movies where characters get their shit fucked up?
Movies where characters get their shit fucked up?
based onions man
how does one learn this power?
fuck women
Maybe a few more of these and the outrage mob will finally attack alimony
Movies where the male villain gets away in the end?
He could of had it all
I thought that shit was an American thing
Adele is cringe, she's always in the videos for whatever new anti-freedom laws that record companies come up with like SOPA or Article 13.
How many times does this have to happen before women actually complain about the unfairness of family courts?
How long until she falsely claims he assaulted her so she can get her money back?
Works both ways... If the money changes you... well you were never really you in the first place.
Probably not
it would be a great victory for EQUALITY
I'll wait until it's an actual fact
They tables have turned.
why more than half? did he write her music aswell
Finally, they casted a woman protagonist!
Considering that most of her material is based on him, it's only fair.
First time i see a woman get fucked in divorce court
lol wtf that judge must hate adele which song was it that drove her mad?
he's broken every code
and pulled the rebel to the floor!
Why do the judges always side with the people who did fuck all to actually earn the money?
it's because she is fat
Hahaha get fucked roastie
Because that's how alimony works, it's usually shit but in some cases it's based. Like how Jeff Bezos lost billions to his wife who supported him while amazon made fuck all money
if you still get married in this day and age when the internet has made the horrors of divorce common and public knowledge, you're a bit retarded.
That nigga looks like the most British man who ever lived.
Because fighting bullshit decisions costs more money. More money that goes to the judicial system. Why does the police force get to keep the money they get from traffic tickets?
He's American you mutt
have we finally found a queen fitting for the king?
>divorcing this
why? Is he a fag?
>women women women
You're owed half the money from when the case starts, not when it ends
When will both sides of this argument wake up to the true ((villain))
sweet jesus
Nigger you could get a bajillion girls like that with a 140mil
>Why does the police force get to keep the money they get from traffic tickets?
uh, to motivate them to enforce traffic regulations?
the logic of siding with someone like Adele's ex is probably something to do with the logic that she can always just earn another $100 million by going on tour.
Hate to sound Irish, but that bitch needs to eat a salad.
>those tats
would tap tho
toll = paid
is that really her??? perfect fat ass and legs. she is rail thin now tho i think???
hell no
would feed her more burgers
>and the divorce case was in the US
well that explains that then, lol
Divorce law is just archaic and based on old social structure, it's not some recent scheme
Fucking hell. The dude is going to take that money and make money with it. He's going to end up being richer than her for doing dick all.
Get fucked.
I second this How can he get 73% of her shit? Did he get extra because she's so fat that it counts as dometic violence?
Holy shit how did he wangle that
probably around the same time the US voter realizes that it isn't worth $300 million in legal fees for each criminal they want to have executed.
What a load of fucking nonsense lol. If the point is just to ensure that a divorced housewife isn't out on the street then calculate her expenses on a modest budget for like 5 or 10 years, IF she needs that time to get set up in a career
this is the world they built, ha
you think Adele lost 90 million dollars since their divorce started?
The law effectively assumes that whoever has less money in a relationship is a woman who can't work, has to maintain a certain life style lest she burst into flames and also has no money of her own.
Since judges can't just decide to not follow certain laws just because they feel like it, they rule according to the law even if they routinely produce stupid results. Lawyers hate their jobs by the way.
she passed out in the narrow entrance to her apartment and he was stuck, it counted as unlawful imprisonment.
the illogic is built-in to economics. it costs wildly different amounts to have the same standard of living in different places, and people get wildly different amounts for doing equivalent jobs, so of course divorce scales according to net worth.
Money doesn't change people. It unmasks them.
>sing good
>make a fifth of a billion dollars
starting to think those no-good dirty communist hippies might be on to something
I guess he truly set fire to her reign as pop princess
the actual lyrics are: could have had it all
not funny
What's the story?
Because they can't believe that people with money are dumb enough to actually get married.
fat hoes BTFO
>is that really her???
The truth is that divorce court fucks the one who makes the least, even if it is a one dollar difference.
She's going to make another shitty album about this crying about how it wasn't her fault. fat prick
>Education: Eton
no this is the guy that she met after the dude she wrote about
That's what I'm saying, the fact that the budget is supposed to correspond to "her previous lifestyle" is a ridiculous standard. The spouse's obligation - if there even is one - should simply be to provide her with sufficient support to stay above water in a no frills living environment while she gets back on her feet
the idea is always about keeping the other person's standard of living the same as when they were married.
Even if their standard of living is way worse before they were in the relationship.
I think it's kind of ridiculous that just because you're used to luxury you're more entitled to it than a homeless person, neither of you earned the money.
But the intention is basically to protect people who make plans about sharing their lives with a person and then it falls apart.
It's kind of like how when you break a contract you might have to pay damages because the other party had to conduct themselves assuming you would fulfill the contract.
The lawyer actually gets a pretty big sum in alimony cases.
They dont give a flying fuck about his client or her ex spouse, they just now that fucking them over means more money for them.
Lots of jews in that trade.
Shes super skinny now, she reverse architect'd him
just further proof white girls have to be fucking obese to have any ass, pathetic.
What a braphog
what makes it sound stupid is the wording. but ongoing payments wouldn't meet the requirement of letting both parties move on, and you're going to have situations where a couple was living in a house worth $20 million which only the less-affluent partner wants, custody of children (who are also used to living in that house), etc.
I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm saying: this is what everything is society is like.
So did Adele cheated on him or what? That's the only way I could see a judge giving him so much fucking money. That or he wrote all of her songs.
Oh god. How is that poor woman gonna survive with only a 50 Million dollars?
this can't be real
I believe this is the point of "no fault divorce", you don't have to do anything wrong for your partner to just announce "I want a divorce :^)" and be entitled to half your money
>the idea is always about keeping the other person's standard of living the same as when they were married.
That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard. If you want the same standard of living, then don't divorce. That's like demanding that your ex gives you sex on demand, because it happened when you were married. Do these fucking idiots not understand the concept of a divorce?
positively porcine
Women have never cared because they've always been on the receiving end. Until they start losing heavily in divorce court, shit won't change.
absolutely disgusting
>woman makes minimum wage
>I make 200k a year
>before we met
>we get married for 1 year
>suddenly woman is entitled to 100k a year lifestyle
Nah, she can go back to living like the poor cunt she was before I met her. If she was left to her own devices she would never reach that level of income. The year of living a good life was a trade for sex.