>Offer free 90 days
>still flops
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Fat cats thought this was some ingenious idea but no one literally no one wants 5 minute clips of schlock
>thing I've never heard of is a flop
seems about right
what is this
why are people talking about it
Literally the only people who will make money from this are the instagram celebrities who are getting paid to make shit for 6 months before it goes bankrupt.
When will the streaming bubble collapse?
3 months after the quarantine is lifted?
I still don't know how the fuck this isn't YouTube
What retard came up with the name Quibi
Sounds like a retarded Chinese produced games console sold at discount supermarkets
>streaming app for short attention span Zoomies failed
Like pottery
>founded by Jeffrey Katzenberg
I didn't even know what it was until I just googled it. Great marketing.
so... it's youtube but you have to pay for it? and it has less content?
Is Reno 911! on it yet? Because that's all I give a shit about
What is it with Jews and having absolutely shit ideas?
They get arrogant and forget they're only good at stealing ideas
>a phone tv subscription with only orginal IP's versus Disney+ and all of its movies and shows
wow I wonder why
if theaters are really going bankrupt the streaming bubble is only going to keep bubbling
it's a kids version of netflix but the shows are all 8 minutes long? I hope a lot of LA liberal kikes lose a LOT of money lmfao wtf is wrong with them
1.75 billion already spent, and I only just hearing about it now.
and no one is naked
it had TV ads, but I only saw those at work.
>8 minutes long
That's enough time for Katzenberg to record himself taking out his gun and planting one right through his cranium.
Its just pure desperation as a result of entertainment going from a completely captive market to, almost, completely free. There's trillions in the hands of people who have never once had to consider the possibility that people would just not watch their shit.
there's no way that's a real number, what the fuck. this is money laundering.
oh yes, i do always compare a new original product against top 3 most known brands in the world to see if it's a flop. don't you?
>losing money
all the money they're spending is going to other kikes
fucking slingTV had more users at launch lmao
look who owns quibi, then look who owns deadline.com
Also comparing downloads to installs. The former is voluntary by each person, the latter is companies making deals to have shit pre-installed on devices, or microsoft claiming IE is popular because most computers have it, and you literally can't get rid of it without changing operating systems.
>Start seeing ads for something pop up everywhere
>subconciously avoid that thing
More like money composting
sling wasn't bound to just Quible orginals and you can use it on your TV lol they should've went with Hulu's orginal idea of a free site with ads then have subscriptions for HD and 4k like everyone else does
so a free product that shows programs people already know has more users that something people do not know what it is and do not know if it will be any good? interesting
Yeah the mass media industry always has time for little upstarts to catch up
Good point, I'll definitely pass on Quibi.
To be fair, Verizon was giving their customers Disney+ for free for a year. Not that this Quibi shit would even compare even without Disney getting those people, but it did inflate their numbers.
I legit have no idea what quibi is. Have not heard any advertising.
>only heard about Quibi from bad articles posted about it on Drudge
Why didn't they just make their own channel on YouTube, offer a free episode, and have them pay for the rest? I'm not downloading an entirely separate app for a few shows.
>why are people talking about it
they arent
Retard thats not inflated numbers, thats Verizon choosing to pay a shit ton for Disney+ subscriptions
because one of the biggest selling points of that app is that new technology with switching pov from portrait to landscape.
it wouldn't work in any other place.
still, they should offer actually free way to test it. 90day trial is nice to check if you want it or not, but i don't want to give them my credit card number
>because one of the biggest selling points of that app is that new technology with switching pov from portrait to landscape.
God thats so fucking retarded
>tfw quibi coder
>made my cool 7 figures and dipped out
I’ll get the trial when Reno is out then cancel it when I finish the show
They are boasting about 4 million INSTALLS. They wouldn't have had that many installs if Verizon didn't pay for them. I got it for free and installed it the first day it was available and haven't even watched anything on it.
>tfw quibi marketeer
>made nothing because i don't exist
>its a new technology to do things that have existed for years!
I just ...
this, I've literally never heard of it before
they actually banked on the mouthbreathers that watch videos vertically
bro lmao
An install isn't a subscription though, it has no inherent cash value. Verizon actually has to supply the product itself
Kekus maximus
show me another platform that works like that. i will wait
no, the point is, you see different cameras when switching. it's not pan and scan
again, if that's their selling point and not the strength of their catalogue, LMAO. I bet the ads say "hey you can watch our dogshit vertically too!" fucking lol
It's the most stupid fucking idea imaginable at the worst time possible. Why would you introduce a streaming platform designed specifically for phones at a time when virtually everyone is indoors and has access to their TV and computer? Never mind the fact that every single streaming platform has apps on smartphones already. But really, it's asinine shit like this that makes me think Quibi is going to be one of those historical flops:
>Spielberg's After Dark, a horror series written and created by Steven Spielberg. The show is unique on the platform in that it can be viewed only at night.
Just the dumbest shit imaginable. Anyone who'd actually want to watch this would just torrent it instead.
>paying to see short films
there's literally millions on youtube for free
that's just pointless wheel reinvention when they could've just filmed a higher resolution video from one camera.
Hell, it sounds straight up inferior to VR style pan&scan
greatest ad campaign since Dominos ft. Hatsune Miku
why didn't skynet just send back a handsome black terminator so he could cuck kyle reese?
>and not the strength of their catalogue
nobody actually know anything about that yet. it came out yesterday, so they only showed like 10 minutes of some shows.
people will decide about the platform in a month or more. not day after.
all the articles want to compare it to disney+ where everyone bought it at the beginning and then it died. a lot of customers canceled the subs after mandalorian ended and they didn't came out with anything new interesting.
with this way of thinking there would be no point trying anything new. businesses come and go every day. time will tell if they were on to something or not.
fuck wrong thread
Look at them and LAUGH
>you just want to stifle innovation!!!
We already have better than this. This isn't new. Its just nonsense meant to fish for investors who understand literally nothing about technology.
reminder, if anyone ever wants to try to claim there aren't shills all over this site, shilling for literally fucking everything, just look at .
>see quibi ad on youtube
>realize I forgot to install adblock after switching browsers
>install adblock
>keep using youtube
Talk about the shortbus of investors
This is also what Zoom is but with even more glowies
so they're taking 3D/VR cameras, setting one camera to record in portrait and the other to record in landscape (read: just cropping the edges of the respective images) and trying to say that's new and innovative technology?
you should go back to making threads about your new favourite netflix show or disney property
That sounds like the most annoying fucking thing in the world
Not to mention even my new smartphone has trouble with maintaining screen rotation, totally wanna be wrestling with that problem while watching... Uh, Chrissy's Court
>when the shill attempts to "no u."
No go on, I'm intrigued
>this kills the shill
>tfw quibi memester
>made my cool memes and dipped out
yeah and google sounded stupid 25 years ago too