When did you realize that L was in the wrong?

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Wtf is this boomer shit

when he stuffed misa into his torture fetish chamber and watched her pee

What? His whole deal was bypassing the justice system in order to deal with criminals that the justice system couldn't handle. Do you think that keeping suspects in total isolation for weeks, not allowing them to move or even go to the bathroom is normal police procedure? Did you miss all the scenes where the cops are shocked and horrified at L's methods?

she was totally getting off on it
just like I would

Light did nothing wrong.

Why was light a retard
>hm I could kill the truly evil people in the world like Soros and the Koch brothers
>NAH lemme kill white people caught stealing bread for their family

i started nooooo posting with my soijacks and i am damn proud of it

Nigga was Gary Stu: the Character and was only beaten by Deus Ex Machina bullshit.

>Light: oh you know, I'm actually not only the chief's son but also on the task force hunting Kira! Just give me your ID so I can enlist you in our super duper secret task force right there on the street!
>Misora: Oh cool, unconspicuous school student! Have my real ID!

Too much of this show relies on people being uncharacteristically retarded or knowing things they have no way of knowing

>What? His whole deal was bypassing the justice system in order to deal with criminals that the justice system couldn't handle. Do you think that keeping suspects in total isolation for weeks, not allowing them to move or even go to the bathroom is normal police procedure? Did you miss all the scenes where the cops are shocked and horrified at L's methods?
Exactly. He's a hypocrite.

L was American. These methods were pretty normal to him. He was probably surprised he couldn't shoot his suspects on the spot

>He's a hypocrite.
What's hypocritical? He has one goal: prove to the world that Kira's methods are not true justice, that he's not a god, just a murderer who can be caught. Everything he does is consistent with that goal.

>find notebook
>right down names of criminals
>don't give a shit about any investigations
>no one ever finds out because the notebook is untraceable
How did this not occur to a so-called genius?

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Because he was an arrogant asshole who wanted to become god or something, he never actually cared about fixing the world

he lived in britain at the orphange my guy with wattari and the deus ex kids

Just watched this for the first time a few weeks ago.
The Lem thing was bullshit.

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Did you not watch the show? He himself admitted he was a baby who hate to lose. He wanted to catch Light using his own methods and set of rules

he was seething that L refused to respect his "justice".

>Too much of this show relies on people being uncharacteristically retarded
Like that one time when Light admitted to knowing that Ray Pember was stalking him and no one even questioned him how.

he had a 10 year plan

He wasn't dumb, he was in it for the challenge

if L's real name is canonically L Lawliet, why did Misa have no reaction when she saw him with her Shinigami Eyes?
>hmm this fella who gave a fake name is named L Lawliet... there's a guy chasing Light named L... hmmm

He was so genius that most of the show he was the only suspect.

because there'd be a pattern to the criminals you killed and they would investigate the times of those deaths and the times their names were released to the public
eventually you could narrow down and eliminate broad swathes of the public from reasonable suspicion
basically the Lind L. Tailor gambit

> Lind L. Tailor
Only betrayed the general location. And the timing of deaths gave the idea he was a student. Light acted on this info and changed the schedule but by this he immediately narrowed down the suspects to the task force. If he chose to ignore the classified data, L wouldn't have a way to pinpoint him.

>makes a *RINO thread
>Doesn't post a soijack

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what the fuck was his problem?

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Honestly, this. He didnt have to talk to anyone, be a part of anything, investigate anything. Just go to school, write some names, bang hotties.

>hey this guy is evil! Has to be him
>alright what’s his method of killing?
>well if he knows a name and face he can kill anyone he wants
>get the fuck out of my courtroom

He was not that much of a moralfag, he was a detective for fun not because he gave a shit. That's more properly conveyed in the manga

>do you really think all of these esteemed officials would lie to you
>alright lets test it then
>wtf the death note is real???

From the writer himself: "I think of him as a quarter Japanese, a quarter English, a quarter Russian, a quarter French or Italian, like that."

Why again they changed intro and outro themes for that ear rape?

can some neet user shop a L soijack


Because he was a narcissist and the potential of being able to center himself right in the middle of an investigation into himself was way too tempting

Except L did lots of questionable shit during the investigation. Aizawa and Soichiro represented corporal punishment.

>Uses confidential police files

If Light doesn't do this, he never gets caught

The major issue is that L immediately tracked down the culprit as a student in the kanto region that probably had access to the police archives, so they put cameras in his rooms and spies on his tail. And he couldn't write names anymore.

why Light didn't kill any jew?

>when Light trying to pretend to be an ordinary teen, starts looking at porn, but they couldn't put in the show him fapping, so he just reads it

Who the fuck just watches porn without fapping, if I saw someone doing this it would be a major red flag

Ignore these retards, it wasn't about arrogance. After the initial misstep with killing fake L, Light decided he wanted to discover L's identity and kill him before he made another misstep that might cost him his life. He intentionally implicated himself just enough that L suspected him, but not enough to convict, so that he could get close enough to L to kill him.

Because killing Jews=a more prosperous and happy place without terrorism or serial killers. Which means that there would be less cases for him to have fun solving

I do when I'm downloading porn because of my data hoarding addiction

L and Light were both wrong
>L kidnapped Miss and killed that one guy at the beginning of the series on TV
>Light killed innocent people, like the FBI agents
They were both faggots with a God complex playing chess with other people's lives.

Yes, being a mutt is quintessentially American.

What was his biggest mistake?

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his only mistake was not dumping a load inside her just to test Light's resolve

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Confronting Rey Pember.

>when you have to check the quality of the scenario, cinematography and the female and male orgasms before renaming the file and putting it on your TB external HDD

Did this happen in the anime? I have no recollection of this at all

Killing Rey Pember for no reason and using confidential police files.

Although his biggest flaw was needing to be worshipped and wanting to be a God, if he just went about his day as normal but randomly killed large criminals he'd never have been caught

The narcissism at the start of the series that led to several critical mistakes narrowing down his identity. Of course, this character flaw was necessary to give L a semi-reasonable way to narrow it down to Light, but still, Light got incredibly triggered that someone dared to stop him. His lashing out spelled his own doom. If he just calmed down and didn't sperg out over L he would've been fine.

Yes, she literally had it worse than Light. Poor girl even tries to kill herself by bitting her tongue

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>Kills Pember in contrived circumstances
>His gf's gone missing
>How do I deflect suspicion?
>Yes, I'll tell L I knew I was surveyed by Pember!
200 IQ move.

Yes. Any discussion about L being an hypocrate is pointless. He also admitted that he only tried to solve cases that he found interesting

this is a big moment between him and Light

what if death note was still on tv
trump get death note

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You have to remember that L already knew that Light was in japan and the whole Lind L. Tailor gambit only confirmed his suspicions of where exactly he was.

generally I just name the videos based on the actresses that appear on them and make sure I download the highest quality possible. All the autism is within using .m3u8 links.

Killing Ray was definitely a mistake. However, in Light's perspective, killing him and the whole fbi team was the best choice.
Killing Lind L. Taylor was his true biggest mistake. He had nothing to gain by killing him except feeding his ego, shit, killing him even gave him a bad reputation because it confirmed to the whole world that
1- He was no god
2- He would also kill non-criminals.

>1- He was no god
>2- He would also kill non-criminals.
How can you be so wrong on two statements at once?

It proved he had godlike powers and it didn't turn his fans away.

He killed indiscrimately any people including suspects who weren't technically criminals and could very well be innocent, so here's that.

Kaiji is a better mindgame anime than Shit Note.