Good show

Good show

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Shit taste

only good show on hbo is barry

Actually liked the last episode
This season is a bit slow but it's a thousand times better than last season
And if Maeve continues to get btfo that would be the icing on the cake

that actress irl is one of the most self righteous liberal cunts in hollywood.

The movie blows this woke shit out of the water.

>self righteous liberal cunt

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Like Westworld, the first season was good, and promising, the second season was terrible.

>the second season was terrible
you're black as fuck

Looks like shit

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But it's from the 1970's, so nobody who watches the show has seen it.

fpbp; also applies to

Someone get this hothead outta here.

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Stopped watching when a PMC battalion with modern weapons was straight up marching at the enemy fort getting slaughtered. God, that was retarded. It's literally impossible to suspend your disbelief for that.

>man runs away from a robot cowboy for an hour and a half
yeah ok

Only thing I don't like about Barry, is he's supposed to be this top-tier assassin, but he never disposes of bodies, destroys evidence or in any way covers his tracks. Good show, otherwise.

I'll take that over ham-fisted SJW propaganda any day.

What kind of fag gives a shit about how actors are irl? I've been in close proximity of multiple celebs in my life and I couldn't give less of a fuck.

i usually don't, but she is by far the worst. plus she does not deserve her emmy at all.

>Newton was born in Westminster, London, England, the daughter of Nyasha, a Zimbabwean princess of the Shona people (according to Newton)
Wash your mouth when talking about the queen

I want to stick my face into this gap and huff and puff like I'm hyperventilating into a paper bag

or trying to get a fire started

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That's disgusting

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>(according to Newton)

one Dolores.... FIVE Doloreses!?!?

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>It's another robot woman who is 10 steps ahead of everyone despite just gaining consciousness shill thread

>Maeve out
>Elsie in
>Black hat's daughter in
There, i improved it by 200%

Why the fuck can Maeve hack everything
In the park sure, because she's in the park system, everything's networked, fine
But out in the world, why would she have access to door locks, why would the fucking guns have any wireless connectivity at all

what was the violin song at the mask party a cover of?
i swear i know it from somewhere but i cant figure it out for the life of me.



how many times has maeve been "killed"? god what a retarded character

this isn't even the original maeve
and second maeve coming into existence doesn't make any sense since it was dolores who gave her sentience

Dolores is going to acquire feelings and save humanity by self-sacrifice in the end

What happened to Aaron Paul? He looks terrible

why 4, she smuggled out 5 pearls, one was Bernard, the rest are Dolores for 4 Doloreses plus the original

He always had this scrawny body & gigantic head

It's a boring female power fantasy that was taylor-made for reddit

Maybe it's just that I watch too much stuff like Ghost in the Shell, but I didn't realize that the show was expecting the audience to care about who the host replacements "really" were until they decided to reveal it suddenly. Am I the only one who didn't even feel it was relevant?

They're robots designed for a theme park in which people routinely go on murders sprees dude, "death" is just temporary deactivation by design

Subtitles told me it was something by The Weekend
or Vampire Weekend
Some kind of Weekend

Is Charlotte-Dolores going to fuck the bad guy up?

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Can we all give it up for Liam Hemsworth? That man acted his fucking heart out, making it look like 120lb ERW hits like a Mack truck.

You obviously don't watch it. It's very toned down compared to season 2

Ed Harris is the only reason I got through last season
How much screentime does he have compared to Maeve?


Not him, but I still really hate the "technology is magic" writing that they continue to do. There's no reason for Maeve to be able to control people's guns. Why the fuck would you equip a gun with unencrypted wireless remote controls?

Hey I wonder how that sci fi western with Anthony Hopkins is going

Oh no... who's going to tell him?

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You know you write like absolute dogshit when even Ed Harris can't make your lines sound good.

maybe so unit commanders have more control over their subordinates? it makes perfect sense

I like the way the guns move in their owner's hands too.

Fucking hell, guess I wont be watching this at all then
I just wanted more man in black kino

Better auto aim aided by AI

he was the only reason this last ep was watchable
he has so much presence and charisma he elevated the whole thing just by showing up
now, I'm pretty sure this was the last we'll ever see of him, this was obviously his goodbye episode.

Wicked games by the weeknd from house of balloons mixtape

You can have that without publicly broadcasting unencrypted wireless connections with zero security features. It's actually kind of infuriating how easily Dolores hacks into shit, too. They don't think about how this would work, technology is just magic and hosts are sorcerers who can manipulate it, full stop, no restrictions. I hate it.

Good riddance. He was only good playing with fake guns in the park. Outside he's nothing

I at least liked how they wrapped up his character arc, even if it makes no fucking sense after the tease at the end of season 2.

>Serac is the bad guy
he's literally trying to save the human race

Best thing that happened in this season, more screentime please

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Don't forget the encryption key in the blood! That's my favourite!

Couldn't finish season 2. Btw was the shrink ray real?

>even if it makes no fucking sense after the tease at the end of season 2.
I don't even remember that part, but he probably said he didn't want to be part of that trash anymore and the producers negotiated one last episode with him to let him out of his contract.

Christ, yeah, that too. Here, just inject a couple mLs of blood into your wrist and now any sample of blood from you will be a completely convincing copy of the person whose blood you took!

He doesn't know about the shrink ray lads, shall we tell him?

>easily Dolores hacks into shit
This. Also that BioID shit you can apparently fool by injecting someone’s blood and apparently they don’t check your face either.

>freedom is not free

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Their bro teamup is great, I hope they get more time. Bernard is the only one I'm rooting for, basically since season 2.

I love how Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy portray themselves as intellectuals in interviews, yet write this shit.

I don't think he's done.

ikr. Their after credit BTS are really comedy gold.

Dolores will prevail. I'm a Doloresboo