratings constantly dropping, all your fellow fans jump ship
>get an episode to play alongside your favourite Doctor
>watch Moffat obliterate his character in front of your eyes, turning him into a raging sexist for no reason
>nobody remembers you because nobody could make it through your run
i can't speak for every classic one since i don't know all of their backstories, but i know capaldo sent letters about who to BBC as a child, and he tried to become president of the unofficial who fanclub in 1972
Capaldi and Tennant.
Although I think everyone but Jodie and Eccleston became fans after being the Doctor.
There shall be no forgiveness for Moffat
>play second fiddle to Tumblr's self-insert character
this shit again? he literally begged her to stay for an additional season and he was the reason she did
Why did Moffat have to call it a hybrid? Like the whole plotline or not, that name was nonsensical and just served as a mystery box bait
Capaldi got done dirty and you can't deny that
>be Miles
>be turbo autist who watches Teletubbies
>get bored
>write Doctor Who book
>send to publisher
>they love it
>become talk of the town
>go to bar to celebrate
>in comes Moffat
>Moffat says this book is the best thing you'll ever do
>subconsciously twist compliment into thinly-veiled criticism
>swear vengeance
>write two more Doctor Who books
>not so many people love it
>get mad
>go to bar to confront Moffat
>Moffat thinks you're being a twat
>most other Doctor Who writers agree
>rebel and take your characters to make your own IP
>make your 2deep4u Doctor Who spinoff that is intelligent, nihilistic, with a wicked sense of humor
>IP struggles to survive
>meanwhile, Moffat becomes writer on new Doctor Who show
>Moffat becomes showrunner
>seethe harder
>write blogs telling everybody about mean nasty Moff
>everyone thinks you're sad
>seethe harder and quit writing Faction Paradox
>Faction Paradox now written by Moffat fanboys
>seethe hardest
>cry on twitter while watching Teletubbies
>slowly figure out you spent 20 years holding a grudge on a man who barely acknowledged your existence
>want to end it all but too beta to
Was Capaldi even a fan outside of his childhood and adolescence?
He was born in 1958, which would have made him 14 when he tried to become president of the fanclub. Did he even care about the show in the 80s?
Tennant on the other hand knows and remembers pretty much everything, even Katrina the slave girl, which aired before he was even born.
God dammit. I'm going to have to pirate high quality rips and get screengrabs myself aren't I? Most of the shit Yandex is finding me is shit. Either get shit like this that's blurry or has a watermark or something else severely retarded. I thought Doctor Who would have a legion of autists who'd have already milked the Clara episodes all dry.
not liking capaldi's run is so plebian
sure, it could have been far better and season 10 is where the SJW shit began, but he and his companions were good, and the season finales were good, and we got some individual episodes that became instant classics
She is beautiful. It's weird how Blackpool is a sort of mixed race enclave in the north west
What's the nu-who equivalent of Peri.
>mixed race
those are pure celtic genes
Lawrence Miles, who wrote some Doctor Who novels in the 90s and thinks he's hot shit
The lead actors and Moffat shipped those two characters so hard that Moff made their pairing into an actual Gallifreyan prophecy. I liked 12/Clara but the Hybrid stuff was some J.J. Abrams kind of mystery box and it's disappointing.
Captain Jack
The whole nuwho got stale by then because of the repetition, see how long classic who lasted compared to nuwho which is inevitably going to end soon
>start googling pics of Jenna Coleman
>apparently she was in Captain America
What the fuck!
Not sure but Ryan, Graham and Yaz are definitely the NuWho equivalent of Adric, Tegan and Nyssa.
>mystery box bait
>Why did Moffat
think you answered your own question
Classic Who wasn't that good.
in retrospect the wilderness years were not that bad at all. If the choice is between that and more Jodi and chibnall the doctor is better off dead.
She really is best girl
A big part of it wasn't but it's ideas, creativity and it's peaks were higher than any of nuwho ever reached
Very occasionally the story telling was so incredible that you forgot about the god awful make up and monsters.
>it's ideas, creativity and it's peaks were higher than any of nuwho ever reached
not really. even the audios and books are better than classic who
Quiet down. Twelve is sleeping.
Yeah, but the Wilderness years happened with SEVEN and ACE, arguably the peak of the show.
Of course, the Caramel plan would have ruined it by making the Doctor a demi-God, so it probably died just in time.
Yeah, and that way of writing is even more surprising coming from a guy who wrote Sherlock. But then again, i never really liked that version of Sherlock either
I only saw that forgettable flick once when it was new on DVD and had no idea who Based Jenna was before Doctor Who so I had no clue either
Unfortunately this time Who didn't die before catastrophe happened
>SEVEN and ACE, arguably the peak of the show.
fair point and good tastes
>he didn't see her kissing other girls on Emmerdale
Yanks suffer.
