When is the west going to catch up to Japanese animation?

When is the west going to catch up to Japanese animation?

Attached: 1575113593556.webm (600x336, 2.94M)

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all style no substance

never, they're going to just keep making cheap live-action adaptations that nobody will watch and have no artistic value whatsoever for the sole purpose of pretending that they can do it as well.

They can't, don't let them forget it.

Is this supposed to look good?

when is the east going to catch up to western pornography?
when is the east going to catch up to western live action?
when is the east going to catch up to the west, period?

steven universe


>moving the frame to simulate motion
Cheap, artless crap (like the majority of jap """"""animation"""""")

Attached: 1586281445410.jpg (858x1057, 109.2K)

Are you baiting or retarded?

Attached: 20200405_201011.png (363x645, 149.75K)

>when is the east going to catch up to western pornography?
why would you want this

They have

Attached: MV5BMjMwNDkxMTgzOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTkwNTQ3NjM@._V1_.jpg (1381x2048, 739.77K)

Never because animation is for children.

>>that slideshow
nice eyecancer faggot

>the east
>catching up to western porno
there are few western pornographic artists even close to on par with eastern doujinshi artists
all they need to do is abolish that retarded, outdated censorship policy

Why do anime fight scenes have to constantly have characters whipping past the "camera"? There's a relentless stretch and squash thing going on that makes it impossible to focus on the action for me.

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and surpassed it

When is Japan going to catch up with Western writing? Do you listen to yourself?

>muh anime doujins


When the Japs finally grow up accept that cartoons are for children.

It's shouldn't be surprising that anime is produced by the incel capital of the world.

One punch man is absolutely garbage

go back

like a zack snyder movie

pfft great example user

At least post a good example.

Ummmmmm... hello?

Attached: B868D8BE-611D-4243-BFD2-260F54378037.png (1334x750, 1.41M)

Wow no wonder normalfags love this show

I don't have the webm but I think it's from Patlabor where the dude has his hand in the glove and is moving the robot's hand, anyways I think that is way more impressive animation than OP posted, imo a lot of 90s anime have more impressive animation. (if someone has it and could post it that would be awesome)

>western porn
>niggers fucking white women produced by kikes, loud grunting and close ups on the nigger's asshole

Yeah why can't the japs be more like that? Fucking idiot you.

no webm but it's in there

Ummmmm, like, it already did?

Attached: 211.jpg (1009x2015, 168.96K)

>western live action?

Attached: 1585524897595.webm (1280x670, 2.68M)

>this bait

Attached: 1573961139144.gif (401x273, 496.83K)

this is it! thank you

Stunning and brave from them to render this shit on the Pentium 200.

>Western writing

Attached: 1585948124442.jpg (3267x4320, 3.14M)

There are many Japanese writers that far surpass any Western ones.

At least post good fight scenes , faggot.


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Posting cause op is a faggot

Attached: Kabuto.webm (640x480, 2.91M)

He means writers in general.

Haruki Murakami and Osamu Dazai's works alone are better than the whole of Western fiction written since 1900.


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A fuck this breaks my heart.
I need animation like fire and ice or at least x-men

OP is a massive fag !


Attached: sasuke.jpg (299x400, 13.32K)

too choppy / low frame rate

naruto part 2 consistently had that problem

also, how the west can even compete with THIS?

Attached: 1556509706373.webm (500x280, 1.8M)

Boruto was decent

Attached: 1451407236838.webm (532x300, 2.95M)

japanese animation peaked in the 90s

Attached: 1562559329503.jpg (1056x720, 58.74K)

True , doesn't mean that we can't have good things

Toei ''''''''animation''

Attached: Fresh.webm (640x360, 1.34M)

OP is a massive fag

Attached: Sasuke Vs Kinshiki.webm (720x388, 2.93M)

sports anime are the new kino animation unironically

Naruto is peak action anime

Attached: 1474557137522.webm (600x450, 1.43M)

sports and fetish pandering

Attached: 1567123333900.webm (966x720, 1.3M)

Nah , other than haikyu they ar not impressive. Shōnen is where it's at

Attached: 1456449178456.webm (948x720, 1.29M)

>the cg looks more floaty
damn pajeets cant even use mocap right.

>when is the east going to catch up to western pornography?
they already have

Attached: kino.jpg (2940x1611, 2.7M)

This looks fucking terrible

Gtfo weeb ,you think this looks good ? Fuck, moeshitters are blind

Attached: Cute.webm (640x480, 2.48M)

>that seething narutard ITT

It's extremely common in anime because they draw everything with more details than they can competently animate. A lot of animes will have clips of someone attacking something where a character is drawn starting an attack, the screen flashes, and the character is posed at the end of his attack, implying he did it incredibly fast. That way it can be implied that the character did something cool without having to actually draw it. Nearly everything characters do in anime is super sudden and at light-speed because it's easier than animating things.

Name one.

desu the mocap scene actually looks pretty cool, I'd be interested in a movie inventing some reason for two mocap guys to be fighting like that

Narutofags need a bullet in the head

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Why did the quality of Naruto's animation change so drastically? Like every other episode it felt as if a different studio was animating it


ping pong was pretty good

It's just softer / less textured character models for fast / fluid action scenes. In part 1 Naruto it still looks good but in part 2 they skimped out on the frame rates even for big action scenes, no doubt thanks to the fucking 250 episodes of filler they had to produce

Attached: cooming.gif (260x146, 790.25K)

See: It's sad, really. No one in the West is particularly good at writing anymore.

But it's shit and animated by Japan, double negative

Eastern and western porn are both shit for different reasons. True patricians watch amateur couples.

>complaining about co
>on tv

>'s just softer / less textured character models for fast / fluid action scenes.
Lol , no you clearly know squat about animation
They brought the great animators for important episodes , everything else they probably outsourced to Korea.

Attached: Hinata vs Neji.webm (636x480, 1.48M)

>posts part 1 clip

thx for proving my point

sounds about right I think Korra had the animators for Naruto

Ok but this is literally just one example.

The vast majority of western live action is formulaic and generic

>I think Korra had the animators for Naruto
Yes , animated by studio pierot
Part 2 has the best fights in the entire series

Attached: 1478483283866.webm (640x360, 1.86M)

Why do they always have the same four or five black guys for these?

why is it the same asian girl in every photo.

BASED amateur bro
>tfw havent watched a """"""""professional""""""" porno in years

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