Offer free 90 days

>Offer free 90 days
>still flops

Attached: 24e577db995340e65078a3d464d96096.png (1349x659, 538.23K)

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Fat cats thought this was some ingenious idea but no one literally no one wants 5 minute clips of schlock

>thing I've never heard of is a flop
seems about right

what is this
why are people talking about it

Literally the only people who will make money from this are the instagram celebrities who are getting paid to make shit for 6 months before it goes bankrupt.

When will the streaming bubble collapse?

3 months after the quarantine is lifted?

I still don't know how the fuck this isn't YouTube

What retard came up with the name Quibi
Sounds like a retarded Chinese produced games console sold at discount supermarkets

>streaming app for short attention span Zoomies failed
Like pottery

>founded by Jeffrey Katzenberg

Attached: 816.gif (375x375, 160.13K)