None of the latter 3 watched the show before getting the role, but it feels like Chris appreciated a bit more than the other 2 and Smith much more than Jodie.
Yeah, but if Doctor Who was cancelled in series 10 the fans would have been mad, because "Series 11 would have been so fucking awesome!"
Now it's become euthanasia.
Eccleston couldn't give a single fuck, he hates Dr Who as much as he hates Thor 2
>Clala making out with other girls
You had my curiosity, now you have my attention
>inb4 fuck off Capaldi
I can't help the man is based
Remember when I blew up Cybermen fleets just to help Rory make a threat? Remember when I murdered an old man in cold blood because he killed a dinosaur? Or when I brainwashed the humans into genociding another race?
Indeed they are, but i still consider classic better than nuwho by far. More interesting and creative companions, unique and amazing Doctors at least until 5th, things like regenerations, Tardis, Matrix, all great concepts
Yes, and it was incredibly based.
Best part is you didn't go and cry about it like 10 or 13.
Smith actually watched and enjoyed the show after they cast him. He even allegedly wrote some fan fiction to get used to the character.
I'd say that Smith is probably third place. He watched all of Classic Who when he got the role. His favourite Doctor is 2.
That'll be 200 quid, mate. Yeah. Make the cheque out directly to Mr Eccleston. And write your address on the back there in case it bounces.
She played a lezzer on it for a while
>Or when I brainwashed the humans into genociding another race
Yes that was very seventh doctor of you. Humans make the best weapons.
>Remember when I murdered an old man in cold blood because he killed a dinosaur?
No, I legitimately do not. Dinosaurs on a spaceship was so forgettable I literally do not remember it.
violent doctor is always best doctor, no matter which one it is
Those were the days.
>Jerking off to lesbians
You probably don't even imagine you're a part of it, you dirty beta.
Donna was the best companion and nobody can convince me otherwise
It was written by Chibnall, of all people
christian rap?
does BBC iPlayer have anti-screenshot tech like Netflix does? I just realized I could connect to that through a VPN for Clara screenshots instead of downloading 10000GBs of episodes I can't even fit.
Best NuWho, surely. Series 1 Rose is a distant yet respectable second.
If we aren't including EU i'd definitely say she is in top 3, next to Jamie and Romana
Not screenshots, but you can't direct download from the bbc
>More interesting and creative companions, unique and amazing Doctors at least until 5th
fact; hetrosexual sex is actually 50% gay because they'res a guy involved
seething fuck though he is, his articles are a good read:
What's wrong with her right (our left) lower eyelid?
This joke is so old it's about to die on Trenzalore.
it's a signal telling the male that she's ready to mate
What's the thing that will eventually kill 13th? And why is it 6th?
I have said it many times but I will say it again. It's Jamie McCrimmon. Only the Brigadier can compare
Can anyone link to the new supposed leaks about retconning 9-12 into women? I can't find anything about it anywhere
not a joke, it's backed up by science mate.
The Brig is not a companion. He's far, far above that position.
It's fake
I like 5th, i really do, i just think they failed in making him distinctive enough. But i don't blame them, considering how many companions he had all the time, some of them among worst companions in show's history
fair enough but something it did do right was change itself.
>First Doctor - a lot of historicals and getting lost with a male companion to do the physical stuff
>Second Doctor - more sci-fi, with quite a few base under siege stories
>Third Doctor - earth based, with gadgets and akido. working with UNIT
and thats by series 11
Nu-Who does change but compare where it is now at series 11 to the classic counterpart.
i dream that the 60th anniversary will just be about all the doctors from Hartnell to Capaldi (including Hurt) meeting 13, learning what a shitty Doctor she is, and just violently beating her for 90 minutes until she's forced to regenerate from all the punches and kicks
>Actually getting filtered by the fifth doctor and unironically thinks Classic Who sucks
Did the Brig ever actually ever travel in the TARDIS?
wasn't the ''''caramel masterplan'''' cancelled anyway? I mean ghostlight was meant to be Lungarrow.
It's not that much.
60th anniversary is oldwho Doctors led by 7th fighting against nuwho Doctors and them making up in the end after 13th was erased from time realising she was the true problem all along
What it's actually going to be is that 11 and 12 will be like 1 and just be on a screen. Then there'll be a ton of pre Hartnell Doctors, Jodie and then Tennant to bring people in. No classic Doctors will appear.
You have an excellent point.
>He can't get into Tegan
That's what they said about the timeless child.
She just watched a jodie episode.
At least the Timeless Child leak came with a screenshot of the Timeless Child. This new one has nothing.
I wish I could get into Tegan
Well they haven't even filmed it yet, have they? It's all in the planning stages still and it's not like we'll get a photo of the script
In The Three Doctors
This is literally the first time I'm hearing about it.
What fresh hell is this?