What makes the Room so special?

I'm really into Trash Cinema, but this movie truly is something apart. I've watched it more than 40 times. More than twice as much as my actual favourite movies. It's like an addiction.

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Tommy himself

There are probably better bad movies, but Tommy's mystique is just so fascinating

He's Polish right?

You most likely never accomplished anything significant in life and you watch a shitty movie written and directed by a retarded guy with a misplaced feeling of superiority that you could probably write/direct a better film than The Room, it's just that you actively choose not to do so. When in fact it's your inability to act and follow through with your plans is the reason you've never accomplished anything in the first place.

He pumped 6 million into it and it actually looks like a real movie even though it's less than the worst kind of soap opera.

And nothing in it makes any sense at all

Tommy himself. The quality of the cameras make it watchable.

Yeah even though he has never publicly confirmed it. If you read disaster artist his back story is explained "hypothetically" by Greg

it's just a bad more guy. it's not like watching trailer park folk on talk shows

To this day I still don't know if Tommy did it ironically or not


just a man with a dream I think anyone can relate to that

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We literally know nothing about Tommy. I secretly hope he will tell us that he was trolling or something even though it would destroy the magic of this movie.

I think the original intent was sincere, but once the fame grows you can't do it twice without the added awareness

which is just as pathetic and embarrassing as anything else that idiot wrote. what makes it a good read is the content it describes. the way he imagines eastern europe is just silly. besides, he completely makes everything up. he says himself, he knows nothing about tommy. even though right on the next page he pretends to exactly know his motives. fucking dickhead.

yes, he's polish. there's a thread on reddit where someone did actual research, tommy once said he has relatives in new orleans. they actually exist and their documentation is available, wiseau is a variation of their and his actual polish surname. sounds similar, i forgot what exactly it was.

there's also several poles in that thread saying that he makes the typical mistakes and has the typical accent of poles speaking english.

I've been watching an interview with roman polanski lately, and old one with dick gavett. It's funny, he has a very similar accent in a way - just without the bad and forced attempt to sound American. Hiding his heritage and pretending he's American is a thing that's pretty important to Tommy

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There's actually stuff we know about him. He's from Poland, spent some time in France after leaving for the west where he had a very serious incident with the French police, and came to the US in the early 90s. His money comes from real estate, there was a crisis in the late 80s on the American real estate market and it was possible to get nice houses for next to nothing. I know a guy from Brazil who came to the US at the same time and solely lives from the rent for a big house in Florida that he owns. He spends all his time either in a van in California or in Brazil.

>once the fame grows you can't do it twice without the added awareness

I think it's more to do with the $$$ Wiseau's getting simply from clowning around at screenings. Honestly, I think the "he's just a man who followed his dream" narrative is BS and he's a cynical exploitative money grubber. Doesn't make the movie less entertaining though.

The fact that it was made with completely serious intentions and cost something like $7 million to produce with very strange decisions like simultaneously filming on digital and film and using green screen in completely unnecessary settings.

he wasted 6 million on the movie I don't think he got even that back so far. read the book, it's a bad book written by a pretentious asshole, but it's a very interesting topic. there's no way Wiseau made this movie to make money from it.

he just wants to be famous. and now he has what he wanted. not the way he imagined, but he still has it. he's happy with travelling through north america and europe just clowning around at screenings.

It's truly superior to almost every other "so bad it's good" film. Every single line and image in the movie delivers in one way or another. It's so perfectly bizarre that it reveals something real--bpth as a document recording the dreams of its maker but also as a kind of negative theology of the human condition.

Most other bad movies are just bad. Like troll 2 is funny but there's nothing to it. Neil Breen (Fateful Findings) is ok but even he seems influenced by Wiseau and more self-aware

Projection: The Post

>you watch a shitty movie written and directed by a retarded guy with a misplaced feeling of superiority that you could probably write/direct a better film than The Room

Yeah no, I don’t remotely think I could make something better than The Room. Hell, I don’t even think most people who have actually attended a film school could make something better. You can have all the technical filmmaking knowledge in the world, but at the end of day, the most important aspect of filmmaking is being able to pour your heart and soul in to your work like Tommy did.

Honestly i find the movie more boring than anything.

SOUL. Not even memeing, the movie is pure soul

Say whatever you want, this scene is pure 100% kino

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based Peter is so clumsy

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>Hiding his heritage and pretending he's American is a thing that's pretty important to Tommy
Are you surprised? Who the fuck would want to be p*Lish

That's pure projection on your part.
The Room's appeal is its surrealism, and nobody has the pretense that they'd be able to capture that, or make a better movie.


I think it's less that he doesn't want to be Polish and more that he wants to be American

He'd probably do the same if he was Italian or something

>more self-aware
what do you mean by that? that he sees himself as the genius he is? a corruption fighting super sexy half god? Because I'm pretty sure that's his kind of self-awareness

Does anyone else think that you can only really understand The Room if you've read The Disaster Artist and seen Rebel Without a Cause?

