Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?


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the uber driver for filming his passengers without their consent and trying to get his 5 seconds of e-fame.

>t. seething bronx hood rat

I'm right.

she wanted to fug him

why doesn't she call da cops? She has a phone in her hand?

Posting REAL Uber kino

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because she wanted HIM to CAW DA CAPS!!

>Who was in the wrong.
Him, because he didn't pull her out of the car and crush her skull in. So she gets to live another day doing this very thing to other people.

He let evil exist and escape and did nothing.

He because he didn't slap her or anything. Fucking niggers thank god everyone is white here or at least brown but they are very submisive

i fucking hate niggers (the black driver is not a nigger)

I have no problem watching other public freak out videos but for some reason the uber/lyft ones with rude passengers make me seethe. Why?

>call duh cahwps!

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Because uber drivers have a risky job and make only a subsistence wage and dont deserve to be shit on by some drunk entitled cunt.


Best video ever. This guy would be completely justified in grabbing her hair and dragging her out of the car

For me its stormzy

Why didn't he call the cops?

that would be a "hate crime" as well as sexual assault. You are better off not defending yourself against a female especially a black one.

Oh shit this guy does not deserve this, some wild animals on the lose let me tell you.
Hope he has a good life , the comments on youtube are off , will never read my message :(

Oh no doubt, he also should have just waited in silence until she left but that's a situation that warrants a good slap on the face

It's his car.
Get out if he tells you

Black women are world famous for being hysterical
This is like some smug dad uploading a vid of himself acting “extraordinarily calm” while their toddler throws a tantrum in their child seat

2 minutes in and i woulda smashed my car into the nearest wall at full speed

cow the cops , she be cow the cops
Aren't this type of "people" anti snitch and shit ?
Pathetic, just avoid this types let them be in they're habitat

he must be new or needed the cash you never pick up hood rats

I'd pull into a car wash stall, roll down all the windows and spray that bitch with the high pressure washer until she got the fuck out of my car

Sorta based.

lol imagine you putting your seat belt and start playing crash dummies whit her until she projects herself out of the car


Female privilege in a nutshell.


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Based uber driver patrolling that thot.

I kinda want to see what pushed him to that breaking point. Also what kind of cunt refuses to leave the car at the hospital because she doesn't know where she is? What kind of cunt calls an UBER to go to the ER instead of paramedics? I need more info.

Why are the comments off? fucking niggers

When she starts screeching about call my man I had to stop. That woman is an embarrassment and should be ashamed of herself.

She was probably visiting a relative in ER. He says he had to wait for her so she probably took a while leaving her house/apt and then got pissy when he wasn't getting to the hospital faster.

>without their consent
lol wtf are you talking about. dont want to be recorded? get out of the car. its his property and he can record anyone he wants in his car.

Women like this would get their attitude beaten out of them 100 years ago. Cant happen any more though because daddy government would put you in prison for 20 years for it.

abominably based

>filming without consent
Not a real thing

You're a faggot

Some people want to get out of the car, others want to get in

Lol that woman is such trash.

Why do blacks just repeat the same shit over and over during an argument?

literally monkey lol

why didnt he pepper spray her?
Thats the bare minimum for these nigger monkies.

>Hard working West African immigrant
>La Goblina Puerto Rican NY cunt

hmmm I wonder who was wrong here...?

>bigger government commie cockroach mother fucker.
People like you need to burn.

Why would anyone trip this hard when they could just get another Uber or Lyft or a fucking Taxi? People are crazy.

>white nigger

Who are all these dudebros?

t. roastie

fake and gay

In a two party state it is, both have to consent to being recorded. Most places however are one party, where only one person in the room needs to consent and everyone else is at the will of the recording

>female chimp
But of course.

That angry guy is a marine and they are in a military base.
He got kicked out of the marine core for this.
I suppose you cant trust someone like that with a gun.

George Lincoln Rockwell tried to stop this


Why didn't he just cawl the bleeping cahps?

>I'm not getting out unless you call the cops.
What the fuck was her endgame? Call the cops so she would be removed from his car? Why didn't he call the cops since it was in his interest?

give the man his five stars

The duality of the negro. Based West African immigrant vs Entitled Urban Coon.

Good. Desist. reassess. re-engage.

doesn't matter if it's fake, this upset me

Videos like this are a good example of why you should never react emotionally to a woman who's like that (some type of personality disorder). They will intentionally try to push you to a breaking point while acting like the calm victim, and try to get you into trouble somehow. Or just get amusement and validation from your emotional distress. Best thing to do is to ignore/leave while retaining composure.
>t. dated a bitch with BPD who would pull shit like this

unironically low iq

Is that a white guy in black face?

Women have been trained to believe that cops will always take their side no matter what bullshit they come up with. Which is true more often than it should be.

Uber drivers are human garbage

>i'm facing a FUCKING MORON

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She thinks she was right and/or was going to lie and say he hit/touched her. She says as much on the video. It seems like the fight partially started because driver refused to charge her phone.

>muslim fundamentalist beard

No its a black guy in blacker face.