What would you have put in the cupboard?

What would you have put in the cupboard?

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Fleshlight obviously


The only correct answer.

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>a fuckin disembodied vagina
why not a blow up doll? it'll turn into a real lady. a real surprised looking lady but still.


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too talkative

Close Cupboard door.

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If you put an airsoft gun in there does it turn into a real one?

A barbie, obviously

Open Cupboard door.

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like 100 of these

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My waifu's figure

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In your sock drawer no one can hear her scream.

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my megumin figures collection

>my waifu doesn't have any figures

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A sphess mehreen

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oh great, im gonna have to deal with this new fetish i have now

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lmao that paint job

I remember that thread from a few years back where some lad bought this and slowly undressed it then finally we convinced him to cum on it. Good times.

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It would be extremely painful

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That's no good. They would all fly away the moment you opened the cupboard unless you put them each inside of a Lantern before closing the door.

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oi, have you got a paint thinning loisens for that mehrien?

Or just rip off their wings

I'd put real blade and hook on it, put it in cupboard then have it do my bidding

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a doll so I could rape it

Image... I would convince it that the only way I could feed it was through blowjobs.

The only good answer other than a blow-up doll is a fuck ton of monopoly money

What would you even do with that? Seems pointless. If I was a kid, I'd put a toy gun in there, see what happens. Or a plastic lightsaber.

>puts in monopoly money
>closes cupboard
>opens it
>still monopoly money, just dancing and singing
what did you think would happen user?

>implying that is not what he wanted

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A gun.

holy shit thats an extremely good sculpt

My favorite part of this movie was the Black Kid going "YES!" when the boy ran in and was shocked he was using the cupboard.

you fucking idiot

If you put a fully grown man in the cupboard he almost dies.


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is that michael j fox's space marine?

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cabbage patch kids and harvest their organs for the black market

I would keep the cupboard until I have my life more in order. Can't bring anime figures to life just for them to be sickened by my existence.

Figurines of cute boys so I could vore them.

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IIRC the kid turns a cowboy miniature into a real person and literally the first thing he does is shoot the Native American


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What would come out?

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jesus mary with jesus or just jesus

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>What would you even do with that?
Good things.

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This and a bunch of futuristic weapons

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The blades word become real dumbass

Can mini-hermione still cast spells?

Action father figure

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sure it's only 1/12 scale but it would still be fun to set off

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I would only open the door enough to blow a huge fart through before locking it again.


where would you set it off though?


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I wonder...

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uhhhhhhhhh anymore?

ayy fellow cupboard trilogy reader. I read all of them in 3rd or 4th grade. I think the final book has a woman character come to life

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What if I 3D print a doll of my waifu based on a hyperrealistic model, will it have her personality?

OOOOOOooooo look at the big brain on Brett!