ITT: dumb scifi tropes

>hexagon designs for everything

Attached: 2558AF4E-5702-4115-81BC-4AC242082DB5.jpg (500x522, 61.52K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>future casual clothing is just normal clothing with minimalist collars


Holographic displays in mid-air that people operate by waving their hands around like idiots.
Those would be absurdly uncomfortable and inefficient to use in real life but every movie does them now because a regular, functional computer isn't "future enough".

god i wish

universal translation

we're almost there though

Not even close.

>no time dilation

Attached: 1582317464128.jpg (177x405, 21.75K)

ITT retards make shit up

>in the future all humans and alien races speak fluent English

I don't wanna go back to obongo tho

Yes we do

As should everyone. The Queens English is the finest language.

>all English-speaking aliens have a bong accent

Time travel

Reset it to 2005 and that's a deal.

>laser guns

>white people still existing

Transparent screens, they are even more annoying than overly reflective real-life screens.

Even more stupid for smartphones, who would want everyone on both sides to see your screen?

Attached: snow.png (583x501, 473.62K)

>interspecies relationships
>alien hybrid kids

Oi bruv lend me a ciggy ya cunt innit?

>Humans are a balanced middle ground and jack of all trades race getting by through elbow grease and gumption

Attached: 1554906734572.jpg (1024x862, 55.02K)

>Chinese people exist in the future

>everyone wears "uniforms" or derivatives thereof (uniform with giant hat for females, uniform except white for scientists etc)


>Currency is "Credits"

If I was a director on a sci-fi movie and someone suggested this I would fire them without hesitation

I wouldn't call it "dumb", but it seems impossible for scifi to not associate Mars with war and Pluto with Death.

Everybody outside of England speaks American English lad

Future soldiers are much, much weaker than 2020 soldiers.

Attached: star trek-redshirt killed by flower.jpg (700x530, 140.26K)

any and all spaceship greebling

>Even more stupid for smartphones, who would want everyone on both sides to see your screen?
lol this shit in expanse is so retarded

I use to agree with you, but have you ever been on public transport with trashy people? They've got no shame about sharing what they're watching or listening to.

T. Never been outside of his hometown

The only stupid thing about the tech in Children of Men

The show "Picard" has been doing this weird thing where Jean Luc has no idea how to use floaty HUD things that apparently come into fashion around the year 2390, but it's blatantly visibly obvious that it would just be way easier and more intuitive to pilot a space cruiser his way using a few buttons than to mess with this waggle shit.

Your pic is the worst example I can think of for your complaint because clearly Snow *wants* the person across the desk to be able to see what he's got on the screen, that's his "Here's Where You Fucked Up-o-Vision"

Attached: rios-star-trek-picard-.jpg (2194x680, 346.52K)

Instead of using a real English word like robot, hack writers make up new words that mean absolutely nothing. Fucking "synth".

Attached: mass effect 3-yo dawg, killed by synthetics.jpg (625x415, 56.3K)

Every single one of these applies to Picard holy shit

Attached: seven-of-nine-stardustcity-phasers.jpg (1400x929, 144.28K)

I like how you included the post about Picard as well

it would be pretty weird if the stuff from Picard didn't apply to Picard wouldn't it

Belgian here, everyone in mainland europe speaks either with an american accent or a thick local accent. the only individuals I know who talk in english do it consciously to sound posh

But the ISS has literal greebles adn greebling has its origins in the starship designs for 2001 A Space Odyssey which were all based on the ideas of the team of aerospace engineers that they hired as design consultants.

Greebles are only retarded if the ships depicted as capable of atmospheric flight.

How about you do it.
Nobody gave a fuck about English until US influence started, nobody speaks British unless they lived in the UK, which is a minority of ESLs.
Just ask random ESLs to write "color" and you'll see

We're talking about real countries here

There's even an autistic logic to the greebling on Discovery, where the idea was that the crew module would be smooth and covered in micrometeoroid shielding because all critical components in it would've been internally repairable, while the spine and the propulsion modules were covered in greebles because they would be designed more or less "inside out" so that all major components could have repairs be performed on them during EVAs by astronauts or the pods.

Attached: 2001-space-odyssey-tour-spaceship-discovery-one-kubrick-clarke.jpg (800x400, 152.18K)

Almost all of them apply to every single Star Trek series.

Also Mass Effect

that's because using a screen isn't very cinematic and interesting.

I think 'space western' aesthetic or setting is retarded and impossible to take seriously.

By the time humanity will have figured out how to colonize and terraform planets millions of light years away, we will have figured out how to create 'make-your-own-city' kits that will make the process of civilizing a planet much easier. There's no reason to think that space colonists will be riding horses, wearing leather dusters, and shooting le lazer revolvers with el banditos or some shit.

>niggers still exist


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Please do.

>tfw I can go in the past and not ghost the most beautiful woman that ever fell in love with me

Everyone is not superior post-COVID mutated chinese in future

its plausible aesthetically for there to be people & scenarios on the frontiers of advanced civilization advance being in tune with a rough and rugged dynamic interpretable as 'Western'

if it's anything it'll be like death stranding, not howdy yall firefly shit

nigga nobody ever suggested that this is what was going to happen at some point
it's just an aesthetic that drives certain sentiments through

2015 isn't better than now. you'd have to go at least back to the 00s, and preferably the mid 90s.

The smart, handsome, competent Obama was still preezy

Spill the tea, hunychile.

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To be fair, at our current trajectory that is not only believable, but inevitable - at least for some ruined nations.

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