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I heard he's an freedom fighter expatriate now larping vampire playboy for fun

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Everyone involved in the production says that he was completely serious and intended on making a good, dramatic film.

I went in without having done any of those and it just made subsequent watches even better.

it somehow manages to get EVERYTHING wrong. and its the product of an individual with a bizarre grasp of basic human interaction and dialogue

Curious why the hate for Sestero, user. Is it just because you perceive him as exploitative?

I thought Tommy was a vampire.

There are so many levels. You can just enjoy how goofy Tommy and the others are, you can try and make sense of the nonsensical plot, you can appreciate how fucked-up the process of making it was, etc.

Yes. But not only that, I don't like how he makes fun of Tommy while at the same time Tommy is 100% the reason that Sestero isn't less than the nobody he is today. Tommy did everything for him and spent so much fucking money on him. And all he does is make up bullshit about him and make fun of him.

And that aside, I fucking hate his pretentiousness. He seriously implies that the only reason he wasn't cast as one of the LOTR hobbits was that he was too tall. You know, like he could have had what Elijah Wood had if he was just a bit smaller. Or that the only reason he wasn't cast for Collin Farrell's role in Tigerland was that he was to lanky. He never got roles because he fucking sucks at acting. In a way, he's just as delusional as Tommy. He's just more compatible with society.

The most outrageously pretentious sentence in the book was when he was talking about The Talented Mr Ripley.

>Italy hasn't been looking this good since Fellini

I never heard of Fellini before but holy fuck imagine the man behind a sentence like this

Some people actually thought he was the same in real life as in that Seth Rogan movie.

he is

So bad its good

you can only understand the Room if you have a really big brain

I'll be honest - the Room feels like a forced meme to me from zoomers who are trying to latch on and create a 'Rocky Horror' or whatever for their generation. It's kind of sad really.
I watched it, yeah it's a shitty movie, whatever. It doesn't deserve a whole 'HEY LETS GO TO THAT MOVIE AND THROW A SPOON BECAUSE SOMEONE HAS A PAINTING OF A SPOON ON THE WALL'. It's forced, it's not even anything that odd, it's just there's not enough in the movie to really create organic cult behavior from.

It's actually kind of sad.

sure it hasnt been popular for 10 years or something. It is forced but zoomers are busy with new schlock.
It is pushed by psuedo film makers who never attempted the hard task of making a full film, honestly other than the acting and sitcom lighting (isnt the worst) the camera is motivated and the shots are composed and blocked pretty well (characters walk around the space

you should watch Ben and Arthur its much worse than the room.

>I never heard of Fellini before

Your other points are right, but this is just you being a pleb.

It's special because it's patrician.

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Epic fail

there is too much reddit shit in that list. are you trying to trick me again?

I unironically and whole heartedly believe tommy wiseau is an alien doing his absolute best human impression.

>Me underwears

Dr Giggles is trash


I saw it a few years ago having never read the book but hearing people talk about Tommy and the reputation of the movie itself. I was not disappointed in the slightest

Yeah I know, just didn't feel right to talk shit about him saying that shit while implying I had any fucking idea who Fellini was. And fuck you

I miss Dane Dehan.

it's obviously """ironic"""

What really does it for me is how the entire film is a bizarre alt-reality of a man literally desperate to come off as a deep/intellectual/thoughtful writer. I know this has been said before but all the "tropes" (if you can even call them that) are like a degree off so it feels like an alien trying to replicate human films. The mistakes and inconsistencies in the film are also so glaring and obvious that you have to wonder what sort of drugs Tommy was on.

>nd it actually looks like a real movie
It literally doesn't, what are you saying?

Why do you sound so seething mad for? Do you have low functioning autism?

You also are just speculating that he's Polish, btw. You honest to Christ sound like an idiot.

it does compared to most other movies that are on that level of shit

>You also are just speculating that he's Polish, btw
Just google the thread I'm talking about and see for yourself idiot, they even found out his real name

>le spoonfeed
I've seen the thread, zoomie. It was just a bunch of polish redditors speculating that he might be Polish but his mannerisms are so common with like, 4 other eastern block countries that it's ultimately just a theory. Also, you didn't read Disaster Artist; Greg gives you the information in regards to his surviving relatives in New Orleans. He mentions their names and background. By their own admission or Tommy's insistence, his "aunt" and "uncle" who live there also refuse to divulge any real information about where they are from.

The only thing we know for certain is that he lived in Italy for a while and was in an accident that probably fucked up his head. Maybe you should read the book you're seething over, faggot?


when I mentioned "their name and background" all Greg got was countries they USED to live in, I don't remember Poland being on that list at all. But in either case, it seemed like they moved quite a bit. So it made it harder to peg his country down.

>By their own admission or Tommy's insistence, his "aunt" and "uncle" who live there also refuse to divulge any real information about where they are from

I'm talking about their immigration documentation, which is publicly available. Wiseau is just a variation of his real Polish name. And I've read the stupid book twice, Sestero mentions Tommy's time in France when he makes up bullshit about the supposed details of his encounter with the French police. I don't remember him saying that he ever spent time in Italy though.